Tips & Tricks

How to Format Pages for Saddle Stitch Booklets?

Binding plays a key role in the process of making any book as it holds the book together. There are many forms of binding and one of the most commonly used one is saddle stitching. The process involves stapling through the centerfold. It joins a set of nested folios into a single magazine issue. This kind of binding is mostly found in magazines and comic books around the world. It is a very cost effective way of binding but is usually used when the number of pages are less.

Traditionally 11 inches by 8.5 inches was the standard size for making saddle stitch booklets. This size is preferred for corporate reports, calendars, software manuals, employee manuals, conference schedules and advertising handouts. However in today’s world saddle stitch booklets are made in varied sizes and often used for small manuals and other pocket documents.
Formatting Pages: The total number of pages in a saddle stitched booklet will always be in the multiple of four. The rough cut for the book is made by gathering the folded pages one after the other. The process of arranging the folded pages can be tricky as the highest and the lowest numbered pages are printed in the same pater and are adjacent to each other before being folded.


Stitching Pages: The saddle stitch booklet is produced in signatures containing four or more pages. Each of these pages are then gathered and inserted together and stitched through the spine or fold. The rough booklets are then trimmed on three sides to obtain a smooth, professional look for the finished booklets. Today colored stitches, child-proof stitches and loop stitches have made saddle stitch booklets more attractive.


Adding a Cover: A separate cover can be added on the outside of the booklet after the stitching has been done. The cover can also be a part of the initial stitching. Usually a harder page is used for the cover in saddle stitch booklet to make it stronger from outside.

PrintPapa is a company that has added value to the print promotions of their clients over the years. They have over the years developed expertise in designing and printing of books and all kinds of binding including saddle stitch booklets as well as other promotional materials. They provide one stop solution to the all the printing needs of the customers.

Post Tags :
booklets, print promotions, promotional materials, saddle stitch binding, saddle stitch booklets
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