Tips & Tricks

Importance of ISBN for Self Publishing

You have decided to self publish your next book. Self publishing ensures you complete creative freedom and more profits. There problem with self publishing however lies in the fact that it doesn’t guarantee you immediate recognition. Your book might not even be promoted on the line of a book which is promoted by an established printer. This may often affect sales and decide on the success of your book.

One of the easiest ways to get recognition for your book is to get an ISBN for it. What is an ISBN than? ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, it is a unique number that helps identify your book and provide standard of book identification. The 13 digit number has codes contains country published from, publisher, title and a single digit at the end of the ISBN which validates the ISBN.

ISBN has been used since the 1970s and is today recognized as a standard way to number your book so that it cannot be duplicated. Getting an ISBN is pretty easy as there are over 160 ISBN Agencies worldwide distributing these numbers. In certain countries this number is given free of cost to the publishing houses and self publishing authors while in others this comes for a small fee.

  • Here are few advantages of the ISBN in Self publishing:
  • It grants immediate recognition to the book. It tells the readers that the book has been published in the most professional manner.
  • ISBN enables you to sell the book through sites like Amazon which do not accept books otherwise.
  • ISBN is needed for running of electronic point-of-sale systems in bookshops. Your book may never find itself a place in the big bookstores without an ISBN.
  • The ISBN also allows compilation and updating of book-trade directories. This can easily be used to find numbers of books in print etc.
  • ISBN puts your book in the worldwide catalog of published books. You must be included in this catalog if you want your book available in libraries across the world.

You as a self publishing author will have to take on the biggest of publishing houses professionally. Apart from ISBN you will also need the services of a good printing service provider. Print Papa with its expertise and professional approach to work is the perfect choice for you. They have been catering to customers of all segments printing greeting cards, labels, notepads, rack cards, letterheads, catalogs and NCR forms among others. They have earned the goodwill of their clients and have exceeded expectations and delivering them high quality work.

Post Tags :
greeting cards, ISBN, ISBN Agencies, labels, notepads, printing service provider, publishing houses, self publish
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