As one of the Bay Area’s Premier Provider of Printing Services and a G7 Certified Master Printer, PrintPapa has now added Short Run Book Printing to its list of services. This latest addition to our product list has been made possible due to some recent equipment acquisitions:
Morgana Digifold – The world’s first fully automated, integrated creasing and folding machine. This is is the only automated folder using a creasing rule and matrix with the ability to crease material prior to folding. Unlike scoring, which breaks the surface of the material, the creasing rule and matrix mechanism prevents cracking during the folding process. Provides the capability of folding a wide range of stocks from 70 lb text to 120 lb Cover. Check out the video at the manufacturer site.
ExactBind PBS6101 Perfect Binder – Is the only automated Binding System capable of binding both soft and hard cover books. An extremely quick and easy setup combined with a fast cycle time ensures that PrintPapa is now ready to take on any short run soft cover book printing project.
Polar 76EM Paper Cutter – This is a programmable paper cutter for automated cutting operation 24×7 and is the second one in PrintPapa’s arsenal to boost capacity and eliminate any bottlenecks that are expected in the bindery department.
Last but not the least PrintPapa added another 33% of working space (total of about 5200 sq. ft) by leasing an adjacent building and adding a third unit to the two existing units. This expansion will greatly enhance production capacity and ease bottlenecks in the flow of materials thru the work areas. Overall in 2010, PrintPapa is well poised to make significant inroads towards the goal of being a one-stop shop for all our customer’s printing needs under one roof.