
How To Promote A Business With Posters

Posters have been one of the traditional and most effective ways to promoting a business. Promotional posters have the ability to personally engage the audience and convey a message in a remarkable way. They are also a very cost-effective method of promoting any business. There are two major elements in promoting a business through posters and these are poster designing which includes use of colors and placement.


Designing: Your poster should have the ability to quickly and personally engage your audience. The message should attract the attention of the target audience. Your text size and font type  are of prime importance while designing a poster. This will determine whether your audience will be able to read your poster with ease. Avoid curvy fonts in the heading and the sub heading as they are usually difficult  to read. Make sure you have enough blank space within your posters to have a balance between text and graphics.

Remember the golden rule ‘less is more’ so don’t distract your audience with unnecessary design elements. Have a simple layout (maybe as simple as the newsletters) and avoid putting  too many pictures if only a few can attract eyeballs. Also organizing information into sections (just like the brochures) makes the poster look good. Colors used in the poster is also important as color tends to attract human eye. Use contrasting colors and make sure that they do not blend in with the poster’s surroundings. The color scheme of the poster should also be in tune with it’s theme.


Placement: An aesthetically designed poster which is not visible is as good as being non-existent. Knowing ‘where to put what’ plays a very vital role in business promotion through posters. The most effective locations to put a poster is the entrance to public places such as shopping mall, bookstores, restaurants or movie theaters.  Also doing a prior market research on the footfalls in these places helps getting the maximum publicity out of putting the posters.

Another thing that should be kept in mind is that the posters should be placed just a shade above the eye line. This makes the posters visible from distance which draws attention and at the same time is comfortable for the readers nearby to read them. Avoid placing the posters in isolated corners in public places as these places do not see crowd in huge numbers. Also try putting up the posters in well lit areas to garner maximum impact.


Different kind of posters may have different requirements in terms of designing and usage. PrintPapa is a printing service provider that has added value to it’s clientèle over the years designing effective posters.

Post Tags :
business promotion, poster designing, posters, printing service provider, promotional posters
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