Design Tips, Marketing

Be Well Presented

In all honesty, the name says it all. Presentation Folders. The entire purpose of these marvelous inventions is to…well…present things. What sort of things? Anything really. Information, Images, products, events, absolutely anything. Who can use these folders? Another good question. The answer is anyone and everyone can use them. Photographers, wedding coordinators, graphic arts professionals, publishing companies just to name a few. There are multiple sizes for multiple applications. They are terrific marketing tools and rather inexpensive considering the high impact they produce.

Here is a more extensive list of the ways different industries can and do use the Presentation Folders:

  • Parent teacher associations and schools use our pocket folders as take home folders to build pride and foster stronger parental involvement.
  • CPA’s use our quality custom folders to enhance their image and reputation.
  • Real estate developers with new subdivision developments use our presentation folders to present floor plan choices and subdivision amenities to young couples with growing success.
  • Automobile dealers present purchase documents to new car buyers in our pocket folders and start down the road to lifelong customer relations.
  • Hospitals provide prospective parents with birthing center information in our custom folders and earn the trust and confidence of expectant parents.
  • Churches welcome new members with a packet of information conveniently kept in a 6″ x 9″ presentation folder.
  • Dental clinics welcome new patients with a list of specialties, services, hours, and emergency information, etc. all conveniently packaged in a  pocket folder.
  • Mortgage companies send new home owners off at closing with all of their important documents carefully housed in a custom folder.
  • Banks present loan proposals in a presentation folder and present a stronger, more secure image than competitors who do not.
  • Private banking services and bank trust departments need to present an image consistent with the expectations of their high net worth clients. Professional, foil stamped pocket folders are an important part of that first impression.
  • Tax returns prepared and presented to high-income clients in a heavy, cover weight custom folder helps tax firms maintain confidence of clients.
  • Real estate agents find they have less fee pressure and earn more client confidence when they present their marketing plan, their credentials, and market comparables in a high quality custom presentation folder.
  • Wedding and banquet facilities find that the bride to be and her parents (who are often paying) appreciate receiving menu choices, date availability, fees, and service information in a convenient pocket folder. The facilities find their success grows just by presenting the image their clients are seeking.
  • Investment advisers find clients place more trust in their expertise when they present an image of success. Many elements impact this image. A simple and cost effective step to take is using high, quality custom folders.
  • With the growing trend in preplanning funerals many funeral directors are finding their clients want a convenient way to store these important papers. These same funeral directors are using our presentation folders both as a way to present their services and choices to their clients and then as a way for their clients to have a safe place to keep these papers.
  • Manufacturers are finding that in today’s increasingly competitive business environment they need to give their sales team every competitive edge they can. One way to earn trust and the confidence of prospective customers is to present the right image. So they are making sure their sales people dress properly, communicate clearly and make the best possible impression every time. They are finding a pocket folder is the perfect way to present their sales literature and a great extension of their sales and marketing efforts.
  • Chambers of Commerce across the country are now using our custom folders to welcome new members and make sales calls on new businesses to show them the benefits of joining their local Chamber.
  • Convention centers find that their client and event sponsors appreciate receiving local information / activities, facility features, menu choices, date availability, fees, and service information in a convenient presentation folder. The facilities find their success growing just by presenting the image their clients are seeking.
  • Insurance agents find clients place more trust in their expertise when they present an image of success. Many elements impact this image. A simple and cost effective step is using high, quality pocket folders.
  • Attorneys who present a more affluent, successful image have higher billing rates, more community involvement and enjoy more success than those peers who are less image conscious. Image is everything when you are selling your expertise and time. Quality, custom folders are a simple, yet highly effective element of creating the right professional image.
  • Professional and semi-professional sporting teams are increasingly using our presentation folders as part of their marketing communications mix.
  • Childcare providers are finding a pocket folder is the perfect way to introduce new clients to their services.
  • Apartment complexes use our custom folders to present floor plan choices and complex amenities to potential renters / tenants with growing success.
  • Magazines are using our presentation folders on a growing basis to present their media kit to advertisers. These kits include the editorial calendar, rates, special promotions, submission deadlines, etc.
  • Television and radio stations are using our pocket folders on a growing basis to present their media kit to advertisers. These kits include the advertising services, rates, special promotions, submission deadlines, etc.
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