3 Tactics to Boost Your Postcard Marketing with PrintPapa

By: Mitali Ghosh  |  Posted In: Marketing  |  February 28, 2019

At our store, PrintPapa, we are currently experiencing a surge of postcard marketing. Thankfully people have realized the amazing potential of postcards as a promotional tool. So, when you are looking for ways to promote your discount or the product launch, we would suggest you reach the doorsteps and appeal to the consumers personally with the help of printed postcards.

Now, when you are planning to get postcard printing, you also must think of marketing it properly so that it can serve the purpose. So, if you are hiring us or any other online printing services, keep the following tactics in mind.

custom postcard printing

Figure Out Your Aim

There should be an aim for your postcard marketing. You need to figure that out. For example, you are opting for custom postcard printing for promoting your new product range that will blow the mind of your customers. Or you are promoting the seasonal discount with it. Or you are informing them about your new showroom opening. In any case, the aim will be different, from increasing footfalls to increasing sales. Try to know what you are looking forward to and then use the postcards accordingly.

Provide High-Resolution Image

This is another thing that we always keep telling our customers. When you are hiring online printing services California, provide them with a high-resolution image for the postcard so that the graphics don’t get pixilated and the quality of the postcard remains great.

Choose the Right Font and Color

You want your message to be conveyed and to be legible. For that, you need to use the right font and color so that the message becomes loud and clear to your target audience.

So, now as you know about these tactics, surely you can pull off a successful postcard marketing campaign for your brand. For more assistance and ideas, come to us at https://www.printpapa.com or call at 408-567-9553 now.