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Self Publishing! What Is It?

Self-publishing is the publication of a book by the author. Don’t be scared it doesn’t require you to set up a printing press to publish your book! It is just a process where you don’t take your manuscripts to a third-party publisher but instead to a printer and get the job done at your own expense. There is lot of buzz around self publishing these days as authors are not fully dependent on publishers for approving and printing their books.

The advent of technology and publishing tools such as MS Office, Corel Draw, Pagemager, Photoshop etc has empowered every author to wear multiple hats like the designer and typesetter of the book. This relieves the author of depending on the third party publisher and the creative freedom all author strive for. There are a lot of advantages of self publishing. Some of them are:

•    You are the boss! You get make all the decisions regarding the book and don’t have the editors removing parts of the book or executives suggesting changes to make the book more commercial.
•    A publisher pays you only a small percentage of the profits unless you are a big name who can negotiate terms. With self publishing you get to keep the entire profit for yourself.

•    In self publishing you get to retain the right of the book and set the market price for it. If the book becomes a bestseller you can strike a lucrative deal with the publisher.
•    You can edit your book for the second edition if you feel necessary following the feedback of your first. A publisher may not allow you to edit the content of your book.
•    You can reproduce the entire book or parts of it somewhere else in case you want which is not possible with a publisher who will keep rights of your book.
•    You do not need to attend promotional events and keep on hopping from city to city at your publisher’s wish to reap maximum commercial benefits from your book.

•    You are not bound by any long term contracts which don’t allow you to look for greener pastures.

All you need to self publish your book is a good and professional printer. This is where a printing service provider like Print Papa can be of great help to you. They are a professionally managed company which uses the latest technology in printing. They have been regularly offering high quality jobs to their clients at competitive prices. They have built expertise in printing calenders, catalogs, labels, NCR forms and rack cards.

PrintPapa Offers Short Run Soft Cover Perfect Binded Book Printing for your book. These books are printed proffesionally and can be sold at a book store. We offer 3 standard sizes, but if you need a custom size, just request for a custom quote. You can order as low as 5 books at a time. So next time when you are ready to write a book, you know where to go for publishing it.

Post Tags :
book, calenders, catalogs, labels, NCR forms, printing press, self publishing
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