If you are self employed a business card may be one of the best marketing tools that you have in your hand. Most of us use a standard business card where our name, contact details and work profile is listed in the front of the card. The back or the rear is usually kept blank. This is a complete wastage of a great business opportunity. In today’s competitive business environment you should add punch to your business card.
If not anything else print a simple quote on the back of your business card. To promote your business you can add lots of information at the back of your business card to make it a potent marketing tool for you. Here are a few ideas that you can try at the back of your business card to look it more attractive:
- Give a detailed advertisement of the products and services that you or your organization provides. You can also use images if you want but they should be printed in full color.
- Print a small map of the location of your office in the map. This will help your potential clients find you easily.
- Customer testimonials are one of the best ways of promoting any business. If you have good testimonials it is a great idea to print it at the back of your business card.
- Write a small note encouraging people to pass on this business card to people who might require products and service that you deal in.
- You can add humor to your card by printing a few jokes or a caricature of your own self at the back of the card. This will make people take a notice of your business card and remember you.
- It will be a good idea for you to promote your blogs and social networking profiles on the back of business card. These days many people value activity in social networking sites while doing business.
- Put a survey on the back of the business card and ask the recipients to send their replies to you. Promise a gift to the best of the replies.
- Write a small note in your own handwriting for the customers. Such personalized appeals can go a long way in promoting your business.
A professional looking full color business card should be printed on quality paper with high quality ink. You need to hire the services of a professional printing service provider to ensure high quality work. Print Papa will serves a good choice for you as they have expertise in printing books, rack cards, letterheads, greeting cards, labels, notepads, catalogs, NCR forms and business cards among others.
These days with social media you can use the back of the cards to but your twitter and facebook info!