The “age old” debate of whether print will stay or go continues till date. The progressive minded would always harp on saving paper and getting instant news online and anytime. It’s not a coincidence perhaps that when iphones and blackberries are a rage, many newspaper houses on this side of the globe are closing shop. This is NOT a global phenomenon tough! And if we see techies carrying on their lives without papers then we shouldn’t forget that not everybody who can read is a techie. Research, and also common sense, says that newspapers still hold their charm, as well as the advertising revenues. Even though a lot of advertising has shifted online, how effective they really are is yet to be proved.
Recently at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) commented that all content consumed will be digital… social… and interactive. This stirred the digital v. print debate as people started speculating whether there’ll be any newspaper at all in 2019. But the future of print doesn’t seem to be as bleak as Steve commented. And in the words of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, “newspapers have a wonderful future. As printed products and as newly empowered news brands that deliver great journalism across many platforms customized to the interests of readers”. Well, I wish print won’t die ‘cause I still love the mesmerising smell of a fresh printed newspaper at breakfast, and so do many people like me I guess!