As a business, your marketing efforts can be improved by a proven and tested direct mail marketing strategy which is refined over time. In short, you should not give up on direct mail marketing as you are already putting resources and time into digital marketing.
Important Things You Need to Know About Direct Mail Marketing
To reach out to your customers, direct mail marketing is still an effective technique. Even in this digital marketing age, you can depend on direct mail printing and marketing.
But there is a lot to know about direct mail and you can learn it through trial and error. Yet before launching your first campaign, a few fundamental truths should be learned.
Direct mail postcards aren’t dead, irrespective of what you might have heard. It comes with benefits that digital marketing doesn’t. Direct mail brochures and postcards are tangible pieces that your customers can hold. They are also more effective as your customers can keep them. This is because they serve as a visual and physical reminder of the product or services that are being marketed.
Using direct mail marketing successfully is part intuition and part science. To take advantage of the scientific part is about testing, refining, and measuring. It is hardly possible to create successful EDDM postcards with a single stroke of genius. A successful campaign can only be built over time with a good deal of trial and error along the way.
Things You Should Do
Successful direct mail brochure and postcard involves several dos and don’ts. Here are the things you should do.
1. Identify Your Audience
You can’t put together an efficacious marketing message until you have an idea about your target audience. This means the first rule of successful full service EDDM marketing is to identify who you want to target. As soon as you have identified the potential audience, you can customize your message as per your target audience.
2. Run a Small Test
Every new folded postcard mailer should start with a small-scale test using a limited number of recipients. Make sure that you send a direct mail offer to that audience and measure the results. It is crucial to measure both conversion and response rates.
3. Use Call to Action
Each piece of direct mail you are sending should include a collocation. The aim of direct mail is not simply to raise awareness of your brand but also to encourage your potential customers to use your products and services.
Things You Shouldn’t Do
There are a few things that you should not do with direct mail marketing.
1. Skipping Proofreading
Grammar, spelling, and syntax are important for all printed materials. Furthermore, it is common for professionals to depend completely on copywriters to handle all their own proofreading and then edit your direct mail postcard before you send them for printing.
2. Not Paying Attention to Customer Follow-Up
Following up on your direct mail marketing is an important part of the learning process. Furthermore, follow-up can show your clients that you are really interested in securing their business. Hence, no matter what you do, you should not neglect follow-up. Get in touch with every potential customer who got your mail.