Business cards are one of the best ways to promote yourself, especially if you are in a small business with limited capital. There are many people that you will come across in your everyday life and give a business card for promotion. If you are distributing good number of business cards everyday you will need to opt for cheap business card without compromising on quality. Here are a few tips through which you can get cheap business cards printed:
- If your requirement is large, printing cards in bulk is the best option as they bring down the cost of printing per business card considerably.
- In case you plan to print a small number of cards it is advisable to choose digital printing over the traditional offset printing. For low volumes offset printing doesn’t make sense.
- You can cut down on the designing cost by designing the cards yourself. There are a lot of softwares like MS Publisher, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop which lets you design the cards yourself.
- Different paper come at different rates. You need to do a thorough research on the kind of paper available in the market. You can reduce costs by choosing the right paper quality.
- A single color business card may not look as attractive as a four color one but it can bring down the printing cost heavily. A well designed single color business card looks very attractive.
- Look for printing service providers who offer discounts on printing business cards. You can use the Internet for finding out printers which offer discounts on business cards printing.
- You can use mini cards which are smaller in size compared to the standards ones. They save you a lot of money as they consume less of printing paper which accounts for substantial cost in terms of printing.
- Look out for the lean season that printing service providers have. This is the time when you can get a good bargain from the printer and negotiate the deal on your own terms.
To print cheap business cards you will need the services of a good printer who gives you very competitive rate. PrintPapa is one such printing agency which will meet your needs. They are well equipped with the latest printing technology and have expertise in printing banners, business cards, calendars, envelopes, catalogs, booklets, books, letterheads etc. It has regularly satisfied customers with its high quality printed material on time.