
Mistakes You Need to Avoid with Brochure Printing

When you print brochures, it is easy to make mistakes. But these can be avoided if you know what are these mistakes.

So, in this article, we are going to discuss the top mistakes you should avoid with brochure printing.

1.  Not Paying Attention to the Content

No matter how well-designed is your brochure, if it doesn’t have proper content, it will mar your custom brochure printing efforts.

Since they do not offer a big canvas to convey the message, focus on the main message. For instance, highlight the business name, logo, tagline, and business details. For advertising a certain product, combine an image with as less words as possible to keep the attention of the consumer.

Keep the message short and crisp. Focus on the objectives of the business, especially the products and services. Make sure you are starting with a strong tagline. It will drive customers to your store or company by arousing their curiosity of the customers.

2.  Not Using a High-Resolution Photo

Tri fold brochure printing that is all about text might end up in the recycling bin, but a well-designed brochure uses a photo as the main visual interest. In case you want to display your product, display its photo to attract readers. Similarly, when you are promoting a service, include images from previous projects to add both credibility and visual interest.

Either pay for a professional or use high-resolution stock photos to prevent pixilation in the final copy. It can damage the brand image.

3.  Selecting the Wrong Fonts

Due to the open layout of folded brochure printing, designers attempt to segregate details through the use of many font types and font sizes. However, the key to creating a branding image is to be consistent. Hence, make sure that you are consistent in the brochure design, and stick to just 2-3 fonts.

In case you have to highlight a certain area of the text, choose bold colors rather than different fonts. Too many font types on brochures can confuse readers and make them look unimpressive and overcrowded.

4.  Not Including a Call-to-Action

A3 brochure printing is meaningless if it doesn’t have a call to action and brochures are no exception. It initiates new customer relationships. However, your customers should know what should be their next step. It should have a clear call to action, such as ‘Call Us Now’ or ‘Email Us’.

Keep in mind that your goal is to drive traffic to your brand’s website and promote what you have to offer.

5.  Not Including Enough Head Room

A4 brochures cover overcrowded with text that can be a turnoff, and potentially will lose interest quickly. No matter how interesting what you are offering is, cramming every detail in the brochure will lead to more harm than good. No one wants to read chunks of text, particularly when potential customers are more preoccupied.

Readers are just going to scan a brochure and if you do align the text properly, you might miss out on crucial points. Make sure there is enough white space and images to break up the chunks of text. Also, include the most necessary details.

Post Tags :
A3 Brochure Printing, A4 Brochures, brochure printing, Folded Brochure Printing, Tri Fold Brochure Printing
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