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What Mistakes to Avoid while Printing Booklets?

Booklets which were considered as a promotional material fit for the educational institutions are finding their worth in the marketing campaigns of many companies, whatever be their size. If you have not designed a booklet before then you will feel that booklet printing is quite a straightforward task. When you get into the act of arranging materials and designing the booklet, new challenges will confront everyday. It is true that booklet printing is quite easy for the experienced booklet printing service providers but for novices there are many mistakes they might commit. These mistakes might prove costly in the long run and may even minimize the impact of your booklet printing campaign. The basic purpose of printing booklets is to inform the readers about the company and its products or services. This is the reason, a designer must provide the right information in the correct order to make a booklet successful. As the booklets generally span between 4 pages and 8 pages it is a challenge to set the layout for booklet. Even a minute mistake may cause huge losses for the company, thus below are some of the biggest mistakes you should look to avoid in your booklet printing campaign.

  • Blank Areas: Many of the designers forget that a booklet will span across 4-8 pages. If the designers are not careful the final output could have blank pages somewhere inside your booklet. Such a scenario is more applicable if you look to make any last minute changes. So before sending the documents to the printing agency double or triple check the layout to make sure that the booklet will appear just as you had envisioned it.
  • Too Much Information: Many of the company owners make the mistake of turning a booklet into a full book. It should be kept in mind that booklet is intended to provide only some specific information and not information of all sorts. The content in the booklet should influence the reader to come back to the company and learn more about your business. If there are odd number of pages in your booklet, make sure you trim the content on the booklet. It is better to trim the content rather than filling the booklet with excessive information that will not interest the readers.
  • Full Color or Black and White?: If you want to draw the attention of the readers, then you should order for the four color booklet printing. Black and white booklets do not have the eye catching potential to make the readers read through. If the four color booklet printing can not be accommodated within your budget, then consider some other types of promotional materials. A neat looking brochure has better marketing potential then a black and white booklet.
  • Number of Copies: If you are looking to promote your products through booklets, then you should order for a large number of booklets that will meet your marketing campaign needs. Printing agencies might charge higher rates on re-order, thus it is wise to order for large number of copies upfront. Many printing service providers also offer good discounts on bulk orders, so you will also be able to make use of this lucrative option.
  • Proofreading: Having your booklet proofread thoroughly can mean that it will take some extra days before sending the final work to the printing agency, but it is immensely useful in the long run. It will not only allow you a chance to view what the printed booklet will look like, but it will also provide the company owners and designers a chance to bring last minute changes. Taking some extra time will surely make your booklet marketing campaign a success.

Another important consideration in your booklet printing campaign is the choice of the printer. You should always opt for a professional printing service provider such as PrintPapa who have years of experience in providing high quality booklet printing results to their clients. They also have high expertize in printing short run books, posters, banners, rack cards, calendars, notepads, etc.

Post Tags :
booklet, booklet printing, brochure, printing agency, printing service providers
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