Design Tips, Marketing

Design An Attractive CD Booklet

A book whose cover isn’t attractive may not move off the shelve and similar is the case with a CD which isn’t accompanied by an attractive CD cover and a CD booklet. A software, music or video CD is usually accompanied a CD booklet which carries with it the information on the content carried in the CD. In case of an software CD it might be installation instructions where as for a music and video CD it is usually the name of the artists and lyrics or synopsis of the video.

Designing an attractive CD booklet thus becomes necessary to add to their sales. Most often CDs are accompanied by an 8 page booklet but in special cases CDs are also packed with 24 page booklets. A few things need to be kept in mind while designing an attractive CD Booklet.

  • Stress on the Cover – An attractive cover is a must for any booklet as it will often decide if a customer goes on to the next page. Convey the contents in your booklet through the cover. It should carry a very eye catchy image or graphics conveying the theme.
  • Make it Colorful – Colorful CD booklets tend to attract eyeballs. Play with color on the front and the back page of the booklet. Try using contrasting colors for the font to ensure that it grabs attention at first look.
  • Make Content Attractive – Be it a music, video or software CD booklet it will carry a lot of information in the form or content. This can however be made attractive by including pictures and graphical designs. Lyrics accompanied by pictures and small graphics tend to hold the eyes. In case of softwares a graphical flowchart can prove to be handy.
  • Use Brand Name and Logos – The music company or the software company’s logo should find prominence in the CD booklet. The company’s name and the name of the album or the software should also be  highlighted in the cover page of the booklet.
  • Use Copyright Statement – Print the copyright statement, ISBN Number, location and other legal details on the last page of the booklet.
  • Be Careful with the Size – A CD booklet must not be bigger that 120×120 mm in dimension. It should fit in any standard CD jewel case.

PrintPapa is a company that has added value to the print promotions of their clients over the years designing and printing books, posters, booklets and notepads.

Post Tags :
booklet, booklets, books, CD booklet, notepads, posters, print promotions
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