Tips & Tricks

Tips To Choose a Printer for Self Publishing

If you are planning to self publish your book choosing a printer is the most important decision that you will make. The printer will often decide the success or failure of your book. Publishing house take care of a lot of things which will be your headache in this case and a printer will have to guide you through the printing process. Choosing a bad printing service would result in a poorly designed and printed book which would mean loss of business.

These days the craze for self publishing has increased with the advent of the computer technology and concepts like print on demand which empowers the author to do the job. Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind while choosing a printer for your self published book:

  • Research on the Internet and find out printers who regularly undertake self publishing work. These printers will be able to give you technical advice on the book which you as a first time author will definitely require.
  • Take solicit quotes from several printers within your proximity. You will need to tell the printer about the number of pages in the book, number of copies you want to print and the choice of materials. This will give you a fair idea about the cost you will need to bear.
  • If you just have the manuscripts ready you might need other services such as editing, proof reading, cover design, book layout. Choose a printer who can provide you with all these services as it will reduce your headache.
  • Ask for a sample of self published book from the printer. This will give you a fair idea of about the quality the printer is capable of. In case you are not satisfied with the quality you should knock some other door.
  • Browse through the website of the printer you are planning to hire and read the customer testimonial. A website which has genuine looking testimonials vouches for the quality of the printer.
  • Some printers are able to do basic marketing for your book and display them in local bookstores etc. Try hiring services of such printers who can help you with such needs.

For your self publishing needs PrintPapa will be the best printing service provider. They have all the modern printing equipment and have years of experience in handling printing jobs. They have expertise in printing greeting cards, labels, notepads, rack cards, letterheads, catalogs and NCR forms among others. Over the year PrintPapa has helped many self publishing authors in publishing their books and establishing themselves.

Post Tags :
printing equipment, printing service, printing service provider, Publishing house, self published book
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