Design Tips

How to Create Professional Booklets at Cheap Prices?

Booklet printing has become an integral part of the promotional campaigns of many companies – both small and big. They can offer a lot of benefits to the marketers and thus they are using these promotional materials extensively. But booklet printing can turn out to be a costly affair if the marketers are unaware of a few money and time saving techniques. Though you should never sacrifice professionalism of the booklet for the sake of low prices. Experienced marketers know many secret tips that assures that the booklet printing does not take up the entire marketing budget of a company. In order to make your booklet affective and attractive some tried and trusted methods should be adhered to. Below are some of the ways to achieve this purpose and save some money all at the same time.


  • Research from your printer: Hold prior discussions with the printing service provider and know about the standard sizes and weights of paper which are extensively used by them. Standard size and weight usually costs less. If you have taken up the services of an online printing agency then you can save money by printing only 32 pages for the standard booklet format (8-3/8”X10-7/8”) or 64 pages if you want the Digest format (5-3/8”X8-3/8”). If you require even lesser number of pages then print them in increments of 16. This will be the second most cost efficient tip.
  • Design the Booklet for the number of pages chosen: The layout with graphics and text should fit your budget and the marketing needs. Whether you need a 16 page booklet in standard or Digest format your design should be able to work within these number of pages.
  • Create an Attractive Cover: The cover for the booklet should be full color with glossy finish. Using the black and white or two color booklets makes it look cheap so opt for the colored variety. You may also use a high resolution photograph that will not cost more than some of the other full color graphics.
  • Create a thoughtful layout: You can achieve professional look with your booklet without hiring the services of a professional designer by following some simple steps. While designing the booklet do not use more than three or less font styles. Too many types of fonts look sloppy and distract the readers from the message. The design elements used in the booklet should be kept consistent while the layout may be tweaked slightly to avoid monotony. Most eye catching elements used in a booklet should be placed in the right hand corner as this is the location where the eye rests. High quality images and a standard glossy finish should be used in the booklet printing.

With the use of these design techniques you can attain a professional booklet design without costing anything extra. If you still feel you need to hire the services of designer, hire students who have proficiency in designing booklets. They will not only mete out professional designs but cost much less then the professional designers.

Another way to reduce the printing costs is to opt for a professional printing service provider having wide experience in dealing with various types of promotional materials. They will be able to provide cost effective alternatives for the booklet printing project. PrintPapa is one such professional printing agency having wide experience in printing various types of promotional materials such as rack cards, notepads, NCR Forms, brochures, calendars, etc.

Post Tags :
booklet, booklet printing, printing agency, printing service provider, promotional materials
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