Any marketing material is good, let’s get that out of the way right now. Your logo or message on something tangible that you can hand out to the people is a good thing and that’s a fact. However, assuming every business minded individual in the world boards the same train of thought, you will want to stand out. Flyers and business cards are excellent means of communication and Brochures are a terrific way to convey your message, but for a less “wordy” approach nothing beats a Custom Shaped Sticker.
“Why Shaped” you ask? It’s simple really. Even amongst a sea of other promotional stickers, your stickers shape can make it unique to you and your company. A shape based on your logo or product not only makes your sticker special, but it grants the potential to even become collectible. If not collectible, at least something that won’t be thrown away.
There are certainly other uses for a shaped sticker outside of marketing and promotions. for example, they make terrific product labels. What about Wedding Favors, Birthday bag fillers, Business Cards, Envelope seals and so on and so forth. Anywhere you can use adhesive or tape, you can use a custom sticker. Why not brand everything? Better yet, why not give your customers the opportunity to brand things for you. Your stickers (if designed nicely) can grace the backs of laptops, tablets, cell phones, binders, notepads, bumpers and more. Marketing at the cost of a single sticker…not a bad ROI is it.