There are few acts more fulfilling than writing and publishing a book by yourself. Ahhh, the joys of self-publishing. There are, however, some misconceptions of what that term entails. It’s to publish a book by one’s self. Without the aid of a larger entity. The benefits to going the road yourself are abundant but, the main being control. You are in charge of and own the rights to your book. Such is not the case with larger publishing houses (that shall remain unnamed).
Let’s be honest, unless you have had an immense amount of success with a digital version of your book, there’s no reason for you to need to print 1000 or 500 or even 100 copies of your first book. You just need a small number to get you started. That’s where Book Printers come into play over Book Publishers. With a good printer, like PrintPapa for instance, you are given the chance to print your book at book store quality in small quantities. This way, you are not stuck with a warehouse full of books you have no idea if you can sell.You are also able to print other materials for marketing such as business cards, flyers, banners, posters and more! A good printer is there to help you realize your dreams and still let you control the outcome of your journey.