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L. § 367-a(3)(a), (b), and (d). 2020 Medicare 101 Basics for New York State - 1.5 hour webinar by Eric Hausman, sponsored by NYS Office of the Aging Note.
Some consumers may be eligible for the Medicare Insurance Premium Payment (MIPP) Program, instead of MSP. See this article for more info. TOPICS COVERED IN THIS ARTICLE 1.
No Asset Limit 1A. Summary Chart of MSP Programs 2. Income Limits &.
Rules and Household Size 3. The Three MSP Programs - What are they and how are they Different?. 4.
FOUR Special Benefits of MSP Programs. Back Door to Extra Help with Part D MSPs Automatically Waive Late Enrollment Penalties for Part B - and allow enrollment in Part B year-round outside of the short Annual Enrollment Period No Medicaid Lien on Estate to Recover Payment of Expenses Paid by MSP Food Stamps/SNAP not reduced by Decreased Medical Expenses when Enroll in MSP - at least temporarily 5. Enrolling in an MSP - Automatic Enrollment &.
Applications for People who Have Medicare What is Application Process?. 6. Enrolling in an MSP for People age 65+ who Do Not Qualify for Free Medicare Part A - the "Part A Buy-In Program" 7.
What Happens After MSP Approved - How Part B Premium is Paid 8 Special Rules for QMBs - How Medicare Cost-Sharing Works 1. NO ASSET LIMIT!. Since April 1, 2008, none of the three MSP programs have resource limits in New York -- which means many Medicare beneficiaries who might not qualify for Medicaid because of excess resources can qualify for an MSP.
1.A. SUMMARY CHART OF MSP BENEFITS QMB SLIMB QI-1 Eligibility ASSET LIMIT NO LIMIT IN NEW YORK STATE INCOME LIMIT (2021) Single Couple Single Couple Single Couple $1,094 $1,472 $1,308 $1,762 $1,469 $1,980 Federal Poverty Level 100% FPL 100 â 120% FPL 120 â 135% FPL Benefits Pays Monthly Part B premium?. YES, and also Part A premium if did not have enough work quarters and meets citizenship requirement.
See âPart A Buy-Inâ YES YES Pays Part A &. B deductibles &. Co-insurance YES - with limitations NO NO Retroactive to Filing of Application?.
Yes - Benefits begin the month after the month of the MSP application. 18 NYCRR §360-7.8(b)(5) Yes â Retroactive to 3rd month before month of application, if eligible in prior months Yes â may be retroactive to 3rd month before month of applica-tion, but only within the current calendar year. (No retro for January application).
See GIS 07 MA 027. Can Enroll in MSP and Medicaid at Same Time?. YES YES NO!.
Must choose between QI-1 and Medicaid. Cannot have both, not even Medicaid with a spend-down. 2.
INCOME LIMITS and RULES Each of the three MSP programs has different income eligibility requirements and provides different benefits. The income limits are tied to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). 2021 FPL levels were released by NYS DOH in GIS 21 MA/06 - 2021 Federal Poverty Levels Attachment II NOTE.
There is usually a lag in time of several weeks, or even months, from January 1st of each year until the new FPLs are release, and then before the new MSP income limits are officially implemented. During this lag period, local Medicaid offices should continue to use the previous year's FPLs AND count the person's Social Security benefit amount from the previous year - do NOT factor in the Social Security COLA (cost of living adjustment). Once the updated guidelines are released, districts will use the new FPLs and go ahead and factor in any COLA.
See 2021 Fact Sheet on MSP in NYS by Medicare Rights Center ENGLISH SPANISH Income is determined by the same methodology as is used for determining in eligibility for SSI The rules for counting income for SSI-related (Aged 65+, Blind, or Disabled) Medicaid recipients, borrowed from the SSI program, apply to the MSP program, except for the new rules about counting household size for married couples. N.Y. Soc.
Serv. L. 367-a(3)(c)(2), NYS DOH 2000-ADM-7, 89-ADM-7 p.7.
Gross income is counted, although there are certain types of income that are disregarded. The most common income disregards, also known as deductions, include. (a) The first $20 of your &.
Your spouse's monthly income, earned or unearned ($20 per couple max). (b) SSI EARNED INCOME DISREGARDS. * The first $65 of monthly wages of you and your spouse, * One-half of the remaining monthly wages (after the $65 is deducted).
* Other work incentives including PASS plans, impairment related work expenses (IRWEs), blind work expenses, etc. For information on these deductions, see The Medicaid Buy-In for Working People with Disabilities (MBI-WPD) and other guides in this article -- though written for the MBI-WPD, the work incentives apply to all Medicaid programs, including MSP, for people age 65+, disabled or blind. (c) monthly cost of any health insurance premiums but NOT the Part B premium, since Medicaid will now pay this premium (may deduct Medigap supplemental policies, vision, dental, or long term care insurance premiums, and the Part D premium but only to the extent the premium exceeds the Extra Help benchmark amount) (d) Food stamps not counted.
You can get a more comprehensive listing of the SSI-related income disregards on the Medicaid income disregards chart. As for all benefit programs based on financial need, it is usually advantageous to be considered a larger household, because the income limit is higher. The above chart shows that Households of TWO have a higher income limit than households of ONE.
The MSP programs use the same rules as Medicaid does for the Disabled, Aged and Blind (DAB) which are borrowed from the SSI program for Medicaid recipients in the âSSI-related category.â Under these rules, a household can be only ONE or TWO. 18 NYCRR 360-4.2. See DAB Household Size Chart.
Married persons can sometimes be ONE or TWO depending on arcane rules, which can force a Medicare beneficiary to be limited to the income limit for ONE person even though his spouse who is under 65 and not disabled has no income, and is supported by the client applying for an MSP. EXAMPLE. Bob's Social Security is $1300/month.
He is age 67 and has Medicare. His wife, Nancy, is age 62 and is not disabled and does not work. Under the old rule, Bob was not eligible for an MSP because his income was above the Income limit for One, even though it was well under the Couple limit.
In 2010, NYS DOH modified its rules so that all married individuals will be considered a household size of TWO. DOH GIS 10 MA 10 Medicare Savings Program Household Size, June 4, 2010. This rule for household size is an exception to the rule applying SSI budgeting rules to the MSP program.
Under these rules, Bob is now eligible for an MSP. When is One Better than Two?. Of course, there may be couples where the non-applying spouse's income is too high, and disqualifies the applying spouse from an MSP.
In such cases, "spousal refusal" may be used SSL 366.3(a). (Link is to NYC HRA form, can be adapted for other counties). In NYC, if you have a Medicaid case with HRA, instead of submitting an MSP application, you only need to complete and submit MAP-751W (check off "Medicare Savings Program Evaluation") and fax to (917) 639-0837.
(The MAP-751W is also posted in languages other than English in this link. (Updated 4/14/2021.)) 3. The Three Medicare Savings Programs - what are they and how are they different?.
1. Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). The QMB program provides the most comprehensive benefits.
Available to those with incomes at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), the QMB program covers virtually all Medicare cost-sharing obligations. Part B premiums, Part A premiums, if there are any, and any and all deductibles and co-insurance. QMB coverage is not retroactive.
The programâs benefits will begin the month after the month in which your client is found eligible. ** See special rules about cost-sharing for QMBs below - updated with new CMS directive issued January 2012 ** See NYC HRA QMB Recertification form ** Even if you do not have Part A automatically, because you did not have enough wages, you may be able to enroll in the Part A Buy-In Program, in which people eligible for QMB who do not otherwise have Medicare Part A may enroll, with Medicaid paying the Part A premium (Materials by the Medicare Rights Center). 2.
Specifiedl Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB). For those with incomes between 100% and 120% FPL, the SLMB program will cover Part B premiums only. SLMB is retroactive, however, providing coverage for three months prior to the month of application, as long as your client was eligible during those months.
3. Qualified Individual (QI-1). For those with incomes between 120% and 135% FPL, and not receiving Medicaid, the QI-1 program will cover Medicare Part B premiums only.
QI-1 is also retroactive, providing coverage for three months prior to the month of application, as long as your client was eligible during those months. However, QI-1 retroactive coverage can only be provided within the current calendar year. (GIS 07 MA 027) So if you apply in January, you get no retroactive coverage.
Q-I-1 recipients would be eligible for Medicaid with a spend-down, but if they want the Part B premium paid, they must choose between enrolling in QI-1 or Medicaid. They cannot be in both. It is their choice.
DOH MRG p. 19. In contrast, one may receive Medicaid and either QMB or SLIMB.
4. Four Special Benefits of MSPs (in addition to NO ASSET TEST). Benefit 1.
Back Door to Medicare Part D "Extra Help" or Low Income Subsidy -- All MSP recipients are automatically enrolled in Extra Help, the subsidy that makes Part D affordable. They have no Part D deductible or doughnut hole, the premium is subsidized, and they pay very low copayments. Once they are enrolled in Extra Help by virtue of enrollment in an MSP, they retain Extra Help for the entire calendar year, even if they lose MSP eligibility during that year.
The "Full" Extra Help subsidy has the same income limit as QI-1 - 135% FPL. However, many people may be eligible for QI-1 but not Extra Help because QI-1 and the other MSPs have no asset limit. People applying to the Social Security Administration for Extra Help might be rejected for this reason.
Recent (2009-10) changes to federal law called "MIPPA" requires the Social Security Administration (SSA) to share eligibility data with NYSDOH on all persons who apply for Extra Help/ the Low Income Subsidy. Data sent to NYSDOH from SSA will enable NYSDOH to open MSP cases on many clients. The effective date of the MSP application must be the same date as the Extra Help application.
Signatures will not be required from clients. In cases where the SSA data is incomplete, NYSDOH will forward what is collected to the local district for completion of an MSP application. The State implementing procedures are in DOH 2010 ADM-03.
Also see CMS "Dear State Medicaid Director" letter dated Feb. 18, 2010 Benefit 2. MSPs Automatically Waive Late Enrollment Penalties for Part B Generally one must enroll in Part B within the strict enrollment periods after turning age 65 or after 24 months of Social Security Disability.
An exception is if you or your spouse are still working and insured under an employer sponsored group health plan, or if you have End Stage Renal Disease, and other factors, see this from Medicare Rights Center. If you fail to enroll within those short periods, you might have to pay higher Part B premiums for life as a Late Enrollment Penalty (LEP). Also, you may only enroll in Part B during the Annual Enrollment Period from January 1 - March 31st each year, with Part B not effective until the following July.
Enrollment in an MSP automatically eliminates such penalties... For life.. Even if one later ceases to be eligible for the MSP.
AND enrolling in an MSP will automatically result in becoming enrolled in Part B if you didn't already have it and only had Part A. See Medicare Rights Center flyer. Benefit 3.
No Medicaid Lien on Estate to Recover MSP Benefits Paid Generally speaking, states may place liens on the Estates of deceased Medicaid recipients to recover the cost of Medicaid services that were provided after the recipient reached the age of 55. Since 2002, states have not been allowed to recover the cost of Medicare premiums paid under MSPs. In 2010, Congress expanded protection for MSP benefits.
Beginning on January 1, 2010, states may not place liens on the Estates of Medicaid recipients who died after January 1, 2010 to recover costs for co-insurance paid under the QMB MSP program for services rendered after January 1, 2010. The federal government made this change in order to eliminate barriers to enrollment in MSPs. See NYS DOH GIS 10-MA-008 - Medicare Savings Program Changes in Estate Recovery The GIS clarifies that a client who receives both QMB and full Medicaid is exempt from estate recovery for these Medicare cost-sharing expenses.
Benefit 4. SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits not reduced despite increased income from MSP - at least temporarily Many people receive both SNAP (Food Stamp) benefits and MSP. Income for purposes of SNAP/Food Stamps is reduced by a deduction for medical expenses, which includes payment of the Part B premium.
Since approval for an MSP means that the client no longer pays for the Part B premium, his/her SNAP/Food Stamps income goes up, so their SNAP/Food Stamps go down. Here are some protections. Do these individuals have to report to their SNAP worker that their out of pocket medical costs have decreased?.
And will the household see a reduction in their SNAP benefits, since the decrease in medical expenses will increase their countable income?. The good news is that MSP households do NOT have to report the decrease in their medical expenses to the SNAP/Food Stamp office until their next SNAP/Food Stamp recertification. Even if they do report the change, or the local district finds out because the same worker is handling both the MSP and SNAP case, there should be no reduction in the householdâs benefit until the next recertification.
New Yorkâs SNAP policy per administrative directive 02 ADM-07 is to âfreezeâ the deduction for medical expenses between certification periods. Increases in medical expenses can be budgeted at the householdâs request, but NYS never decreases a householdâs medical expense deduction until the next recertification. Most elderly and disabled households have 24-month SNAP certification periods.
Eventually, though, the decrease in medical expenses will need to be reported when the household recertifies for SNAP, and the household should expect to see a decrease in their monthly SNAP benefit. It is really important to stress that the loss in SNAP benefits is NOT dollar for dollar. A $100 decrease in out of pocket medical expenses would translate roughly into a $30 drop in SNAP benefits.
See more info on SNAP/Food Stamp benefits by the Empire Justice Center, and on the State OTDA website. Some clients will be automatically enrolled in an MSP by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) shortly after attaining eligibility for Medicare. Others need to apply.
The 2010 "MIPPA" law introduced some improvements to increase MSP enrollment. See 3rd bullet below. Also, some people who had Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act before they became eligible for Medicare have special procedures to have their Part B premium paid before they enroll in an MSP.
See below. WHO IS AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED IN AN MSP. Clients receiving even $1.00 of Supplemental Security Income should be automatically enrolled into a Medicare Savings Program (most often QMB) under New York Stateâs Medicare Savings Program Buy-in Agreement with the federal government once they become eligible for Medicare.
They should receive Medicare Parts A and B. Clients who are already eligible for Medicare when they apply for Medicaid should be automatically assessed for MSP eligibility when they apply for Medicaid. (NYS DOH 2000-ADM-7 and GIS 05 MA 033).
Clients who apply to the Social Security Administration for Extra Help, but are rejected, should be contacted &. Enrolled into an MSP by the Medicaid program directly under new MIPPA procedures that require data sharing. Strategy TIP.
Since the Extra Help filing date will be assigned to the MSP application, it may help the client to apply online for Extra Help with the SSA, even knowing that this application will be rejected because of excess assets or other reason. SSA processes these requests quickly, and it will be routed to the State for MSP processing. Since MSP applications take a while, at least the filing date will be retroactive.
Note. The above strategy does not work as well for QMB, because the effective date of QMB is the month after the month of application. As a result, the retroactive effective date of Extra Help will be the month after the failed Extra Help application for those with QMB rather than SLMB/QI-1.
Applying for MSP Directly with Local Medicaid Program. Those who do not have Medicaid already must apply for an MSP through their local social services district. (See more in Section D.
Below re those who already have Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act before they became eligible for Medicare. If you are applying for MSP only (not also Medicaid), you can use the simplified MSP application form (theDOH-4328(Rev. 8/2017-- English) (2017 Spanish version not yet available).
Either application form can be mailed in -- there is no interview requirement anymore for MSP or Medicaid. See 10 ADM-04. Applicants will need to submit proof of income, a copy of their Medicare card (front &.
Back), and proof of residency/address. See the application form for other instructions. One who is only eligible for QI-1 because of higher income may ONLY apply for an MSP, not for Medicaid too.
One may not receive Medicaid and QI-1 at the same time. If someone only eligible for QI-1 wants Medicaid, s/he may enroll in and deposit excess income into a pooled Supplemental Needs Trust, to bring her countable income down to the Medicaid level, which also qualifies him or her for SLIMB or QMB instead of QI-1. Advocates in NYC can sign up for a half-day "Deputization Training" conducted by the Medicare Rights Center, at which you'll be trained and authorized to complete an MSP application and to submit it via the Medicare Rights Center, which submits it to HRA without the client having to apply in person.
Enrolling in an MSP if you already have Medicaid, but just become eligible for Medicare Those who, prior to becoming enrolled in Medicare, had Medicaid through Affordable Care Act are eligible to have their Part B premiums paid by Medicaid (or the cost reimbursed) during the time it takes for them to transition to a Medicare Savings Program. In 2018, DOH clarified that reimbursement of the Part B premium will be made regardless of whether the individual is still in a Medicaid managed care (MMC) plan. GIS 18 MA/001 Medicaid Managed Care Transition for Enrollees Gaining Medicare ( PDF) provides, "Due to efforts to transition individuals who gain Medicare eligibility and who require LTSS, individuals may not be disenrolled from MMC upon receipt of Medicare.
To facilitate the transition and not disadvantage the recipient, the Medicaid program is approving reimbursement of Part B premiums for enrollees in MMC." The procedure for getting the Part B premium paid is different for those whose Medicaid was administered by the NYS of Health Exchange (Marketplace), as opposed to their local social services district. The procedure is also different for those who obtain Medicare because they turn 65, as opposed to obtaining Medicare based on disability. Either way, Medicaid recipients who transition onto Medicare should be automatically evaluated for MSP eligibility at their next Medicaid recertification.
NYS DOH 2000-ADM-7 Individuals can also affirmatively ask to be enrolled in MSP in between recertification periods. IF CLIENT HAD MEDICAID ON THE MARKETPLACE (NYS of Health Exchange) before obtaining Medicare. IF they obtain Medicare because they turn age 65, they will receive a letter from their local district asking them to "renew" Medicaid through their local district.
See 2014 LCM-02. Now, their Medicaid income limit will be lower than the MAGI limits ($842/ mo reduced from $1387/month) and they now will have an asset test. For this reason, some individuals may lose full Medicaid eligibility when they begin receiving Medicare.
People over age 65 who obtain Medicare do NOT keep "Marketplace Medicaid" for 12 months (continuous eligibility) See GIS 15 MA/022 - Continuous Coverage for MAGI Individuals. Since MSP has NO ASSET limit. Some individuals may be enrolled in the MSP even if they lose Medicaid, or if they now have a Medicaid spend-down.
If a Medicare/Medicaid recipient reports income that exceeds the Medicaid level, districts must evaluate the personâs eligibility for MSP. 08 OHIP/ADM-4 âIf you became eligible for Medicare based on disability and you are UNDER AGE 65, you are entitled to keep MAGI Medicaid for 12 months from the month it was last authorized, even if you now have income normally above the MAGI limit, and even though you now have Medicare. This is called Continuous Eligibility.
EXAMPLE. Sam, age 60, was last authorized for Medicaid on the Marketplace in June 2016. He became enrolled in Medicare based on disability in August 2016, and started receiving Social Security in the same month (he won a hearing approving Social Security disability benefits retroactively, after first being denied disability).
Even though his Social Security is too high, he can keep Medicaid for 12 months beginning June 2016. Sam has to pay for his Part B premium - it is deducted from his Social Security check. He may call the Marketplace and request a refund.
This will continue until the end of his 12 months of continues MAGI Medicaid eligibility. He will be reimbursed regardless of whether he is in a Medicaid managed care plan. See GIS 18 MA/001 Medicaid Managed Care Transition for Enrollees Gaining Medicare (PDF) When that ends, he will renew Medicaid and apply for MSP with his local district.
Individuals who are eligible for Medicaid with a spenddown can opt whether or not to receive MSP. (Medicaid Reference Guide (MRG) p. 19).
Obtaining MSP may increase their spenddown. MIPPA - Outreach by Social Security Administration -- Under MIPPA, the SSA sends a form letter to people who may be eligible for a Medicare Savings Program or Extra Help (Low Income Subsidy - LIS) that they may apply. The letters are.
· Beneficiary has Extra Help (LIS), but not MSP · Beneficiary has no Extra Help (LIS) or MSP 6. Enrolling in MSP for People Age 65+ who do Not have Free Medicare Part A - the "Part A Buy-In Program" Seniors WITHOUT MEDICARE PART A or B -- They may be able to enroll in the Part A Buy-In program, in which people eligible for QMB who are age 65+ who do not otherwise have Medicare Part A may enroll in Part A, with Medicaid paying the Part A premium. See Step-by-Step Guide by the Medicare Rights Center).
This guide explains the various steps in "conditionally enrolling" in Part A at the SSA office, which must be done before applying for QMB at the Medicaid office, which will then pay the Part A premium. See also GIS 04 MA/013. In June, 2018, the SSA revised the POMS manual procedures for the Part A Buy-In to to address inconsistencies and confusion in SSA field offices and help smooth the path for QMB enrollment.
The procedures are in the POMS Section HI 00801.140 "Premium-Free Part A Enrollments for Qualified Medicare BenefiIaries." It includes important clarifications, such as. SSA Field Offices should explain the QMB program and conditional enrollment process if an individual lacks premium-free Part A and appears to meet QMB requirements. SSA field offices can add notes to the âRemarksâ section of the application and provide a screen shot to the individual so the individual can provide proof of conditional Part A enrollment when applying for QMB through the state Medicaid program.
Beneficiaries are allowed to complete the conditional application even if they owe Medicare premiums. In Part A Buy-in states like NYS, SSA should process conditional applications on a rolling basis (without regard to enrollment periods), even if the application coincides with the General Enrollment Period. (The General Enrollment Period is from Jan 1 to March 31st every year, in which anyone eligible may enroll in Medicare Part A or Part B to be effective on July 1st).
7. What happens after the MSP approval - How is Part B premium paid For all three MSP programs, the Medicaid program is now responsible for paying the Part B premiums, even though the MSP enrollee is not necessarily a recipient of Medicaid. The local Medicaid office (DSS/HRA) transmits the MSP approval to the NYS Department of Health â that information gets shared w/ SSA and CMS SSA stops deducting the Part B premiums out of the beneficiaryâs Social Security check.
SSA also refunds any amounts owed to the recipient. (Note. This process can take awhile!.
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Welcome to the diflucan tablets over the counter first issue of 2022!. We have several exciting changes to announce in the new year. To begin with, we have been increasing our number of published submissions per diflucan tablets over the counter issue, including some of our content exclusively online (the most common way that our readers access the journal). In addition, we have put out additional calls for submissions and look forward to receiving new work.We have spent the last 4âyears working towards social justice, accessibility, global â¦IntroductionThe subject of care is gaining importance within the medical humanities, but it also remains elusive. Hence, this paper aims to unpack theoretical notions of care in a way that integrates the elusiveness rather than trying to avoid it.
It also responds to a recent article by Julia Kristeva et al, in which they claim that care holds humanity (Kristeva diflucan tablets over the counter et al. 2018).When in need of theoretical elaboration or re-development, medical humanities scholars have sometimes evoked Greek or Roman myths, such as those of Narcissus, Hephaestus or Leto (Cilione, Marinozzi, and Gazzaniga 2019. Pannese 2011. Schott 2017) diflucan tablets over the counter. Similarly, this article evokes the Roman myth of Cura to unpack theoretical understandings of care.
In this myth, known from the writings of the first century mythographer Hyginus, humanity is created from clay by a personification of care. It has proven useful to thinkers as diverse as Martin Heidegger, Arthur Kleinman (Kleinman and diflucan tablets over the counter van der Geest 2009) and Julia Kristeva (Kristeva (2012), Kristeva et al. 2018). While utilisation by Heidegger 1927, 196â200 âchallenges the myth of self-sufficiency and individual atomization that that has shaped much diflucan tablets over the counter of modern Western philosophyâ (Froese 2005, 16), both Kleinman and Kristeva explore the tension between universalised knowledge and the singularity of individual patients and intimate care (Engebretsen, Fraas Henrichsen, and Ãdemark 2020).While none of these scholars engage with Hyginusâ Fabulae directly, I use the text as an âengineâ in a four-step endeavour. This endeavour follows Brandy Schillaceâs description of the medical humanities as âa field that at its core considers the human story behind and within medicine, its history, its cultural valence and its influence on practiceâ Schillace (2017, 139).First, a âhuman storyâ entails agency, the things that humans do in their lives.
While the âappealâ from Kristeva et al uses a case from intercultural psychoanalysis, the authors have previously researched a variety of professional healthcare practices (Engebretsen 2016. Engebretsen, Sandset, and diflucan tablets over the counter Ãdemark 2017. Hetrick et al. 2017). However, it is crucial to note that Cura (in diflucan tablets over the counter Hyginusâ text) will âholdâ humanity quamdiu vixerit (for as long as he shall live).
Such a life-long temporality does not dovetail with the temporary, regulated and systematised relations of healthcare organisations. Hyginusâ text has, I argue, a much stronger affinity to the temporality of parental care. Hence, I begin the endeavour by acknowledging that I am a scholar, and the father of a boy with little linguistic function.1 Although my parental care for my son entails a multitude of meanings and instances, diflucan tablets over the counter I begin with two tales from my parental care in 2020:Sometimes, if he does not understand what is going on, or if his actions feel unintelligible to others who are present, I take him in my arms. In that way, we are at least together in a situation when both of us otherwise would have been on our own. Suddenly, it feels as if I am not only diflucan tablets over the counter holding or embracing him away from an abyss.
I am also holding himâor, perhaps, shielding himâin the face of many, many abysses to come.In rough-and-tumble play, I often lift him up with my arms straightâholding him while he straightens his body, and âis an airplaneâ. Although this play is exhausting, particularly since I live with cerebral palsy, this is nevertheless an activity where we can be close to one another. When I hold him up like this, or suddenly âcrashâ him safely down next diflucan tablets over the counter to me on the bed, we are skin to skin, but not exactly like I used to be with his older siblings, and I suddenly have the impression that it also differs from how most fathers do this with their children. I cannot know if our way is exclusively ours, but while I hold him, that is how it feels.Second, a human story âbehind and within medicineââor, for that matter, behind and within any social fieldâconsists of underlying notions and involved cultural categories. Hence, this article aims to unpack theoretical notions of care with reference to the thinkers mentioned above.
Throughout, I try to unpack how different aspects of care âfollowâ each other in an analytical âpathâ or trajectory, as if in a story (Kristeva diflucan tablets over the counter et al. 2018).Third, the investigation of the human story of care must become an investigation of âhistoryâ and âcultural valenceâ. In order to think historically, the analytical âengineâ includes Hyginusâ text, and 18th and 19th century uses of Cura and related motifs.Fourth, I follow Schillaceâs advice to examine âinfluence on practiceâ. In addition to the practice of parental care, the diflucan tablets over the counter exploration ends with a discussion of medical humanities as practice. When medical humanities scholars âconsiderâ the human story of care, they bring together different perspectives and forms of knowledge.
In this case, however both the intertextual analyses and the autotheoretical work indicate that those complexities might diflucan tablets over the counter overpower our theoretical perspectives. Hence, I conclude with a call for epistemological and analytical modesty.MethodAlthough the abovementioned scholars have used the myth of Cura for clearly theoretical purposes, several of them explore this also as carers in a personal sense. Julia Kristeva writes her work on care as the mother of a man with severe disabilities Kristeva (2013, 219â221), Arthur Kleinman and Geest (2009, 159â163) begin their rethinking with a rich narrative of his caring for his wife who lives with Alzheimerâs disease. In line with their work, this article combines diflucan tablets over the counter textual interpretation with autotheoretical work.Often used in connection with genre-bending memoir The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson (2015), the term âautotheoryâ designates a literary form involving âthe combination of autobiography and critical theoryâ (Pearl 2018, 200). In this article, however, I rely on the work of the Canadian artist, curator, writer and interdisciplinary researcher Fournier (2019), who has unpacked autotheory with particular reference to illness and embodiment.
Fournier describes autotheory as a specific form of academic practice:In autotheory as a conceptual and performative feminist practice, artists, writers, and critics use the first person, or related practices of self-imaging (Jones, Self/Image 134), to process, perform, enact, iterate, and wrestle with the hegemonic discourses of âtheoryâ and philosophy, extending the feminist practice of theorizing from oneâs subject positioning as a way of engendering insights into questions related to aesthetics, politics, ethics, and social and cultural theory. In autotheory, oneâs embodied experiences become the material through which one theorizes, and, in a similar way, theory becomes the discourse through which oneâs lived experience is refracted (658).In Fournierâs definition, theory functions as diflucan tablets over the counter âhegemonic discoursesâ, and as discourses through which oneâs lived experience is refracted. Contrary to this emphasis on languageâas well as their emphasis on language elsewhere (Heidegger 1927Heidegger 1937. Kleinman 1995. Kristeva 2019)âneither diflucan tablets over the counter Kristeva nor Kleinman or Heidegger focus on Hyginusâ text.
In contrast to this body of research, this article emphasizes the interpretative potential of the original text. In addition to grammatical analysis, I utilize the well-known concept of intertextuality, diflucan tablets over the counter as introduced by Kristeva (1980). However, I use it in a less structuralist sense than in her early formulations in Desire in Language. Instead, I approach Hyginusâ text in line with her approach in âNos Deuxâ or a short (hi)story of intertextuality (Kristeva 2002).For me, intertextuality is mostly a way of making history go down in us. We, two texts, two destinies, two psyches diflucan tablets over the counter.
It is a way if introducing history to structuralism and its orphan, lonely texts and readings. [â¦] the etymological meaning of âsemeionâ is a distinctive mark, a trace, an engraved or written sign, that makes us think of the Freudian âpsychicalâ marks, called drives, rhythmical articulations of embodied impulses and psychical movements. In this sense, the meaning of the socio-historical aspect of intertextuality, as already developed by Bakhtin diflucan tablets over the counter and Barthes, acquires a new significance. Within each sociolect or ideology, (both well-established sign-systems) there will always be a breach of subjectivity carrying out a hidden matrix of pre-symbolic forces able to make history move on through all its short and singular stories. (2002.
8-9)First, this means that I study Hyginusâ text not as a âlonely textâ, but as part diflucan tablets over the counter of a historical trajectory. The âsingular storiesâ are used to disturb the orderly (structural) notions of both textual and philosophical analysis.Second, I interpret Hyginusâ textâas well as other utilisations of the mythâwith focus on traces. Or, more specifically, to find âdistinctive marksâ relevant to the same material as diflucan tablets over the counter in authotheretical work. Âembodied impulses and psychical movementsâ. This, however, does not mean that the texts are reduced to a canvas for an engraved sign.
In methodological term, the aim is to allow the two destiniesâthe textual trajectory of the Cura motif, and the personal trajectory that becomes so intimate when I hold my son in my armsâto shed light on one another.Third, the interaction between diflucan tablets over the counter these two methodological approaches will hopefully allow historyâwhat Schillace calls the âhuman storyââto move in two diachronic ways. I aim to emphasise the differences between the different utilisations of the myth. Finally, I also aim to locate breaches in the âwell-established sign systemsâ we call theories of care, to get a glimpse of something yet hidden.Humanity as creation, care as fundamental conditionIn a narrative sense, Hyginus tells three stories. A story of the creation of humanity followed by a story of a quarrel between deities and finally, a verdict on the ontological role of care in human diflucan tablets over the counter life. The first story in Hyginusâ fable begins thus:Cura cum quendam fluvium transiret, vidit cretosum lutum.
Sustulit cogitabunda et coepit fingere hominem.When Cura was crossing a certain river, she saw some clayey mud. She took it up thoughtfully and began to diflucan tablets over the counter fashion a man.Before interpreting this first story, we must first acknowledge that the fable is an alteration or addition in a philological sense. While Fabulae is almost exclusively filled with Greek myths, the Cura fableâs position at the end of the collection suggests, âthat this particularly Roman tale was simply added to the end of the existing narrative portionâ (Smith and Trzaskoma 2007, xlix). Moreover, philological research consistently argues that fable CCXX âhinges on Latin wordplayâ (Smith and Trzaskoma 2007, xlviii).More specifically, Hyginus, in the Cura fable, alters a prevailing myth in late antiquity, diflucan tablets over the counter one that he has even told earlier in the pages of Fabulae. That of how the titan Prometheus fashioned man from clay.
In fable CXLII (âPandoraâ), Hyginus states explicitly that Prometheus lapeti filius primus homines ex luto finxit (Prometheus, son of Iapetus, first fashioned men from clay).Most Greek and Roman sources place the Prometheus plasticator motif within a three-stage narrative. First, Prometheus shapes the human from clay, and diflucan tablets over the counter then Athena gives the creature inner life. Finally, sometimes after Prometheus has given humankind fire against the orders of Jove, Jove intervenes and sentences Prometheus to eternal punishment in the Caucasus.To understand the human storyâto which both this motif and Hyginusâ text belongâcomparison is needed. First, we must note that the neutral or slightly idyllic depictions in Hyginus and Ovid (respectively) differ from earlier and less optimistic renderings in Republican times. The poet Propertius, for instance, in his Libri Elegiarum from the first-century BC, laments and elaborates diflucan tablets over the counter on how Prometheus was careless in his creating.
Here, the adverbial clause ille parum caute casts Prometheus as a figure of titanic heedlessness:ille parum caute pectoris egit opus.corpora disponens mentem non vidit in arto:The making of manâs reason he performed with too little care.Arranging our bodies, he overlooked the mind in his handiwork (Goold 1990, 232).Carelessness, the counterpart to the notion of care, is involved in the Prometheus plasticator motif throughout antiquity. The adverbial clause ille parum caute does not derive from the same verb as Cura, but rather from the verb caveo (to take precautions, to be aware of something). Nevertheless, Prometheusâ lack of care underlines diflucan tablets over the counter how Hyginusâ text is an inversion these earlier texts. Instead of being created in a careless way, humanity is created by care.To be fair, a singular text never exhausts the potential of the history to which it belongs. Specific understandingsâin diflucan tablets over the counter this case.
Theoretical notions of careâare only a part of a wide array of potentials. The Prometheus Plasticator motif foreshadows 20th and 21st century theories of care, and 18th and 19th century depictions of Prometheus as a figure of romantic transgression. In Goetheâs poem Promethevs (written 1774, published 1789), Prometheus becomes a figure of diflucan tablets over the counter independence and defianceâas expressed, for instance, in the final stanza:Hier sitz' ich, forme Menschen / Nach meinem Bilde, / Ein Geschlecht, das mir gleich sei, / Zu leiden, zu weinen, / Zu genieÃen und zu freuen sich, / Und dein nicht zu achten, / Wie ich!. (Goethe 1998, 44â46)Here sit I, forming mortals /In my image. / A race resembling me, / To suffer, to weep, / To enjoy, to be glad, / And thee to scorn, /As I!.
(Bowring 2015, 182)Typical of diflucan tablets over the counter Goetheâs Sturm und Drang period, his Prometheus Plasticator is a figure of creativity, and embodies âideals of freedom and rebellionâ (Raggio 1958, 44). Goetheâs poem emphasised the âautonomous existenceâ of mankind (Dougherty 2006, 95), thereby constituting an âemancipatory gestureâ (Edgar 2002, 161). Hyginusâ text inverts both classical and romantic evokings of the myth by inserting dependency rather than autonomy and expansion. To shed further light on this inversion, we must first unpack the name diflucan tablets over the counter of the personification that Hyginus instals in the Prometheus Plasticator motif. Cura.The name Cura is derived from the verb curo.
The Oxford Latin Dictionary defines the verb thus:To watch over, look after, care for.To tend to, to do what is necessary to.To administer remedies, to treat (a sick person, wound, disease, etc).To have charge of. (absol.) to diflucan tablets over the counter be in command.To devote oneself to, to cultivate (a person).To undertake, to see to (a task or a responsibility).To regard with anxiety or interest, worry or care about, heed.As we can see, the first three senses of this verb invert the Prometheus motif we found in Propertius. To instal the personification of curo in the motif is to instal carefulness, attentiveness and responsibility in a motif usually filled with lack of care. The third sense diflucan tablets over the counter also injects an aspect that is totally absent in classical anthropogenies. That of human frailty.
It also relates to aspects of human lives that are particularly relevant to understanding care, illness, disease and disability.The fifth and sixth senses of the word similarly invert the romantic depictions of Prometheus motif. The anthropogenic act is no longer about rebellion and expansion, but devotion and diflucan tablets over the counter responsibility. The seventh sense finally reverses the political impulse of the Sturm und Drangâthe desire for increased individual freedom and self-expansion in every imaginable wayâinto worrying and heeding.In addition to these intertextual relations, it is also fruitful to note the verbs that connect humanity to the three deities. While Curaâs creating is described with the verb fingo (in Hyginus. Âfingereâ), Joveâs and Tellusâ acts of diflucan tablets over the counter giving are described by do (in Hyginus.
Âdedistiâ). While the former verb is a very tactile verb, a matter of touch and contact, do signifies separationâto deliver or give something, to separate it from something in order to unite it with something else. An initial understanding of care emerges from diflucan tablets over the counter these textual relations. Care is fundamental (by belonging to the anthropogony), antithetical (by being the antithesis of carelessness and neglect) and intimate (by establishing relation through touch).Care imaginationsWhen modern scholars use Hyginusâ text, one word of the first sentence is often overlooked. Cogitabunda (thoughtful) diflucan tablets over the counter.
Although an adjective in the purely grammatical sense, this is the only word with an adverbial function in Hyginusâ text. Hence, it is the lone term specifying how actions and interactions take place. While Greco-Roman deities often act from rage (as in the conflict between the titans and Olympian deities) or desire (as in diflucan tablets over the counter the story of Zeus and Leda), Cura acts thoughtfully or with thought.As we can see, the adverb cogitabunda is attached to the picking up of the clay, not primarily to the act of creation. Sustulit cogitabunda et coepit fingere hominem. Moreover, the temporal clause âand begun toâ (et coepit) also locates this thought as prior to the creation of humanity.
To understand care as thoughtful, then, is about understanding thoughts and imaginaries âinvolvedâ in care, and it includes thoughts and imaginaries that diflucan tablets over the counter âpre-existâ, âframeâ or âunderpinâ care and care work.It is useful to explore how the meaning of cogitabunda is preserved and unveiled in the work of the German philosopher, poet and literary critic Johann Gottfried Herder (1744â1803). In his poem âDas Kind der Sorgeâ (1787), Herder follows Hyginus very closely (Bernays 1869, 158-163). This poem was widely read, and it provided the basis for Goetheâs use of the Cura motif in Faust II (1832). Finally, Heidegger also comments on the poem and cites it in extenso when he develops diflucan tablets over the counter his notion of Sorge as the fundamental human condition (Dye 2009, 207â218)., Kristeva (2001), too, refers several times to Herder, and even refers directly to this poem (25â26). The first stanza describes the moment of creation thus:Einst saà am murmelnden StromeDie Sorge nieder und sann:Da bildet im Traum der GedankenIhr Finger ein leimernes Bild (von Herder 1889, 75).Once by a murmuring riverSorrow sat down, and there,In a vision, thought to form with the touchA wavering figure (Groth 2016, 31).von Herder positions the moment of creation as a radically imaginative act in at least three ways.
First, the gaze is far more manifest in von Herderâs text than in Hyginusâ diflucan tablets over the counter. While Hyginusâ Cura shapes a human (hominen) directly, von Herderâs âSorgeâ shapes an image (Bild). This dovetails well with important insights from care research. In relations of care, the cared-for becomes visible to the carer(s), thereby also becoming a diflucan tablets over the counter valued imago. Conversely, the carer(s) become visible in the imagination of the cared-forâeven in a Western culture that often obscures or silences interpersonal interdependence.Second, cogitabunda in Hyginus is also intertextually connected von Herderâs adverbial clause im Traum der Gedanken.
This phrase, roughly translatable as âin the dream of thoughtsâ, roots humanity in a singular image (or dream) that consist of or belong to several different thoughts or ways of thinking. This tension between individuality and multitude dovetails with research on the knowledge complexities involved in care.Third, the word âTraumâ (dream) in Traum der Gedanken does not denote unreality, fantasy or illusion diflucan tablets over the counter. For von Herder, dreams are not the opposite of reality, but thoughts beyond or above manifest reality (Wirklichkeit überhöhenden Gedankens). A dream of thoughts, then, is an experience or interpretation wherein the understanding of a phenomenon moves beyond how the phenomenon presently is, to what it should or could be. Just as Hyginusâ cogitabunda can, if we interpret in intertextual connection with diflucan tablets over the counter von Herderâs Traum der Gedanken, also refract my experiences of holding my son in my arms.
This is true of the experiences of performing actions that seem strange or unintelligible to those around us, but particularly true of the feeling of doing this in a way that is uniquely ours. The combination of these feelingsâwhere the socially estranged ways of caring is diflucan tablets over the counter fundamentally ours and integral to my parentingâengenders or entails a striving âupwardsâ. This striving is not limited to the idealisation that so often takes place in parenting, but is also a utopian, imaginative glimpse of a world wherein the both of us truly belong.In other words, the Cura motif foreshadows the âhorizontalâ complexities involved in care (multiple cultural imaginaries, multiple forms of knowledge). It also foreshadows âverticalâ complexities, through which care imaginations include both underlying categories and überhöhende dimensions. These overarching or utopical dimensions, that both stem from and go diflucan tablets over the counter beyond the localised, singular imaginations of care, is known by many names in and beyond the medical humanities.
Examples include âunderlying valuesâ, âethical content of particular practicesâ, âtransformative learningâ and many others (Ayala 2019, 269. Pettersen 2008, 188. Winthrop 2003).Cogitabunda, can mean to be thoughtful and to be âfull diflucan tablets over the counter of thoughtsâ. The adverbial clause im Traum der Gedanken by von Herder (1888, 533), similarly, also signifies something unclear or disorganised. In his poetotological treatise Ãber Bild, Dictung und Fabel (1888, 533), von Herder juxtaposes this state with being in Leidenschaft (in passion), in Verrückung (in madness) or nicht auf seiner Hut (off guard).
There is complexity diflucan tablets over the counter and opennessâperhaps even fantasy or at least explorationâin this. When I hold my son in my arms connecting different realms of thought. As in ruff-and-tumble-play, these realms are also at play as I think.The quarrel of the diflucan tablets over the counter deities. Culture, nature and careAfter the first narrative, the second deals with a quarrel between the deities Cura, Jove and Tellus. Once humanity has been given inner life, the focus in Hyginusâ texts shifts from creating to name-giving:Cum vellet Cura nomen suum imponere, Iovis prohibuit suumque nomen ei dandum esse dixit.
Dum de nomine Cura et lovis disceptarent, surrexit et Tellus suumque nomen ei imponi debere dicebat, quandoquidem corpus suum praebuisset.When Cura wanted to give it her name, Jove forbade, and said that his name should be given it diflucan tablets over the counter. But while they were disputing about the name, Tellus arose and said that it should have her name, since she had given her own body.To name something after something else (and, perhaps particularly, after someone else) places the object within a certain taxonomy. Major deities such as Jove and Tellus are both rulers and personifications of different ontological realms or âelementsâ. Hyginusâ Cura diflucan tablets over the counter is not known from other Roman sources. Instead, Cura is a âdeification of abstract ideasâ, a common feature of Roman culture (Axtell 1907).
Hence, it becomes clear that the quarrel deals with ontological ideas, more specifically with the ontology of humanity. Each deity diflucan tablets over the counter proposes a âlocationâ in classical ontology.The philosopher John T. Hamilton has used the myth of Cura to explore how any understanding of security presupposes both care and carefulness. He underlines how this âlocatingâ diflucan tablets over the counter somehow names humanity after something that is neither identical nor particularly resembling humanity:The controversy over the creatureâs name strives to resolve the issue of the figureâs proper being, without the aid of physical resemblance, without the talent for self-reflection. In my view, the debate over the name revolves on whether humanity is essentially atemporal (Telluric matter or Iovian spirit) or instead fundamentally temporal and constituted by time and history (Hamilton 2013, 71).It is worth noting that the deities are not offering or suggesting certain framings of human life.
Hyginusâ textâin particular, the fact that Jove forbade any name other than his ownâindicates conflicts between perspectives and disciplines. The imaginative richness involved in care, indicated by Hyginus cogitabunda diflucan tablets over the counter or by the plural in von Herderâs Traum der Gedanken, is a plurality where incommensurabilities remain. In my view, the myth of Cura points towards three possible but incommensurable ways of studying, describing and interpreting care (corresponding to Jove, Tellus and Cura, respectively):As a cultural or semantic phenomenon, elucidated in terms of meaning or more or less idealised notions.As a biological phenomenon, elucidated in medical, psychological or other health-related terms.As a relational phenomenon, elucidated in terms of care work (professional or not).Although it is necessary to understand care in all these ways, it is nevertheless impossible to fully merge them or produce those understandings simultaneously. Hence, it is necessary to add a more epistemologically oriented aspect of care. Care is fundamentally imaginative and diflucan tablets over the counter context-dependent, and stands in-between otherwise incommensurable interpretative domains.Saturnâs verdict.
The continuous presence of careIn the third narrative in Hyginus, the quarrel is somehow resolved when the deities choose Saturn as their judge. Sadly, this part of the text is fragmented. There is agreement, however, that Saturnâs verdict clarifies that Jove will receive human souls, while Tellus will receive diflucan tablets over the counter the body post mortem:Tu Iovis quoniam spiritum dedisti, <â¦>. Corpus recipito. Cura quoniam prima eum diflucan tablets over the counter finxit, quamdiu vixerit, cura eum possideat.
Sed quoniam de nomine eius controversia est, homo vocetur quoniam ex humo videtur esse factusJove, since you gave him spirit, let [Tellus] receive his body. Since Cura fashioned him from the start, let Cura possess him for as long as he lives. But since there is controversy about his name, let diflucan tablets over the counter him be called homo, since he seems to be made from humus.Let us begin by pointing out that Saturnâs verdict exposes yet another way in which Hyginusâ text alters the Prometheus plasticator motif. In most classical renderings, Prometheus is a trickster, and a transgressor from whom humanity is eventually separated. After discovering his transgressions, the Olympian deities chain Prometheus to a mountain in the Caucasus, and humanity lives on without him.
The relation between humanity and its creator is therefore temporary diflucan tablets over the counter. Hyginus, in contrast, makes it clear that humanity will remain under the guardianship of Cura quamdiu vixerit âfor as long as he shall liveâ.The significance of this difference becomes clearer if we compare Hyginusâ text to Ovidâs use of the Prometheus plasticator motif in Metamorphoses. After describing the original moment when Prometheus created Humanity, Ovid goes on to describe the human condition:quam satus Iapeto mixtam pluvialibus undis / finxit in effigiem moderantum cuncta deorum, / pronaque cum spectent animalia cetera terram, / os homini sublime dedit caelumque videre(Ovid 1997, 47)so that his new creation, upright man, / was made in image of commanding gods?. / On earth the brute creation bends its gaze, / but man was given diflucan tablets over the counter a lofty countenance / and was commanded to behold the skies. / and with an upright face may view the stars (Melville and Kenney 2009, 76).As we can see, Ovidâs Prometheus creates a strong and vital human being.
Humanity seems not dependent on care or assistance, but âmade in image of commanding godsâ. In Ovid, human life is essentially diflucan tablets over the counter an independent life which resembles the lives of gods (in effigiem moderantum cuncta deorum). It is commonâand temptingâto imagine care relations as exceptions in human lives. In care research, diflucan tablets over the counter for instance, one often reserves care needs for vulnerable groups, thereby contrasting them with some kind of original, non-vulnerable state. In life-course research, similarly, care leaves life as people move into adolescence and adulthood, only to re-enter it in the special cases of disability, serious illness or old age.
Hyginusâ text, in contrast, opens up for a rethinking of care as a fundamental, continuous part of human lives.This is essentially an ontological argument. Although we often reserve the term for human beings who have unusual needsâfor instance, children or people with disabilitiesâcare is, in fact, diflucan tablets over the counter much more pervasive.Noting the etymology of the verb curoâdenoting what we call caring and worryingâHyginusâ text also points towards an understanding of care as protection. The notion of care becomes meaningful in and of itself, and in relation to its counterparts, such as conflict, violence and neglect. If the so-called ânormalâ human lifeâin Ovidâs words. Lives lived âin the image of commanding godsââis met by a radical lack of care, it would have little freedom and in fact be over in a matter of days.Hyginusâ diflucan tablets over the counter text points towards an understanding wherein care reigns, organises or facilitates human lives.
Cura somehow âholdsâ humanity in this life, indicating that Joveâs and Tellusâ receiving somehow lies outside that life (after death). For the medical humanities, this understanding of care suggests ways to think about both medical and cultural knowledge as forms of afterlife. Biological knowledge, for instance, is diflucan tablets over the counter a form of knowledge that has been aggregated outside and beyond individual lives. Through clinical generalisations, anatomical knowledge, systematic literature reviews and more. Cultural knowledge, conversely, is deeply historical and contextualâthereby inevitably diflucan tablets over the counter also a testament to how both historical and contextual relations stretch far beyond individual lives.These ambiguities lead to a further understanding of care.
Care is not only a fundamental preconditionâwhose impact depends on context and interpretationâcare is indeed a fundamental and omnipresent condition, that continuously engenders and relies on interpretative processes.Care as holding-togetherWhen I hold my son I ruff-and-tumble play, I am also holding together forms of knowledge. I connect many different forms of knowledgeâmy intimate experiences with him, my research experience from disability studies, the bits of knowledge I have received from medical and educational professionals and many othersâwith one another. Moreover, the knowledge I produceâfrom the actual holding, from being diflucan tablets over the counter skin to skin and from sensing if he cannot understand othersâis used in knowledge translation. I use it to stretch the understandings of medical professionals beyond uncertain prognoses. I also use it to connect the knowledge of the preschool teachersâa knowledge which mainly deals with so-called ordinary childrenâwith the lives of extraordinary children such as my son.In Hyginusâ text, too, Cura holds together what otherwise would have been separate.
Had it not been for Curaâs diflucan tablets over the counter holding, and Saturnâs verdict, humanity would have belonged to either Jove or Tellus. A recent âappeal to the medical humanitiesâ uses the potential of this narrative. In it, Kristeva et al. (2018) use the myth of Cura to explore how humanity âbelongs to different ontological domainsâ held together by care:Saturn, the God of time, settles the matter through an act diflucan tablets over the counter of naming and by dividing and temporalising the possession of the various parts that comprise man. Jove is offered manâs soul and Tellus his body, after manâs death, while Cura will possess the creation in its lifetime since she made it.
[â¦] Thus, human life as a composite assembly of spiritual (Jove) and material elements (Tellus) is held together by Curaâs temporal care (55).In their unpacking, Curaâs holding of diflucan tablets over the counter humanity becomes a holding-together of two forms of knowledge. Biomedical knowledge of bios and sociocultural knowledge of zoe. Faced with situations of careâsituations that neither biomedical science nor cultural studies of health can understand sufficientlyâthe understanding of care becomes a point of intersection between otherwise separate landscapes.This holding-together is visible in a variety of care practices. In the case of evidence-based care, for instance, temporal doing at a certain point in time and history (professional work) diflucan tablets over the counter holds together atemporal knowledge of effects (evidence) and atemporal norms (professional ethics). The temporal care work may seem like a mere âapplicationâ of these atemporal knowledges.
However, recent studies argue that both evidence and norms exist as such if and only if they are interwoven with embodied practices. While âevidence in clinical decision making is relentlessly situated diflucan tablets over the counter and contextualâ (Wieringa et al. 2017, 964), so can the normative aspects only be sufficiently understood as âembodied processâ, located at âthe action levelâ (Doane and Varcoe 2008).Jove, Tellus and Cura personify ontological orders (ways of being), and epistemological orders (ways of knowing). If we then revisit the epistemological aspect of care, a further understanding emerges. Care is a relational matterâin the lived lives of care receivers, as well as in the work of care professionalsâand it is crucial in holding together different social agents and different knowledge domains.Care as withholdingWhen I âplay airplaneâ diflucan tablets over the counter with my sonâor hold him close to me in situations where others do not understand him or vice versaâone might say that I know what I am doing.
On the other hand, this holding challenges several parts of my knowledge of this world. It challenges my images of what it is to be a father, since the play diflucan tablets over the counter differs from how most fathers do this with their children. More importantly, perhaps, the knowledge produced when I hold my son in my arms in the face of many, many abysses to come differs from much of my academic and medical knowledge, including that which is inherent in his diagnoses and prognoses.This withholding might seem, contrary to the straightforward clarity of Hyginusâ text. However, a more detailed examination can refract these interpretations. It is diflucan tablets over the counter particularly worth noting that the relation between Cura and the human beingâthat is, the fundamental ontological condition in this lifeâis described with a specific verbal clause with the verb possideo.
Cura eum possideat (Cura shall hold him).The Oxford Latin Dictionary defines possideo thusly:To have (land) in oneâs control, occupy (as a tenant, etc). (absol.) to hold land.(in general) to hold as property, b. To take (property) into diflucan tablets over the counter oneâs keeping, appropriate.(of a sovereign, army, etc) to have control of (a country, position, etc) [â¦] to assume or exercise control over (persons).To take or have in its power, dominate, overwhelm, possess.To fill or take up (a space) with oneâs bulk.To take up wholly (a personâs time). To absorb the thoughts and energies of someone.Possideo denotes not a general sense of holding, or a more general sense of contact or connection, but an exclusive holdingâsimilar to the English verb to possess. Cura, then, is not only holding a humanity that belongs to both Jove and Tellus, but she is also withholding this humanity from them.
This becomes even clearer if we emphasise that possideo is a transitive verb diflucan tablets over the counter. At least to some extent, the clauses quamdiu vixerit, Cura eum possideat entail a micro-narrative. Although âcreated from,â or consisting of biological matter, and being characterised by the presence of âsoulâ or some measure of cognition, humanity is fundamentally âcontrolledâ diflucan tablets over the counter by care in this life. The separating into meaning (spirit) and biology (bodily remains) takes place outside this life. Curaâs holding, then, allows us to understand the holding-together of medicine and culture, and a withholding from both these domains.The âhermeneutic storyâ (Kristeva 2002, 10) of Hyginusâ possideatâwherein care holds humanity at the expense of both culture and biomedicineâcontradicts epistemological optimism.
Hyginus text allows us to glimpse intimate diflucan tablets over the counter care knowledge that connects cultural and biomedical knowledge, and that holds human life away from generalised knowledge. When Cura withholds humanity from generalised cultural knowledge (Jove) and generalised biochemical knowledge (Tellus) and care produces knowingâoften described as insight, sharing and holding-togetherâand un-knowing.These difficulties indicate the need for an additional understanding of care. Care must be understood as a practice that holds together multiple parties and multiple forms of knowledge. However, it must also be understood as a practiceâor if diflucan tablets over the counter you will. A form of human relationâthat withholds something from knowledge.I shall hold him for as long as I shall liveThe âhuman storyâ of care relations (eum possideat) will necessarily entail a human story of singular actions that to some extent can only be described in first-person singular.
Eum possideam (I shall hold him). To explore this individual eum possideam, I try to âtheorise from my subject positionâ diflucan tablets over the counter (Fournier 2019, 658). When activating my own intimate experiences, it became clear that interpretations of my eum possideam quamdiu vixerit can refractâor even fractureâtheoretical notions of care.To connect intimate experiences of holdingâbe it in bodily care, in adverse social situations or in rough-and-tumble playâwith cultural and political theory is clearly a daunting task. Although this still seems unclear diflucan tablets over the counter to me, I can at least outline four aspects of the refraction. First, I do hold together cultural and biomedical knowledge.
When my son is in my arms, multiple cultural imaginaries are involved. My understanding of his life (and of mine) is dependent on my language and my cultural frames, and I am consistently aware of a clinical diflucan tablets over the counter gaze. My sonâs lifeâand, thereby, also my own life and my care workâare viewed or observed by medical professionals, psychologists, special needs educators and preschool teachers.Second, the holding is troublesome. In a narrower sense, I note that his needs lead me to hold and even carry him in ways that most parents only do with substantially younger children. Combined with my own embodied condition, there emerges a bodily trouble, an element of exhaustion, uncertain walking and muscular diflucan tablets over the counter pain.
Regarding my cultural knowledge, it becomes clear that my own imaginaries entail expectations and understandings that somehow seem incompatible with his life. In this social contextâparenting in Norway, located in middle-class familiesâchildhood is simultaneously about âfindings oneâs own voiceâ (autonomy) and about âfollowing the pathâ (social reproduction). To claim that autonomy outside language is possible, or that a person in his situation may reproduce his parents, seems equally futile.Regarding biomedical knowledge, I take care diflucan tablets over the counter of my 4-year-old (as I do all three of my children) within a biomedical framework. Most Norwegian children are screened regularly for somatic problems, and to measure linguistic, cognitive and psychosocial development. While this knowledge has thus far granted me a diflucan tablets over the counter certain comfort in parenting my two oldest childrenâconfirming, as it were, that all is wellâthat has, obviously, not been the case with my youngest son.
Hence, his life is also framed by medical knowledge in a more direct way. He receives a range of health-related services, a provision that also positions my parental care within the same frame.Third, there is an uncertain future involved in this. This is of course always true of any intersubjective relation diflucan tablets over the counter in general and of care relations in particular. The future is open, and it can entail painful events. However, his situation exposes uncertainty in a more radical way.
Culturally, it diflucan tablets over the counter exposes how I see my other childrenâas having quite stable chances for social reproductionâpartly thanks to how I see him. Through a fatherly lens of rather unclear hopes and worries. Medically, the tests of my youngest son continuously yield inconclusive results. This has replaced my former sense of diflucan tablets over the counter parental comfort with gnawing anxiety over his future. Moreover, the complexities of his living leaves me, as a caregiver, with the unpredictability of his diagnostic results, rather than with stable prognoses.Fourth, these intimate situations entail a particular life-course temporality, which differs from the temporality of professional care, as well from the temporality in Hyginusâ text.
In the case of professional careers, their work is regulated to certain hours (of paid work), and to certain phases of life. Most professional carers will retire, and many will pursue other diflucan tablets over the counter forms of work at some point in time. In Curaâs case, her care work is also time limited. The temporality of the deityâs existence is sufficient to diflucan tablets over the counter encompass the temporality of humanity. In both cases, the life course temporality of the carer is sufficient for the imagined care work.In my parental care work, however, the temporality is insufficient rather than sufficient.
In all likelihood, I will somehow care for my son for as long as I am alive. Moreover, this lifelong work will likely be insufficient in at least two ways related to diflucan tablets over the counter the temporality of my life. My own ageing will likely reduce my ability to perform the care work, and I will likely die before my son, leaving him without parental care. Hence, the temporality of my care cannot be formulated as eum possideam quamdiu vixerit (I shall hold him for as long as he shall live), but as eum possideam quamdiu vixero (I shall hold him for as long as I shall live).This rudimentary autotheoretical investigation brings to light three forms of withholding. First, the nature of the holding (eum possideam) withholds care from the diflucan tablets over the counter epistemological domains that the medical humanities traditionally investigate.
Second, the temporality involved in parental care (quamdiu vixero) withholds something from the temporality of professional care. Third, something is also withheld from the âparental temporality.â. The need diflucan tablets over the counter care depends on his life (quamidiu vixerit), not on mine. Several forms of knowledge, and several forms of embodied holding, are involved without being fully commensurable. Since I cannot resolve these enigmatic forms of withholding, the theoretical understandings remain breached, implicitly diflucan tablets over the counter pointing towards not-yet-explicable or not-yet-nameable understandings.Withholding and ambiguityMy holding of my son in my arms come with several temptations.
One of themâin particular, as I am holding him, or, perhaps, shielding himâis to think that I hold some kind of vast, privileged knowledge. While this is of course true to some extent, there are more powerful movements at play. On the one hand, the complexities in the situation forces me out of the internal comfort that characterises the centre of any ontological diflucan tablets over the counter or epistemological âdomainâ. On the other hand, I am also forced to admit another thing. That I can hold him, but it remains unclearâto some extentâif I can know him.
I cannot know if our way is exclusively diflucan tablets over the counter ours.Similarly, intertextual analysis locates breaches in specific âsign-systemsâ, and in larger âsocial and historical materialâ (Kristeva 2002, 9â10). Hence, the specific inquiries presented in this article relate to more general ways of inquiry. When we use those notions, we connect different academic investigations, and different academic disciplines, theoretical traditions and research methodologies. In Julia Kristevaâs words, these relations are âtemporal connectionsâ and âpoints of contactâ (2002:8) and points of âdistortion, ambiguity and contradictionâ (2002:11).The understanding of care as holding-together connects very well with diflucan tablets over the counter the rise in interdisciplinarity within the medical humanities. The three deities Jove, Tellus and Cura are brought together in dispute, and Saturnâs verdict foreshadows how different ontological domains are held together in human life.Studying an interaction between form of knowledgeâin their case.
The interaction between medical imagining and patient creativityâStahl diflucan tablets over the counter and Stahl use the insufficiencies of medical knowledge in an argument for multiple perspectives:Although in contemporary Western society, many tend to believe the hard science provide the truest or most accurate interpretation of the natural world, it cannot exhaust the meaning of the body. If we believe we are more than the sum of our parts, then we ought to allow for multiple and even varied interpretations of our bodies (Stahl and Stahl 2016, 159).Interpreting care as connectedness and holding-together, medical humanities scholars aim to hold together medical and cultural knowledge in new, explorative and enriching ways, and they often succeed.Such interpretations also speak to an even more radical ambition, that of academic convergence, sometimes referred to as transdisciplinary research. Such appeals are often embedded in a considerable epistemological ambition. Pointing out the insufficiencies of âillustrativeâ or âadditiveâ work in the medical humanities, Kristeva et diflucan tablets over the counter al. (2018) express a particularly radical version of this ambition:[W]e do not consider the humanities as a critical and potentially liberating perspective that can be applied to medicine as an object in need of repairment.
Medical humanities should not be construed as a humanistic perspective on medicine. They should rather be seen as a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural space for a bidirectional critical interrogation of both biomedicine (simplistic reductions diflucan tablets over the counter of life to biology) and the humanities (simplistic reductions of suffering and health injustice to cultural relativism). On the one hand, this implies breaking with the cultureânature dichotomy and considering both the humanities and medicine as biocultural practices. On the other hand, it also implies understanding that boundary work requires boundaries, and that incommensurability between various partial disciplinary perspectives canâand willâemerge (56).The ambition at stake here listens to the holding-together outlined above. Whereas more âadditiveâ ways of connecting knowledge are valuableâfor instance, when humanities-based research âfill the gapsâ of âpureâ medical research in order to facilitate diflucan tablets over the counter evidence-based careâthis is not what Hyginusâ text indicates.
Just as the relation between Jove and Tellus is symmetric and mutual (they are equally necessary for the creation of humanity and will âholdâ remain with equal sovereignty after this life), so is the relation between Cura and the two other deities. Jove and Tellus are separated from humanity in this life, and diflucan tablets over the counter Cura is equally separated from humanity after this life. This fable cannot be intertextually connected with asymmetrical or additive relations between knowledge fields, but it is connected with a âspace for bidirectional critical interrogationâ.It is perhaps less clear how care as un-knowing speaks to larger trends in the medical humanities. It is therefore necessary to ask. How can understandings diflucan tablets over the counter of care that emphasise withholding and un-knowing, including autotheoretical investigations that increase uncertainty, ambiguity and painful affects, inform knowledge production?.
To outline a provisional response to this question, it is useful to return to Hyginusâ text once again. The description of Curaâs relation to humanityâCura quoniam prima eum finxit, quamdiu vixerit, cura eum possideat (Since Cura fashioned him from the start, let Cura hold him for as long as he shall live)âshould also be read with attention to grammar. While the conjunction quoniam (since) introduces a causal clause in the diflucan tablets over the counter indicative mood (finxit), followed by an adverbial clause in the indicative (vixerit), the resulting clause is in the subjunctive (possideat). Interestingly, this subjunctive inflection is the only use of the subjunctive mood in Hyginusâ text.This use of the subjunctive moodâsometimes called âindependentâ usageâcan have a variety of purposes. Although the usage in fable CCXX is iussiveâin the sense that makes a permanent judgementâit is worth noting that the subjunctive mood is often associated with potentiality in classical Latin.
Other common areas of usage include âquestions in which the speaker or writer expresses doubt or disbelief by âthinking aloudâ (deliberative), wishes that cannot or may not diflucan tablets over the counter be fulfilled (optative), and the potentiality that something may happen or might have happened (potential)â (Palma 2012, 377). Moreover, it is worth noting that possideat is in present tense. Since the subjunctive mood diflucan tablets over the counter lacks a future tense in Latin, the active present tense can also denote future actions. Hyginusâ text, then, points towards knowing and un-knowing, and towards openness to potentiality and some degree of uncertainty.When held together, withholding and uncertainty give a clear implication for the medical humanities as a form of academic practice. The epistemological ambitiousness in medical humanities should be supplemented with what one might call epistemological modesty.
Such modesty is rooted in diflucan tablets over the counter the specifics of care, and in the relation between complexity and synthesis. What is at stake in care researchâif we take the abovementioned complexities into accountâis a âbidirectional spaceâ, and an ever-expanding and exponentially multidimensional space. When medical humanities emerged, it was only a question of time before the field began to involve other humanities and social sciences disciplines than those involved in the initial phase. Similarly, the growth of critical medical humanities steadily increases the engagements with diflucan tablets over the counter all kinds of critical research frontiers, in the social sciences as well as in the humanities. At least in an area such as studies of careâwhere the intimacy is so acutely palpableâit will become increasingly clear that the medical humanities will remain âoutnumberedâ or âoverpoweredâ by the analytical complexities the field itself brings forth.Some scholars in the critical humanities have argued that scholars should âembraceâ this kind of overpowering (Viney, Callard, and Woods 2015, 2â7).
However, Hyginusâ text complicates the relation between care practices (Cura), culture (Jove) and biomedicine (Tellus) regardless of such embraces. Although care holds humanity at the expense of the other forms diflucan tablets over the counter of knowing, his holding neither implies any disregard for humanities-based nor medical knowledge. Rather, the unpacking presented in this article demonstrates how care brings forth an epistemological modesty. Only an diflucan tablets over the counter epistemologically modest way of doing medical humanities can address the intimate and enigmatic qualities of care.Discussion. Scholarly and analytical contributionWhile the textual and autotheoretical analyses presented in this paper followed the suggestion from Kristeva et alâto we question âthe cultural distinction between the objectivity of (medical) science and the subjectivity of cultureâ (2018:55)âit nevertheless ended in an emphasis on intimate withholding.
This withholdingâbe it epistemological, theoretical or inherent in the intimate experience of holding or embracing my son away from an abyssâis relevant to the medical humanities in general. However, it is also a diflucan tablets over the counter contribution to four more specific tendencies in the available literature.First, the unpacking contributes to feminist care research. Beginning with the canonical work on âa different voiceâ by Gilligan (1982), feminist care research has increasingly emphasised the knowledge multitude involved in care. More recent research also shows a multitude of empirical delineations. While some scholars reserve the term for face-to-face interaction, or for situations characterised by diflucan tablets over the counter asymmetrical dependency, others do not.
The investigation in this article brings forth additional multitude by combining academic disciplines that rarely interactâcare research, linguistic analysis of Latin texts, romanticism studies and autotheoretical analysis workâand implies many possibilities for further research.Second, the autotheoretical interpretations can contribute to the research field sometimes known as ethics of care. Following such works as the book Learning from my Daughter by Kittay Kittay (2019, xx), where she proposes that the relation of parental care provides âthe only universal and morally significant property that all humans possessâ, I aim to shed light on how care work engenders ethical thinking. My holding diflucan tablets over the counter of my son in my armsâas well as the withholding that both this holding and Hyginusâ text entailâis as political and ethical as it is personal and embodied.Third, this paper also relates to a more critical strain of ethics of care. Pettersen (2008) work, for instance, demonstrates how the ethics of care âsubverts the public/private dimension altogetherâ, thereby allowing for a broader range of criticism (45). Moreover, Fletcher and diflucan tablets over the counter Piemonte (2017) shed light on how healthcare practices constitute a âquiet subversionâ of neoliberal cultural structures.
Arguably, both intimate withholding and epistemological overwhelming shows the power involved in such subversions.Fourth, I hope to contribute to the strand of researchâin care research as well as in disability studiesâthat relate to the work of Julia Kristeva. On the one hand, the rethinking presented in this paper dovetails with her perspectives on how intimate aspects of care destabilise the larger frameworks, cultural structures that are nevertheless sustained by those actions of care. The autotheoretical exploration towards the emblematic formulation eum possideam quamdiu vixero (I shall hold him for as long diflucan tablets over the counter as I shall live) might also respond fruitfully to Kristevaâs account of how her âliving with [â¦] the neurological difficulties of my son Davidâ (2013, 220) lead her to explore maternity as I want that you be (2013, 229). On the other hand, I also try to challenge what I see as an epistemological and political optimism in Kristevaâs work.Data availability statementNo data are available. Since this is an autoethnographic investigation, primary data will not be available.Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot required.Ethics approvalThe ethical aspects have been reviewed by the research management at the Work Research Institute.
See also footnote 1.AcknowledgmentsI would like to thank diflucan tablets over the counter Eivind Engebretsen and John Ãdemark for their encouragements, and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.Notes1. Patient and public involvement statement. Although there is no public involvement in the writing of this paper, the autotheoretical approach does of course involve my son. This approach hinders full anonymisation, just like his way of living in this world diflucan tablets over the counter hinders informed consent in the traditional sense. The approach also excludes the potential for full anonymisation.
The consent is therefore, in consultation with his mother, given by me as his legal guardian..
Welcome to lowest price diflucan can you buy over the counter diflucan the first issue of 2022!. We have several exciting changes to announce in the new year. To begin with, we have been increasing our number of published submissions per issue, including some lowest price diflucan of our content exclusively online (the most common way that our readers access the journal). In addition, we have put out additional calls for submissions and look forward to receiving new work.We have spent the last 4âyears working towards social justice, accessibility, global â¦IntroductionThe subject of care is gaining importance within the medical humanities, but it also remains elusive. Hence, this paper aims to unpack theoretical notions of care in a way that integrates the elusiveness rather than trying to avoid it.
It also responds to a recent article by Julia Kristeva et lowest price diflucan al, in which they claim that care holds humanity (Kristeva et al. 2018).When in need of theoretical elaboration or re-development, medical humanities scholars have sometimes evoked Greek or Roman myths, such as those of Narcissus, Hephaestus or Leto (Cilione, Marinozzi, and Gazzaniga 2019. Pannese 2011. Schott 2017) lowest price diflucan. Similarly, this article evokes the Roman myth of Cura to unpack theoretical understandings of care.
In this myth, known from the writings of the first century mythographer Hyginus, humanity is created from clay by a personification of care. It has lowest price diflucan proven useful to thinkers as diverse as Martin Heidegger, Arthur Kleinman (Kleinman and van der Geest 2009) and Julia Kristeva (Kristeva (2012), Kristeva et al. 2018). While utilisation by Heidegger 1927, 196â200 âchallenges the myth of self-sufficiency and individual atomization that that has shaped much of modern Western philosophyâ (Froese 2005, 16), both Kleinman and Kristeva lowest price diflucan explore the tension between universalised knowledge and the singularity of individual patients and intimate care (Engebretsen, Fraas Henrichsen, and Ãdemark 2020).While none of these scholars engage with Hyginusâ Fabulae directly, I use the text as an âengineâ in a four-step endeavour. This endeavour follows Brandy Schillaceâs description of the medical humanities as âa field that at its core considers the human story behind and within medicine, its history, its cultural valence and its influence on practiceâ Schillace (2017, 139).First, a âhuman storyâ entails agency, the things that humans do in their lives.
While the âappealâ from Kristeva et al uses a case from intercultural psychoanalysis, the authors have previously researched a variety of professional healthcare practices (Engebretsen 2016. Engebretsen, Sandset, and Ãdemark lowest price diflucan 2017. Hetrick et al. 2017). However, it is crucial to note that Cura (in Hyginusâ text) will âholdâ lowest price diflucan humanity quamdiu vixerit (for as long as he shall live).
Such a life-long temporality does not dovetail with the temporary, regulated and systematised relations of healthcare organisations. Hyginusâ text has, I argue, a much stronger affinity to the temporality of parental care. Hence, I begin the endeavour by acknowledging that I am a lowest price diflucan scholar, and the father of a boy with little linguistic function.1 Although my parental care for my son entails a multitude of meanings and instances, I begin with two tales from my parental care in 2020:Sometimes, if he does not understand what is going on, or if his actions feel unintelligible to others who are present, I take him in my arms. In that way, we are at least together in a situation when both of us otherwise would have been on our own. Suddenly, it feels as if I am not only holding or embracing him away lowest price diflucan from an abyss.
I am also holding himâor, perhaps, shielding himâin the face of many, many abysses to come.In rough-and-tumble play, I often lift him up with my arms straightâholding him while he straightens his body, and âis an airplaneâ. Although this play is exhausting, particularly since I live with cerebral palsy, this is nevertheless an activity where we can be close to one another. When I hold him up like this, or suddenly âcrashâ him safely down next to me on the bed, we are skin to skin, but not exactly like I used to be with his older siblings, and I suddenly have the impression that it lowest price diflucan also differs from how most fathers do this with their children. I cannot know if our way is exclusively ours, but while I hold him, that is how it feels.Second, a human story âbehind and within medicineââor, for that matter, behind and within any social fieldâconsists of underlying notions and involved cultural categories. Hence, this article aims to unpack theoretical notions of care with reference to the thinkers mentioned above.
Throughout, I try to unpack lowest price diflucan how different aspects of care âfollowâ each other in an analytical âpathâ or trajectory, as if in a story (Kristeva et al. 2018).Third, the investigation of the human story of care must become an investigation of âhistoryâ and âcultural valenceâ. In order to think historically, the analytical âengineâ includes Hyginusâ text, and 18th and 19th century uses of Cura and related motifs.Fourth, I follow Schillaceâs advice to examine âinfluence on practiceâ. In addition to the practice of parental care, the exploration ends lowest price diflucan with a discussion of medical humanities as practice. When medical humanities scholars âconsiderâ the human story of care, they bring together different perspectives and forms of knowledge.
In this case, however both lowest price diflucan the intertextual analyses and the autotheoretical work indicate that those complexities might overpower our theoretical perspectives. Hence, I conclude with a call for epistemological and analytical modesty.MethodAlthough the abovementioned scholars have used the myth of Cura for clearly theoretical purposes, several of them explore this also as carers in a personal sense. Julia Kristeva writes her work on care as the mother of a man with severe disabilities Kristeva (2013, 219â221), Arthur Kleinman and Geest (2009, 159â163) begin their rethinking with a rich narrative of his caring for his wife who lives with Alzheimerâs disease. In line with their work, this article combines textual interpretation with autotheoretical work.Often used in connection with genre-bending memoir The Argonauts by Maggie lowest price diflucan Nelson (2015), the term âautotheoryâ designates a literary form involving âthe combination of autobiography and critical theoryâ (Pearl 2018, 200). In this article, however, I rely on the work of the Canadian artist, curator, writer and interdisciplinary researcher Fournier (2019), who has unpacked autotheory with particular reference to illness and embodiment.
Fournier describes autotheory as a specific form of academic practice:In autotheory as a conceptual and performative feminist practice, artists, writers, and critics use the first person, or related practices of self-imaging (Jones, Self/Image 134), to process, perform, enact, iterate, and wrestle with the hegemonic discourses of âtheoryâ and philosophy, extending the feminist practice of theorizing from oneâs subject positioning as a way of engendering insights into questions related to aesthetics, politics, ethics, and social and cultural theory. In autotheory, oneâs embodied experiences become the material through which one theorizes, and, in lowest price diflucan a similar way, theory becomes the discourse through which oneâs lived experience is refracted (658).In Fournierâs definition, theory functions as âhegemonic discoursesâ, and as discourses through which oneâs lived experience is refracted. Contrary to this emphasis on languageâas well as their emphasis on language elsewhere (Heidegger 1927Heidegger 1937. Kleinman 1995. Kristeva 2019)âneither Kristeva nor Kleinman or Heidegger focus on lowest price diflucan Hyginusâ text.
In contrast to this body of research, this article emphasizes the interpretative potential of the original text. In addition to grammatical analysis, I utilize the well-known concept of intertextuality, lowest price diflucan as introduced by Kristeva (1980). However, I use it in a less structuralist sense than in her early formulations in Desire in Language. Instead, I approach Hyginusâ text in line with her approach in âNos Deuxâ or a short (hi)story of intertextuality (Kristeva 2002).For me, intertextuality is mostly a way of making history go down in us. We, two texts, two destinies, two psyches lowest price diflucan.
It is a way if introducing history to structuralism and its orphan, lonely texts and readings. [â¦] the etymological meaning of âsemeionâ is a distinctive mark, a trace, an engraved or written sign, that makes us think of the Freudian âpsychicalâ marks, called drives, rhythmical articulations of embodied impulses and psychical movements. In this sense, the meaning of the socio-historical aspect of intertextuality, as already developed by Bakhtin and Barthes, acquires a new significance lowest price diflucan. Within each sociolect or ideology, (both well-established sign-systems) there will always be a breach of subjectivity carrying out a hidden matrix of pre-symbolic forces able to make history move on through all its short and singular stories. (2002.
8-9)First, this means that I study Hyginusâ text lowest price diflucan not as a âlonely textâ, but as part of a historical trajectory. The âsingular storiesâ are used to disturb the orderly (structural) notions of both textual and philosophical analysis.Second, I interpret Hyginusâ textâas well as other utilisations of the mythâwith focus on traces. Or, more specifically, to find âdistinctive lowest price diflucan marksâ relevant to the same material as in authotheretical work. Âembodied impulses and psychical movementsâ. This, however, does not mean that the texts are reduced to a canvas for an engraved sign.
In methodological term, the aim is to allow the two destiniesâthe textual trajectory of the Cura motif, and the personal trajectory that becomes so intimate when I hold my son in my armsâto shed light on one another.Third, the interaction lowest price diflucan between these two methodological approaches will hopefully allow historyâwhat Schillace calls the âhuman storyââto move in two diachronic ways. I aim to emphasise the differences between the different utilisations of the myth. Finally, I also aim to locate breaches in the âwell-established sign systemsâ we call theories of care, to get a glimpse of something yet hidden.Humanity as creation, care as fundamental conditionIn a narrative sense, Hyginus tells three stories. A story of the creation of humanity followed by a story of a quarrel between deities and finally, lowest price diflucan a verdict on the ontological role of care in human life. The first story in Hyginusâ fable begins thus:Cura cum quendam fluvium transiret, vidit cretosum lutum.
Sustulit cogitabunda et coepit fingere hominem.When Cura was crossing a certain river, she saw some clayey mud. She took it up thoughtfully and began to fashion a lowest price diflucan man.Before interpreting this first story, we must first acknowledge that the fable is an alteration or addition in a philological sense. While Fabulae is almost exclusively filled with Greek myths, the Cura fableâs position at the end of the collection suggests, âthat this particularly Roman tale was simply added to the end of the existing narrative portionâ (Smith and Trzaskoma 2007, xlix). Moreover, philological research consistently argues that fable CCXX âhinges on Latin wordplayâ (Smith and Trzaskoma 2007, xlviii).More specifically, Hyginus, in the Cura fable, alters a prevailing myth in late antiquity, one that he has even told earlier in the pages of Fabulae lowest price diflucan. That of how the titan Prometheus fashioned man from clay.
In fable CXLII (âPandoraâ), Hyginus states explicitly that Prometheus lapeti filius primus homines ex luto finxit (Prometheus, son of Iapetus, first fashioned men from clay).Most Greek and Roman sources place the Prometheus plasticator motif within a three-stage narrative. First, Prometheus shapes the human from clay, and then lowest price diflucan Athena gives the creature inner life. Finally, sometimes after Prometheus has given humankind fire against the orders of Jove, Jove intervenes and sentences Prometheus to eternal punishment in the Caucasus.To understand the human storyâto which both this motif and Hyginusâ text belongâcomparison is needed. First, we must note that the neutral or slightly idyllic depictions in Hyginus and Ovid (respectively) differ from earlier and less optimistic renderings in Republican times. The poet Propertius, for instance, in his Libri Elegiarum from the first-century BC, laments and elaborates on how Prometheus lowest price diflucan was careless in his creating.
Here, the adverbial clause ille parum caute casts Prometheus as a figure of titanic heedlessness:ille parum caute pectoris egit opus.corpora disponens mentem non vidit in arto:The making of manâs reason he performed with too little care.Arranging our bodies, he overlooked the mind in his handiwork (Goold 1990, 232).Carelessness, the counterpart to the notion of care, is involved in the Prometheus plasticator motif throughout antiquity. The adverbial clause ille parum caute does not derive from the same verb as Cura, but rather from the verb caveo (to take precautions, to be aware of something). Nevertheless, Prometheusâ lack of care underlines how lowest price diflucan Hyginusâ text is an inversion these earlier texts. Instead of being created in a careless way, humanity is created by care.To be fair, a singular text never exhausts the potential of the history to which it belongs. Specific understandingsâin this lowest price diflucan case.
Theoretical notions of careâare only a part of a wide array of potentials. The Prometheus Plasticator motif foreshadows 20th and 21st century theories of care, and 18th and 19th century depictions of Prometheus as a figure of romantic transgression. In Goetheâs poem Promethevs (written 1774, published 1789), Prometheus becomes a figure of independence and defianceâas expressed, for instance, in the final stanza:Hier sitz' ich, forme Menschen / Nach meinem Bilde, / Ein Geschlecht, lowest price diflucan das mir gleich sei, / Zu leiden, zu weinen, / Zu genieÃen und zu freuen sich, / Und dein nicht zu achten, / Wie ich!. (Goethe 1998, 44â46)Here sit I, forming mortals /In my image. / A race resembling me, / To suffer, to weep, / To enjoy, to be glad, / And thee to scorn, /As I!.
(Bowring 2015, 182)Typical of Goetheâs Sturm und Drang period, his Prometheus Plasticator is a figure of creativity, and embodies âideals of freedom lowest price diflucan and rebellionâ (Raggio 1958, 44). Goetheâs poem emphasised the âautonomous existenceâ of mankind (Dougherty 2006, 95), thereby constituting an âemancipatory gestureâ (Edgar 2002, 161). Hyginusâ text inverts both classical and romantic evokings of the myth by inserting dependency rather than autonomy and expansion. To shed further light on this inversion, we must first unpack the name of the personification that Hyginus instals in lowest price diflucan the Prometheus Plasticator motif. Cura.The name Cura is derived from the verb curo.
The Oxford Latin Dictionary defines the verb thus:To watch over, look after, care for.To tend to, to do what is necessary to.To administer remedies, to treat (a sick person, wound, disease, etc).To have charge of. (absol.) to be in command.To devote oneself to, to cultivate (a person).To undertake, to see to (a task or a responsibility).To regard with anxiety or interest, worry or care about, heed.As we lowest price diflucan can see, the first three senses of this verb invert the Prometheus motif we found in Propertius. To instal the personification of curo in the motif is to instal carefulness, attentiveness and responsibility in a motif usually filled with lack of care. The third sense also injects an aspect that is totally absent in classical anthropogenies lowest price diflucan. That of human frailty.
It also relates to aspects of human lives that are particularly relevant to understanding care, illness, disease and disability.The fifth and sixth senses of the word similarly invert the romantic depictions of Prometheus motif. The anthropogenic act is no longer about rebellion and lowest price diflucan expansion, but devotion and responsibility. The seventh sense finally reverses the political impulse of the Sturm und Drangâthe desire for increased individual freedom and self-expansion in every imaginable wayâinto worrying and heeding.In addition to these intertextual relations, it is also fruitful to note the verbs that connect humanity to the three deities. While Curaâs creating is described with the verb fingo (in Hyginus. Âfingereâ), Joveâs and Tellusâ acts of giving are described lowest price diflucan by do (in Hyginus.
Âdedistiâ). While the former verb is a very tactile verb, a matter of touch and contact, do signifies separationâto deliver or give something, to separate it from something in order to unite it with something else. An initial understanding of care emerges from these textual relations lowest price diflucan. Care is fundamental (by belonging to the anthropogony), antithetical (by being the antithesis of carelessness and neglect) and intimate (by establishing relation through touch).Care imaginationsWhen modern scholars use Hyginusâ text, one word of the first sentence is often overlooked. Cogitabunda (thoughtful) lowest price diflucan.
Although an adjective in the purely grammatical sense, this is the only word with an adverbial function in Hyginusâ text. Hence, it is the lone term specifying how actions and interactions take place. While Greco-Roman deities often act lowest price diflucan from rage (as in the conflict between the titans and Olympian deities) or desire (as in the story of Zeus and Leda), Cura acts thoughtfully or with thought.As we can see, the adverb cogitabunda is attached to the picking up of the clay, not primarily to the act of creation. Sustulit cogitabunda et coepit fingere hominem. Moreover, the temporal clause âand begun toâ (et coepit) also locates this thought as prior to the creation of humanity.
To understand care as thoughtful, then, is about understanding thoughts and imaginaries âinvolvedâ in care, lowest price diflucan and it includes thoughts and imaginaries that âpre-existâ, âframeâ or âunderpinâ care and care work.It is useful to explore how the meaning of cogitabunda is preserved and unveiled in the work of the German philosopher, poet and literary critic Johann Gottfried Herder (1744â1803). In his poem âDas Kind der Sorgeâ (1787), Herder follows Hyginus very closely (Bernays 1869, 158-163). This poem was widely read, and it provided the basis for Goetheâs use of the Cura motif in Faust II (1832). Finally, Heidegger also comments on the poem and cites it in extenso when lowest price diflucan he develops his notion of Sorge as the fundamental human condition (Dye 2009, 207â218)., Kristeva (2001), too, refers several times to Herder, and even refers directly to this poem (25â26). The first stanza describes the moment of creation thus:Einst saà am murmelnden StromeDie Sorge nieder und sann:Da bildet im Traum der GedankenIhr Finger ein leimernes Bild (von Herder 1889, 75).Once by a murmuring riverSorrow sat down, and there,In a vision, thought to form with the touchA wavering figure (Groth 2016, 31).von Herder positions the moment of creation as a radically imaginative act in at least three ways.
First, the lowest price diflucan gaze is far more manifest in von Herderâs text than in Hyginusâ. While Hyginusâ Cura shapes a human (hominen) directly, von Herderâs âSorgeâ shapes an image (Bild). This dovetails well with important insights from care research. In relations of care, the cared-for becomes visible to the carer(s), lowest price diflucan thereby also becoming a valued imago. Conversely, the carer(s) become visible in the imagination of the cared-forâeven in a Western culture that often obscures or silences interpersonal interdependence.Second, cogitabunda in Hyginus is also intertextually connected von Herderâs adverbial clause im Traum der Gedanken.
This phrase, roughly translatable as âin the dream of thoughtsâ, roots humanity in a singular image (or dream) that consist of or belong to several different thoughts or ways of thinking. This tension between individuality and multitude dovetails with research on the knowledge complexities involved lowest price diflucan in care.Third, the word âTraumâ (dream) in Traum der Gedanken does not denote unreality, fantasy or illusion. For von Herder, dreams are not the opposite of reality, but thoughts beyond or above manifest reality (Wirklichkeit überhöhenden Gedankens). A dream of thoughts, then, is an experience or interpretation wherein the understanding of a phenomenon moves beyond how the phenomenon presently is, to what it should or could be. Just as Hyginusâ cogitabunda can, if we interpret in intertextual connection with von Herderâs Traum der Gedanken, also refract my experiences of holding my son in my lowest price diflucan arms.
This is true of the experiences of performing actions that seem strange or unintelligible to those around us, but particularly true of the feeling of doing this in a way that is uniquely ours. The combination of these feelingsâwhere the socially estranged ways of caring is fundamentally ours lowest price diflucan and integral to my parentingâengenders or entails a striving âupwardsâ. This striving is not limited to the idealisation that so often takes place in parenting, but is also a utopian, imaginative glimpse of a world wherein the both of us truly belong.In other words, the Cura motif foreshadows the âhorizontalâ complexities involved in care (multiple cultural imaginaries, multiple forms of knowledge). It also foreshadows âverticalâ complexities, through which care imaginations include both underlying categories and überhöhende dimensions. These overarching or utopical dimensions, that both stem from and go beyond the localised, singular imaginations lowest price diflucan of care, is known by many names in and beyond the medical humanities.
Examples include âunderlying valuesâ, âethical content of particular practicesâ, âtransformative learningâ and many others (Ayala 2019, 269. Pettersen 2008, 188. Winthrop 2003).Cogitabunda, can lowest price diflucan mean to be thoughtful and to be âfull of thoughtsâ. The adverbial clause im Traum der Gedanken by von Herder (1888, 533), similarly, also signifies something unclear or disorganised. In his poetotological treatise Ãber Bild, Dictung und Fabel (1888, 533), von Herder juxtaposes this state with being in Leidenschaft (in passion), in Verrückung (in madness) or nicht auf seiner Hut (off guard).
There is complexity and lowest price diflucan opennessâperhaps even fantasy or at least explorationâin this. When I hold my son in my arms connecting different realms of thought. As in lowest price diflucan ruff-and-tumble-play, these realms are also at play as I think.The quarrel of the deities. Culture, nature and careAfter the first narrative, the second deals with a quarrel between the deities Cura, Jove and Tellus. Once humanity has been given inner life, the focus in Hyginusâ texts shifts from creating to name-giving:Cum vellet Cura nomen suum imponere, Iovis prohibuit suumque nomen ei dandum esse dixit.
Dum de nomine Cura et lovis disceptarent, surrexit et Tellus suumque nomen ei imponi debere dicebat, lowest price diflucan quandoquidem corpus suum praebuisset.When Cura wanted to give it her name, Jove forbade, and said that his name should be given it. But while they were disputing about the name, Tellus arose and said that it should have her name, since she had given her own body.To name something after something else (and, perhaps particularly, after someone else) places the object within a certain taxonomy. Major deities such as Jove and Tellus are both rulers and personifications of different ontological realms or âelementsâ. Hyginusâ Cura is not known lowest price diflucan from other Roman sources. Instead, Cura is a âdeification of abstract ideasâ, a common feature of Roman culture (Axtell 1907).
Hence, it becomes clear that the quarrel deals with ontological ideas, more specifically with the ontology of humanity. Each deity proposes a âlocationâ in classical ontology.The philosopher lowest price diflucan John T. Hamilton has used the myth of Cura to explore how any understanding of security presupposes both care and carefulness. He underlines lowest price diflucan how this âlocatingâ somehow names humanity after something that is neither identical nor particularly resembling humanity:The controversy over the creatureâs name strives to resolve the issue of the figureâs proper being, without the aid of physical resemblance, without the talent for self-reflection. In my view, the debate over the name revolves on whether humanity is essentially atemporal (Telluric matter or Iovian spirit) or instead fundamentally temporal and constituted by time and history (Hamilton 2013, 71).It is worth noting that the deities are not offering or suggesting certain framings of human life.
Hyginusâ textâin particular, the fact that Jove forbade any name other than his ownâindicates conflicts between perspectives and disciplines. The imaginative richness involved in care, indicated by Hyginus lowest price diflucan cogitabunda or by the plural in von Herderâs Traum der Gedanken, is a plurality where incommensurabilities remain. In my view, the myth of Cura points towards three possible but incommensurable ways of studying, describing and interpreting care (corresponding to Jove, Tellus and Cura, respectively):As a cultural or semantic phenomenon, elucidated in terms of meaning or more or less idealised notions.As a biological phenomenon, elucidated in medical, psychological or other health-related terms.As a relational phenomenon, elucidated in terms of care work (professional or not).Although it is necessary to understand care in all these ways, it is nevertheless impossible to fully merge them or produce those understandings simultaneously. Hence, it is necessary to add a more epistemologically oriented aspect of care. Care is fundamentally imaginative and context-dependent, and stands in-between otherwise incommensurable interpretative domains.Saturnâs verdict lowest price diflucan.
The continuous presence of careIn the third narrative in Hyginus, the quarrel is somehow resolved when the deities choose Saturn as their judge. Sadly, this part of the text is fragmented. There is agreement, lowest price diflucan however, that Saturnâs verdict clarifies that Jove will receive human souls, while Tellus will receive the body post mortem:Tu Iovis quoniam spiritum dedisti, <â¦>. Corpus recipito. Cura quoniam prima eum finxit, quamdiu vixerit, cura eum possideat lowest price diflucan.
Sed quoniam de nomine eius controversia est, homo vocetur quoniam ex humo videtur esse factusJove, since you gave him spirit, let [Tellus] receive his body. Since Cura fashioned him from the start, let Cura possess him for as long as he lives. But since there is controversy about his name, let him be called homo, since he seems to be made lowest price diflucan from humus.Let us begin by pointing out that Saturnâs verdict exposes yet another way in which Hyginusâ text alters the Prometheus plasticator motif. In most classical renderings, Prometheus is a trickster, and a transgressor from whom humanity is eventually separated. After discovering his transgressions, the Olympian deities chain Prometheus to a mountain in the Caucasus, and humanity lives on without him.
The relation between humanity and its creator is lowest price diflucan therefore how can i get diflucan over the counter temporary. Hyginus, in contrast, makes it clear that humanity will remain under the guardianship of Cura quamdiu vixerit âfor as long as he shall liveâ.The significance of this difference becomes clearer if we compare Hyginusâ text to Ovidâs use of the Prometheus plasticator motif in Metamorphoses. After describing the original moment when Prometheus created Humanity, Ovid goes on to describe the human condition:quam satus Iapeto mixtam pluvialibus undis / finxit in effigiem moderantum cuncta deorum, / pronaque cum spectent animalia cetera terram, / os homini sublime dedit caelumque videre(Ovid 1997, 47)so that his new creation, upright man, / was made in image of commanding gods?. / On earth the brute creation bends its gaze, / lowest price diflucan but man was given a lofty countenance / and was commanded to behold the skies. / and with an upright face may view the stars (Melville and Kenney 2009, 76).As we can see, Ovidâs Prometheus creates a strong and vital human being.
Humanity seems not dependent on care or assistance, but âmade in image of commanding godsâ. In Ovid, human life is essentially an independent lowest price diflucan life which resembles the lives of gods (in effigiem moderantum cuncta deorum). It is commonâand temptingâto imagine care relations as exceptions in human lives. In care research, for instance, one often reserves care needs for vulnerable groups, thereby contrasting lowest price diflucan them with some kind of original, non-vulnerable state. In life-course research, similarly, care leaves life as people move into adolescence and adulthood, only to re-enter it in the special cases of disability, serious illness or old age.
Hyginusâ text, in contrast, opens up for a rethinking of care as a fundamental, continuous part of human lives.This is essentially an ontological argument. Although we often reserve the term for human beings who have unusual needsâfor instance, children or people with disabilitiesâcare is, in fact, much more pervasive.Noting the etymology of the verb curoâdenoting lowest price diflucan what we call caring and worryingâHyginusâ text also points towards an understanding of care as protection. The notion of care becomes meaningful in and of itself, and in relation to its counterparts, such as conflict, violence and neglect. If the so-called ânormalâ human lifeâin Ovidâs words. Lives lived âin the image of commanding godsââis met by a radical lack of care, it would have little freedom and in fact be over in a matter of days.Hyginusâ text points towards an understanding wherein care reigns, organises or facilitates lowest price diflucan human lives.
Cura somehow âholdsâ humanity in this life, indicating that Joveâs and Tellusâ receiving somehow lies outside that life (after death). For the medical humanities, this understanding of care suggests ways to think about both medical and cultural knowledge as forms of afterlife. Biological knowledge, for instance, is a form of knowledge that lowest price diflucan has been aggregated outside and beyond individual lives. Through clinical generalisations, anatomical knowledge, systematic literature reviews and more. Cultural knowledge, lowest price diflucan conversely, is deeply historical and contextualâthereby inevitably also a testament to how both historical and contextual relations stretch far beyond individual lives.These ambiguities lead to a further understanding of care.
Care is not only a fundamental preconditionâwhose impact depends on context and interpretationâcare is indeed a fundamental and omnipresent condition, that continuously engenders and relies on interpretative processes.Care as holding-togetherWhen I hold my son I ruff-and-tumble play, I am also holding together forms of knowledge. I connect many different forms of knowledgeâmy intimate experiences with him, my research experience from disability studies, the bits of knowledge I have received from medical and educational professionals and many othersâwith one another. Moreover, the knowledge I produceâfrom the actual holding, from being skin to skin lowest price diflucan and from sensing if he cannot understand othersâis used in knowledge translation. I use it to stretch the understandings of medical professionals beyond uncertain prognoses. I also use it to connect the knowledge of the preschool teachersâa knowledge which mainly deals with so-called ordinary childrenâwith the lives of extraordinary children such as my son.In Hyginusâ text, too, Cura holds together what otherwise would have been separate.
Had it not been for Curaâs holding, and Saturnâs lowest price diflucan verdict, humanity would have belonged to either Jove or Tellus. A recent âappeal to the medical humanitiesâ uses the potential of this narrative. In it, Kristeva et al. (2018) use the myth of Cura lowest price diflucan to explore how humanity âbelongs to different ontological domainsâ held together by care:Saturn, the God of time, settles the matter through an act of naming and by dividing and temporalising the possession of the various parts that comprise man. Jove is offered manâs soul and Tellus his body, after manâs death, while Cura will possess the creation in its lifetime since she made it.
[â¦] Thus, human life as a composite assembly of spiritual (Jove) and material elements (Tellus) is held together by Curaâs temporal care (55).In their unpacking, lowest price diflucan Curaâs holding of humanity becomes a holding-together of two forms of knowledge. Biomedical knowledge of bios and sociocultural knowledge of zoe. Faced with situations of careâsituations that neither biomedical science nor cultural studies of health can understand sufficientlyâthe understanding of care becomes a point of intersection between otherwise separate landscapes.This holding-together is visible in a variety of care practices. In the lowest price diflucan case of evidence-based care, for instance, temporal doing at a certain point in time and history (professional work) holds together atemporal knowledge of effects (evidence) and atemporal norms (professional ethics). The temporal care work may seem like a mere âapplicationâ of these atemporal knowledges.
However, recent studies argue that both evidence and norms exist as such if and only if they are interwoven with embodied practices. While âevidence in lowest price diflucan clinical decision making is relentlessly situated and contextualâ (Wieringa et al. 2017, 964), so can the normative aspects only be sufficiently understood as âembodied processâ, located at âthe action levelâ (Doane and Varcoe 2008).Jove, Tellus and Cura personify ontological orders (ways of being), and epistemological orders (ways of knowing). If we then revisit the epistemological aspect of care, a further understanding emerges. Care is a relational matterâin the lived lives of care receivers, as well as in the work of care professionalsâand it is crucial in holding together different social agents and different knowledge domains.Care as withholdingWhen I âplay airplaneâ with my sonâor hold him close to me in situations where others do not understand him or vice versaâone might say that I know what lowest price diflucan I am doing.
On the other hand, this holding challenges several parts of my knowledge of this world. It challenges my images of what it is to be a father, since lowest price diflucan the play differs from how most fathers do this with their children. More importantly, perhaps, the knowledge produced when I hold my son in my arms in the face of many, many abysses to come differs from much of my academic and medical knowledge, including that which is inherent in his diagnoses and prognoses.This withholding might seem, contrary to the straightforward clarity of Hyginusâ text. However, a more detailed examination can refract these interpretations. It is particularly worth noting that lowest price diflucan the relation between Cura and the human beingâthat is, the fundamental ontological condition in this lifeâis described with a specific verbal clause with the verb possideo.
Cura eum possideat (Cura shall hold him).The Oxford Latin Dictionary defines possideo thusly:To have (land) in oneâs control, occupy (as a tenant, etc). (absol.) to hold land.(in general) to hold as property, b. To take (property) into oneâs keeping, appropriate.(of a sovereign, army, etc) to have control of (a country, position, etc) [â¦] to assume or exercise control over (persons).To take or have in its power, dominate, overwhelm, possess.To fill or take up (a space) with oneâs bulk.To take up wholly (a lowest price diflucan personâs time). To absorb the thoughts and energies of someone.Possideo denotes not a general sense of holding, or a more general sense of contact or connection, but an exclusive holdingâsimilar to the English verb to possess. Cura, then, is not only holding a humanity that belongs to both Jove and Tellus, but she is also withholding this humanity from them.
This becomes even clearer if we emphasise that possideo is a transitive lowest price diflucan verb. At least to some extent, the clauses quamdiu vixerit, Cura eum possideat entail a micro-narrative. Although âcreated from,â or consisting of biological matter, and being characterised by the presence of âsoulâ or some measure of lowest price diflucan cognition, humanity is fundamentally âcontrolledâ by care in this life. The separating into meaning (spirit) and biology (bodily remains) takes place outside this life. Curaâs holding, then, allows us to understand the holding-together of medicine and culture, and a withholding from both these domains.The âhermeneutic storyâ (Kristeva 2002, 10) of Hyginusâ possideatâwherein care holds humanity at the expense of both culture and biomedicineâcontradicts epistemological optimism.
Hyginus text allows us to glimpse intimate care knowledge that connects cultural and biomedical knowledge, and that holds human life away from lowest price diflucan generalised knowledge. When Cura withholds humanity from generalised cultural knowledge (Jove) and generalised biochemical knowledge (Tellus) and care produces knowingâoften described as insight, sharing and holding-togetherâand un-knowing.These difficulties indicate the need for an additional understanding of care. Care must be understood as a practice that holds together multiple parties and multiple forms of knowledge. However, it must also be lowest price diflucan understood as a practiceâor if you will. A form of human relationâthat withholds something from knowledge.I shall hold him for as long as I shall liveThe âhuman storyâ of care relations (eum possideat) will necessarily entail a human story of singular actions that to some extent can only be described in first-person singular.
Eum possideam (I shall hold him). To explore this individual eum possideam, I lowest price diflucan try to âtheorise from my subject positionâ (Fournier 2019, 658). When activating my own intimate experiences, it became clear that interpretations of my eum possideam quamdiu vixerit can refractâor even fractureâtheoretical notions of care.To connect intimate experiences of holdingâbe it in bodily care, in adverse social situations or in rough-and-tumble playâwith cultural and political theory is clearly a daunting task. Although this still lowest price diflucan seems unclear to me, I can at least outline four aspects of the refraction. First, I do hold together cultural and biomedical knowledge.
When my son is in my arms, multiple cultural imaginaries are involved. My understanding of his life (and of mine) is dependent on my language and my cultural frames, lowest price diflucan and I am consistently aware of a clinical gaze. My sonâs lifeâand, thereby, also my own life and my care workâare viewed or observed by medical professionals, psychologists, special needs educators and preschool teachers.Second, the holding is troublesome. In a narrower sense, I note that his needs lead me to hold and even carry him in ways that most parents only do with substantially younger children. Combined with my own embodied condition, there emerges a lowest price diflucan bodily trouble, an element of exhaustion, uncertain walking and muscular pain.
Regarding my cultural knowledge, it becomes clear that my own imaginaries entail expectations and understandings that somehow seem incompatible with his life. In this social contextâparenting in Norway, located in middle-class familiesâchildhood is simultaneously about âfindings oneâs own voiceâ (autonomy) and about âfollowing the pathâ (social reproduction). To claim that autonomy outside language is possible, or that a person in his situation may reproduce his parents, lowest price diflucan seems equally futile.Regarding biomedical knowledge, I take care of my 4-year-old (as I do all three of my children) within a biomedical framework. Most Norwegian children are screened regularly for somatic problems, and to measure linguistic, cognitive and psychosocial development. While this knowledge has thus far granted me a certain comfort in parenting my two oldest childrenâconfirming, as it were, that lowest price diflucan all is wellâthat has, obviously, not been the case with my youngest son.
Hence, his life is also framed by medical knowledge in a more direct way. He receives a range of health-related services, a provision that also positions my parental care within the same frame.Third, there is an uncertain future involved in this. This is of course always true of any intersubjective relation lowest price diflucan in general and of care relations in particular. The future is open, and it can entail painful events. However, his situation exposes uncertainty in a more radical way.
Culturally, it exposes how I see my other childrenâas lowest price diflucan having quite stable chances for social reproductionâpartly thanks to how I see him. Through a fatherly lens of rather unclear hopes and worries. Medically, the tests of my youngest son continuously yield inconclusive results. This has lowest price diflucan replaced my former sense of parental comfort with gnawing anxiety over his future. Moreover, the complexities of his living leaves me, as a caregiver, with the unpredictability of his diagnostic results, rather than with stable prognoses.Fourth, these intimate situations entail a particular life-course temporality, which differs from the temporality of professional care, as well from the temporality in Hyginusâ text.
In the case of professional careers, their work is regulated to certain hours (of paid work), and to certain phases of life. Most professional carers will lowest price diflucan retire, and many will pursue other forms of work at some point in time. In Curaâs case, her care work is also time limited. The temporality of the deityâs existence is sufficient to encompass the lowest price diflucan temporality of humanity. In both cases, the life course temporality of the carer is sufficient for the imagined care work.In my parental care work, however, the temporality is insufficient rather than sufficient.
In all likelihood, I will somehow care for my son for as long as I am alive. Moreover, this lifelong work will likely be insufficient in lowest price diflucan at least two ways related to the temporality of my life. My own ageing will likely reduce my ability to perform the care work, and I will likely die before my son, leaving him without parental care. Hence, the temporality of my care cannot be formulated as eum possideam quamdiu vixerit (I shall hold him for as long as he shall live), but as eum possideam quamdiu vixero (I shall hold him for as long as I shall live).This rudimentary autotheoretical investigation brings to light three forms of withholding. First, the nature of the holding (eum possideam) withholds care from the epistemological domains that the medical lowest price diflucan humanities traditionally investigate.
Second, the temporality involved in parental care (quamdiu vixero) withholds something from the temporality of professional care. Third, something is also withheld from the âparental temporality.â. The need care depends on lowest price diflucan his life (quamidiu vixerit), not on mine. Several forms of knowledge, and several forms of embodied holding, are involved without being fully commensurable. Since I cannot resolve these enigmatic forms of withholding, the theoretical understandings lowest price diflucan remain breached, implicitly pointing towards not-yet-explicable or not-yet-nameable understandings.Withholding and ambiguityMy holding of my son in my arms come with several temptations.
One of themâin particular, as I am holding him, or, perhaps, shielding himâis to think that I hold some kind of vast, privileged knowledge. While this is of course true to some extent, there are more powerful movements at play. On the one hand, the complexities in the situation lowest price diflucan forces me out of the internal comfort that characterises the centre of any ontological or epistemological âdomainâ. On the other hand, I am also forced to admit another thing. That I can hold him, but it remains unclearâto some extentâif I can know him.
I cannot know if our way is exclusively ours.Similarly, intertextual analysis locates breaches lowest price diflucan in specific âsign-systemsâ, and in larger âsocial and historical materialâ (Kristeva 2002, 9â10). Hence, the specific inquiries presented in this article relate to more general ways of inquiry. When we use those notions, we connect different academic investigations, and different academic disciplines, theoretical traditions and research methodologies. In Julia Kristevaâs words, these relations are âtemporal connectionsâ and âpoints of contactâ (2002:8) and points of âdistortion, ambiguity and contradictionâ (2002:11).The understanding of care as holding-together connects very well with the rise lowest price diflucan in interdisciplinarity within the medical humanities. The three deities Jove, Tellus and Cura are brought together in dispute, and Saturnâs verdict foreshadows how different ontological domains are held together in human life.Studying an interaction between form of knowledgeâin their case.
The interaction between medical imagining and patient creativityâStahl and Stahl use the insufficiencies of medical knowledge in an argument for multiple perspectives:Although in contemporary Western society, many tend to believe the hard science provide the truest or most accurate interpretation lowest price diflucan of the natural world, it cannot exhaust the meaning of the body. If we believe we are more than the sum of our parts, then we ought to allow for multiple and even varied interpretations of our bodies (Stahl and Stahl 2016, 159).Interpreting care as connectedness and holding-together, medical humanities scholars aim to hold together medical and cultural knowledge in new, explorative and enriching ways, and they often succeed.Such interpretations also speak to an even more radical ambition, that of academic convergence, sometimes referred to as transdisciplinary research. Such appeals are often embedded in a considerable epistemological ambition. Pointing out the insufficiencies of âillustrativeâ or âadditiveâ work in lowest price diflucan the medical humanities, Kristeva et al. (2018) express a particularly radical version of this ambition:[W]e do not consider the humanities as a critical and potentially liberating perspective that can be applied to medicine as an object in need of repairment.
Medical humanities should not be construed as a humanistic perspective on medicine. They should rather be seen as a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural space for a bidirectional critical interrogation of both biomedicine (simplistic lowest price diflucan reductions of life to biology) and the humanities (simplistic reductions of suffering and health injustice to cultural relativism). On the one hand, this implies breaking with the cultureânature dichotomy and considering both the humanities and medicine as biocultural practices. On the other hand, it also implies understanding that boundary work requires boundaries, and that incommensurability between various partial disciplinary perspectives canâand willâemerge (56).The ambition at stake here listens to the holding-together outlined above. Whereas more âadditiveâ ways of connecting knowledge are valuableâfor instance, when humanities-based research âfill the gapsâ of âpureâ medical research in order to facilitate evidence-based lowest price diflucan careâthis is not what Hyginusâ text indicates.
Just as the relation between Jove and Tellus is symmetric and mutual (they are equally necessary for the creation of humanity and will âholdâ remain with equal sovereignty after this life), so is the relation between Cura and the two other deities. Jove and Tellus are separated from humanity in this life, and Cura is equally separated from lowest price diflucan humanity after this life. This fable cannot be intertextually connected with asymmetrical or additive relations between knowledge fields, but it is connected with a âspace for bidirectional critical interrogationâ.It is perhaps less clear how care as un-knowing speaks to larger trends in the medical humanities. It is therefore necessary to ask. How can understandings of care that emphasise withholding and un-knowing, including lowest price diflucan autotheoretical investigations that increase uncertainty, ambiguity and painful affects, inform knowledge production?.
To outline a provisional response to this question, it is useful to return to Hyginusâ text once again. The description of Curaâs relation to humanityâCura quoniam prima eum finxit, quamdiu vixerit, cura eum possideat (Since Cura fashioned him from the start, let Cura hold him for as long as he shall live)âshould also be read with attention to grammar. While the conjunction quoniam (since) introduces a causal clause lowest price diflucan in the indicative mood (finxit), followed by an adverbial clause in the indicative (vixerit), the resulting clause is in the subjunctive (possideat). Interestingly, this subjunctive inflection is the only use of the subjunctive mood in Hyginusâ text.This use of the subjunctive moodâsometimes called âindependentâ usageâcan have a variety of purposes. Although the usage in fable CCXX is iussiveâin the sense that makes a permanent judgementâit is worth noting that the subjunctive mood is often associated with potentiality in classical Latin.
Other common areas of usage include âquestions in which the speaker or writer expresses doubt or disbelief by âthinking aloudâ (deliberative), wishes that cannot or may not be fulfilled (optative), and the potentiality that something may happen or might have happened (potential)â lowest price diflucan (Palma 2012, 377). Moreover, it is worth noting that possideat is in present tense. Since the subjunctive mood lacks a future tense lowest price diflucan in Latin, the active present tense can also denote future actions. Hyginusâ text, then, points towards knowing and un-knowing, and towards openness to potentiality and some degree of uncertainty.When held together, withholding and uncertainty give a clear implication for the medical humanities as a form of academic practice. The epistemological ambitiousness in medical humanities should be supplemented with what one might call epistemological modesty.
Such modesty is rooted lowest price diflucan in the specifics of care, and in the relation between complexity and synthesis. What is at stake in care researchâif we take the abovementioned complexities into accountâis a âbidirectional spaceâ, and an ever-expanding and exponentially multidimensional space. When medical humanities emerged, it was only a question of time before the field began to involve other humanities and social sciences disciplines than those involved in the initial phase. Similarly, the growth of critical medical humanities steadily increases the engagements with all kinds of critical research lowest price diflucan frontiers, in the social sciences as well as in the humanities. At least in an area such as studies of careâwhere the intimacy is so acutely palpableâit will become increasingly clear that the medical humanities will remain âoutnumberedâ or âoverpoweredâ by the analytical complexities the field itself brings forth.Some scholars in the critical humanities have argued that scholars should âembraceâ this kind of overpowering (Viney, Callard, and Woods 2015, 2â7).
However, Hyginusâ text complicates the relation between care practices (Cura), culture (Jove) and biomedicine (Tellus) regardless of such embraces. Although care holds humanity at the expense of lowest price diflucan the other forms of knowing, his holding neither implies any disregard for humanities-based nor medical knowledge. Rather, the unpacking presented in this article demonstrates how care brings forth an epistemological modesty. Only an epistemologically modest way of doing medical humanities can address lowest price diflucan the intimate and enigmatic qualities of care.Discussion. Scholarly and analytical contributionWhile the textual and autotheoretical analyses presented in this paper followed the suggestion from Kristeva et alâto we question âthe cultural distinction between the objectivity of (medical) science and the subjectivity of cultureâ (2018:55)âit nevertheless ended in an emphasis on intimate withholding.
This withholdingâbe it epistemological, theoretical or inherent in the intimate experience of holding or embracing my son away from an abyssâis relevant to the medical humanities in general. However, it is also a contribution to four more specific tendencies in the available literature.First, the unpacking contributes to feminist care research lowest price diflucan. Beginning with the canonical work on âa different voiceâ by Gilligan (1982), feminist care research has increasingly emphasised the knowledge multitude involved in care. More recent research also shows a multitude of empirical delineations. While some scholars reserve the term for face-to-face lowest price diflucan interaction, or for situations characterised by asymmetrical dependency, others do not.
The investigation in this article brings forth additional multitude by combining academic disciplines that rarely interactâcare research, linguistic analysis of Latin texts, romanticism studies and autotheoretical analysis workâand implies many possibilities for further research.Second, the autotheoretical interpretations can contribute to the research field sometimes known as ethics of care. Following such works as the book Learning from my Daughter by Kittay Kittay (2019, xx), where she proposes that the relation of parental care provides âthe only universal and morally significant property that all humans possessâ, I aim to shed light on how care work engenders ethical thinking. My holding of my son in my armsâas well lowest price diflucan as the withholding that both this holding and Hyginusâ text entailâis as political and ethical as it is personal and embodied.Third, this paper also relates to a more critical strain of ethics of care. Pettersen (2008) work, for instance, demonstrates how the ethics of care âsubverts the public/private dimension altogetherâ, thereby allowing for a broader range of criticism (45). Moreover, Fletcher and Piemonte (2017) shed light on how lowest price diflucan healthcare practices constitute a âquiet subversionâ of neoliberal cultural structures.
Arguably, both intimate withholding and epistemological overwhelming shows the power involved in such subversions.Fourth, I hope to contribute to the strand of researchâin care research as well as in disability studiesâthat relate to the work of Julia Kristeva. On the one hand, the rethinking presented in this paper dovetails with her perspectives on how intimate aspects of care destabilise the larger frameworks, cultural structures that are nevertheless sustained by those actions of care. The autotheoretical exploration towards the emblematic formulation eum possideam quamdiu vixero (I shall hold him for as long as I shall live) might also respond fruitfully to Kristevaâs account of how her âliving with [â¦] the neurological difficulties of my son Davidâ (2013, 220) lead her to explore maternity lowest price diflucan as I want that you be (2013, 229). On the other hand, I also try to challenge what I see as an epistemological and political optimism in Kristevaâs work.Data availability statementNo data are available. Since this is an autoethnographic investigation, primary data will not be available.Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot required.Ethics approvalThe ethical aspects have been reviewed by the research management at the Work Research Institute.
See also footnote 1.AcknowledgmentsI would like to thank Eivind Engebretsen and John Ãdemark for their encouragements, and the anonymous reviewers lowest price diflucan for their helpful suggestions.Notes1. Patient and public involvement statement. Although there is no public involvement in the writing of this paper, the autotheoretical approach does of course involve my son. This approach hinders full anonymisation, just like his way of living in this world hinders informed consent in the traditional sense lowest price diflucan. The approach also excludes the potential for full anonymisation.
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Start Preamble Centers how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor for http://www.ec-neuwiller-saverne.site.ac-strasbourg.fr/vie-de-lecole/ce1-ce2/ Medicare &. Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Health and Human Services (HHS). Updates to and selection of certain codes. This document announces the updated Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes on the Master how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subject to Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirements.
It also announces the initial selection of HCPCS codes on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List and the updates the HCPCS codes on the Required Prior Authorization List. The implementation how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor is effective on April 13, 2022. Prior authorization will be implemented in 3 incremental phases, with the final phase being national implementation. Phase 1 includes 1 state per jurisdiction and is effective how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor April 13, 2022, Phase 2 includes 4 States per jurisdiction and is effective July 12, 2022, and Phase 3 is nationwide and is effective October 10, 2022.
Start Further Info â Susan Billet, (410) 786-1062. Start Printed Page 2052 Emily Calvert, (410) how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor 786-4277. Stephanie Collins, (410) 786-3100. Jennifer Phillips, (410) 786-1023 how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor.
Olufemi Shodeke, (410) 786-1649. End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Information I. Background Sections 1832, 1834, and 1861 of the Social Security Act (the Act) establishes benefits and the provisions of payment for Durable Medical Equipment, how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) items under Part B of the Medicare program. Section 1834(a)(1)(E)(iv) of the Act provides conditions of coverage specific to Power Mobility Devices (PMDs).
Specifically, it provides that payment how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor may not be made for a covered item consisting of a motorized or power wheelchair unless a physician (as defined in section 1861(r)(1) of the Act), physician assistant (PA), nurse practitioner (NP), or clinical nurse specialist (CNS) (as such non-physician practitioners are defined in section 1861(aa)(5) of the Act) has conducted a face-to-face examination of the individual and written a prescription for the item. Section 1834(a)(11)(B) of the Act requires a physician, PA, NP, or CNS to have a face-to-face encounter with the beneficiary within the 6-month period prior to the written order for certain DMEPOS items (or other reasonable timeframe as determined by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (the Secretary)). Section 1834(a)(15)(A) of the Act authorizes the Secretary to develop and periodically update a list of DMEPOS items that the Secretary determines, on the basis of prior payment experience, are frequently subject to unnecessary utilization how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor and to develop a prior authorization process for these items. In 2006, we issued Final Rule âMedicare Program.
Conditions for Payment of Power Mobility Devices, including Power Wheelchairs and Power-Operated Vehiclesâ (71 FR 17021) to implement the requirements for a face-to-face examination and written order prior to delivery for PMDs, in accordance with legislation found in section 302(a)(2) of the Medicare how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-173), as codified in amended section 1834(a)(1)(E)(iv) how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor of the Act. This regulation applied to all power mobility devicesâincluding power wheelchairs and power operated vehicles (hereinafter referred to as PMDs).
The requirements how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor for PMDs mandated a 7-element order/prescription for payment. In the November 16, 2012 Federal Register , we published final rule titled âMedicare Program. Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule, DME Face-to-Face Encounters, Elimination of the Requirement for Termination of Non-Random Prepayment Complex Medical Review and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2013â (77 FR 68892) requiring how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery for specified DMEPOS items, in accordance with the authorizing legislation found section 6407 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Pub. L.
111-148) and amended how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor section 1834(a)(11)(B) of the Act. The regulation, as codified in 42 CFR 410.38, specified the inclusion criteria for creating a how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor list of DMEPOS items to be subject to face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery requirements. It also mandated a 5-element order/prescription for payment of specified DMEPOS items. In the December 30, 2015 Federal Register , we published how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor final rule titled âMedicare Program.
Prior Authorization Process for Certain Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, and Suppliesâ (80 FR 81674), in accordance with section 1834(a)(15) of the Act, we established the Master List of Items Frequently Subject to Unnecessary Utilization. The 2015 Master List included certain DMEPOS items that the Secretary determined, on the basis how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor of prior payment experience, are frequently subject to unnecessary utilization, and created a prior authorization process for these items. On November 8, 2019, we published a final rule titled, âMedicare Program. End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System, Payment for Renal Dialysis Services Furnished to Individuals with Acute Kidney Injury, End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program, Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Fee Schedule Amounts, DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) Amendments, Standard Elements for a DMEPOS how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Order, and Master List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subject to a Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirementsâ (84 FR 60648).
The rule became effective January 1, 2020, harmonizing the lists of DMEPOS items created by former rules and establishing one âMaster List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subject to Face-To-Face Encounter and Written Orders Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirementsâ (the âMaster Listâ). Items are selected from the Master List for inclusion on the Face-To-Face how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Encounter and Written Orders Prior to Delivery List and/or Prior Authorization List through the Federal Register. II. Provisions of how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor the Document This document serves to publish three separate lists.
First, it provides an update to the Master List of items from which we can select to include on the Required Face to Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, and/or Required Prior Authorization List. This document also how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor serves to announce the initial selection of items to be included on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List. Lastly, it updates the items included on the Required Prior how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Authorization List. A.
Master List of DMEPOS Items Frequently Subject to Unnecessary Utilization The Master List includes items that appear on the DMEPOS Fee how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Schedule and meet the following criteria, as established in 84 FR 60648. Have an average purchase fee of $500 or greater that is adjusted annually for inflation, or an average monthly rental fee schedule of $50 or greater that is adjusted annually for inflation, or items identified as accounting for at least 1.5 percent of Medicare expenditures for all DMEPOS items over a recent 12-month period, that are alsoâ ++ Identified in a Government Accountability Office (GAO) or Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) report that is national in scope and published in 2015 or later as having a high rate of fraud or unnecessary utilization. Or ++ Listed in the 2018 how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor or subsequent year Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program's Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Supplemental Improper Payment Data Report as having a high improper payment rate. Any items with at least 1,000 claims and $1 million in payments during a recent 12-month period that are determined to have aberrant billing patterns and lack explanatory contributing factors (for example, new technology or coverage policies that may require time for providers and suppliers to be educated on billing policies).
Items with aberrant billing patterns would be identified as those items with payments during a how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor 12-month timeframe that exceed payments made during the preceding 12-months by the greater ofâ ++ Double the percent change of all DMEPOS claim payments for items that meet the previous claim and payment Start Printed Page 2053 criteria, from the preceding 12-month period. Or ++ Exceeding a 30 percent increase in payments for the items from the preceding 12-month period. Any items statutorily requiring a face-to-face encounter, a written order prior to delivery, how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor or prior authorization. In the November 2019 final rule noted previously, we described the maintenance process of the Master List as follows.
The Master how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor List will be updated annually, and more frequently as needed (for example, to address emerging billing trends), and to reflect the thresholds specified in the regulations. Items on the DMEPOS Fee Schedule that meet the payment threshold criteria set forth in 変414.234(b)(1) are added to the list when the item is also listed in a CERT, OIG, or GAO report published after 2020, and items not meeting the cost (approximately $500 purchase or $50 rental) thresholds may still be added based on findings of aberrant billing patterns. Items are removed from the Master List 10 years after the date the item was added, unless the item was identified in an OIG report, GAO report, or having been identified in the CERT Medicare Fee for Service Supplemental Improper Payment how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Data report as having a high improper payment rate, within the 5-year period preceding the anticipated date of expiration. Items are removed from the list sooner than 10 years if the purchase amount drops below the payment threshold.
Items already on the how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Master List that are identified on a subsequent OIG, GAO, or CERT report will remain on the list for 10 years from the publication date of the new report. Items are updated on the Master List when the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor codes representing an item have been discontinued and cross-walked to an equivalent item. ⢠We will notify the public of any additions and deletions from the Master List by posting a notification in the Federal Register and on the CMS Prior Authorization website at https://www.cms.gov/âresearch-statistics-data-systems/âmedicare-fee-service-compliance-programs/âprior-authorization-and-pre-claim-review-initiatives. This document provides the annual update to the Master List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subjected how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor to a Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirements stated in the November 2019 final rule (84 FR 60648).
As noted previously, we adjust the âpayment thresholdâ each year for inflation. Certain DMEPOS fee schedule amounts are updated for 2021â[] by the percentage increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (United States city average) CPI-U for the 12-month how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor period ending June 30, 2020, adjusted by the change in the economy-wide productivity equal to the 10-year moving average of changes in annual economy-wide private non-farm business multi-factor productivity (MFP). The productivity adjustment is 0.4 percent and the CPI-U percentage increase is 0.6 percent. Thus, the 0.6 percentage increase in the CPI-U is reduced by the 0.4 percentage increase in the MFP resulting how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor in a net increase of 0.2 percent for the update factor for CY 2021.
For CY 2021, the 0.2 percent update factor was applied to the CY 2020 average price threshold of $500, resulting in a CY 2021 adjusted payment threshold of $501 ($500 Ã 1.002). This results in a CY 2021 how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor adjusted purchase price threshold of $501. An update factor of 0.2 percent was applied to the CY 2020 average monthly rental fee of $50, resulting in an adjusted payment threshold of $50.10 ($50 Ã 1.002). Rounding this figure to the nearest whole dollar amount results in a how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor CY 2021 adjusted monthly rental fee threshold of $50.
A total of 31 HCPCS codes (see Table 1) meeting the criteria outlined previously are added to the Master List. Of these how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor 31 HCPCS codes, 18 are added because these items meet the updated payment threshold and are listed in an OIG or GAO report of a national scope or a CERT DME and DMEPOS Service Specific Report(s) or both, and 13 are added for being identified as accounting for at least 1.5 percent of Medicare expenditures for all DMEPOS items over a recent 12-month period. Table 1âAdditions to the Master how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor ListHCPCSDescriptionA4352Intermittent Urinary Catheter. Coude (Curved) Tip, With Or Without Coating (Teflon, Silicone, Silicone Elastomeric, Or Hydrophilic, Etc.), Each.A5121Skin Barrier.
Solid, 6 x 6 Or how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Equivalent, Each.A6203Composite Dressing, Sterile, Pad Size 16 Sq. In. Or Less, With Any Size Adhesive Border, Each how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Dressing.A6219Gauze, Non-Impregnated, Sterile, Pad Size 16 Sq. In.
Or Less, With Any Size Adhesive Border, Each Dressing.A6242Hydrogel Dressing, Wound Cover, Sterile, how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Pad Size 16 Sq. In. Or Less, Without Adhesive Border, Each Dressing.A7030Full Face Mask Used With Positive Airway Pressure Device, Each.A7031Face Mask Interface, Replacement For Full Face Mask, Each.E0467Home Ventilator, Multi-Function Respiratory Device, Also Performs Any Or All Of The Additional Functions Of Oxygen Concentration, Drug Nebulization, Aspiration, And Cough Stimulation, Includes All Accessories, Components And Supplies For All Functions.E0565Compressor, Air Power Source For Equipment Which Is Not Self-Contained Or Cylinder Driven.E0650Pneumatic Compressor, Non-Segmental Home Model.E0651Pneumatic Compressor, Segmental Home Model Without Calibrated Gradient Pressure.E0652Pneumatic Compressor, Segmental Home Model With Calibrated Gradient Pressure.E0656Segmental Pneumatic Appliance For Use With Pneumatic Compressor, Trunk.E0657Segmental Pneumatic Appliance For Use With Pneumatic Compressor, Chest.E0670Segmental Pneumatic Appliance For Use With Pneumatic Compressor, Integrated, 2 Full Legs And Trunk.E0675Pneumatic Compression Device, High Pressure, Rapid Inflation/Deflation Cycle, For Arterial Insufficiency (Unilateral Or Bilateral System).E0740Non-Implanted Pelvic Floor Electrical Stimulator, Complete System.E0744Neuromuscular Stimulator For Scoliosis.E0745Neuromuscular Stimulator, Electronic Shock Unit.E0764Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation, Transcutaneous Stimulation Of Sequential Muscle Groups Of Ambulation With Computer Control, Used For Walking By Spinal Cord Injured, Entire System, After Completion Of Training Program.E0766Electrical Stimulation Device Used For Cancer Treatment, Includes All Accessories, Any Type.E1226Wheelchair Accessory, Manual Fully Reclining Back, (Recline Greater Than 80 Degrees), Each.E2202Manual Wheelchair Accessory, Nonstandard Seat Frame Width, 24-27 Inches.E2203Manual Wheelchair Accessory, Nonstandard Seat Frame Depth, 20 To Less Than 22 Inches.E2613Positioning Wheelchair Back Cushion, Posterior, Width Less Than 22 Inches, Any Height, Including Any Type Mounting Hardware.Start Printed Page 2054L0830Halo Procedure, Cervical Halo Incorporated Into Milwaukee Type Orthosis.L1005Tension Based Scoliosis Orthosis And Accessory Pads, Includes Fitting And Adjustment.L1906Ankle Foot Orthosis, Multiligamentous Ankle Support, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L2580Addition To Lower Extremity, Pelvic Control, Pelvic how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Sling.L2624Addition To Lower Extremity, Pelvic Control, Hip Joint, Adjustable Flexion, Extension, Abduction Control, Each.L7368Lithium Ion Battery Charger, Replacement Only. The following five HCPCS codes (see Table 2) are removed from the Master List because they no longer have a DMEPOS Fee Schedule price of $501 or greater, or an average monthly rental fee schedule of $50 or greater, and are identified as accounting for at least 1.5 percent of Medicare expenditures for all DMEPOS items over a recent 12-month period or both.
Table 2âDeletions From the Master ListHCPCSDescriptionA4253Blood Glucose Test or Reagent Strips for Home Blood Glucose how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Monitor, Per 50 Strips.A4351Intermittent Urinary Catheter. Straight Tip, With or Without Coating (Teflon, Silicone, Silicone Elastomer, Or Hydrophilic, Etc.), Each.E2369Power Wheelchair Component, Drive Wheel Gear Box, Replacement Only.E2377Power Wheelchair Accessory, Expandable Controller, Including All Related Electronics and Mounting Hardware, Upgrade Provided At Initial Issue.L3761Elbow Orthosis (Eo), With Adjustable Position Locking Joint(S), Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf. The full updated list is available in the download section how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor of the following CMS website. Https://www.cms.gov/âResearch-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/âMonitoring-Programs/âMedicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/âDMEPOS/âPrior-Authorization-Process-for-Certain-Durable-Medical-Equipment-Prosthetic-Orthotics-Supplies-Items.
B how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor. Items Subject to Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery Requirements In the November 2019 final rule, we stated that since the face-to-face encounter how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor and written orders are statutorily required for PMDs, they would be included on the Master List and the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List in accordance with our statutory obligation, and would remain there. The Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, as specified in 変410.38(c)(8), is comprised of PMDs and those items selected from the Master List (as described in 変414.234(b)) to require a face-to-face encounter and a written order prior to delivery as a condition of payment. The rule established a process of how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor placing items on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, including that they be communicated to the public and effective no less than 60 days after a Federal Register document publication and CMS website posting.
We note that following the publication of the November 2019 final rule (84 FR 60648), the serious public health threats posed by the spread of the 2019 Novel antifungals (antifungal medication) became known, and subsequently the addition of new items on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List was placed on hold. We also note that in an interim final rule with comment period how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor titled âMedicare and Medicaid Programs. Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the antifungal medication Public Health Emergencyâ and published on April 6, 2020 (84 FR 19230), we stated that âto the extent an NCD or LCD (including articles) would otherwise require a face-to-face or in-person encounter for evaluations, assessments, certifications or other implied face-to-face services, those requirements would not apply during the PHE for the antifungal medication diflucan.â This language does not apply to the face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery requirements stemming from 42 CFR 410.38 and section 1834 of the Act. Therefore, the ongoing direction provided in how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor the April 2020 rule is not affected by this document.
The list of DMEPOS items selected and promulgated in this document will require a face-to-face encounter (conducted either via telehealth or in-person), per 42 CFR 410.38, effective after 90 days' notice. At this time, we believe it appropriate to add a limited list of items that pose a risk to the Medicare Trust Funds, to be subject how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor to additional practitioner oversight via the face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery requirements. To assist stakeholders in preparing for implementation of the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, we are publishing the proposed code additions and providing 90 days' notice. Per statutory requirements, Table 3 lists DMEPOS HCPCS codes how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor for PMDs.
Section 1834(a)(1)(E)(iv) of the Act explicitly requires a face-to-face and written order for PMDs. Therefore, PMDs require a face-to-face encounter per how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor statute. To reflect how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor this, PMDs will both be placed and will remain on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List indefinitely. Section 1834(a)(11)(B) of the Act authorizes the Secretary to select use this link other DMEPOS HCPCS codes that will require a face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery as a condition of payment.
In addition to PMDs, this Federal Register document announces the addition of seven other DMEPOS HCPCS codes, not required by statute, that are selected from the how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Master List to be placed on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List as listed in Table 4, based on our regulatory authority at 42 CFR 410.38. Start Printed Page 2055 Table 3âStatutorily Required Power Mobility DevicesHCPCSDescriptionK0800Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Standard, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0801Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity, 301 To 450 Pounds.K0802Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0806Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Standard, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0807Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0808Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0813Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Portable, Sling/Solid Seat And Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0814Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Portable, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0815Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Sling/Solid Seat And Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0816Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0820Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Portable, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0821Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Portable, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0822Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0823Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0824Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0825Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0826Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0827Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0828Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Extra Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0829Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Extra Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0835Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0836Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0837Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0838Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0839Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0840Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Extra Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0841Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0842Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Multiple Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0843Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0848Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0849Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0850Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0851Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0852Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0853Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity, 451 To 600 Pounds.K0854Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Extra Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0855Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Extra Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0856Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0857Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0858Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0859Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0860Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0861Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0862Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0863Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0864Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Extra Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More. Table 4âNon-Statutorily Required DMEPOS ItemsHCPCSDescriptionE0748Osteogenesis Stimulator, Electrical, Non-Invasive, Spinal Applications.L0648Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Panels, Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On The Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L0650Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal-Coronal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Frame/Panel(S), Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Lateral Strength Provided By Rigid Lateral Frame/Panel(S), Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L1832Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated Item That Has Been Trimmed, Bent, Molded, Assembled, Or Otherwise Customized To Fit A Specific Patient By An Individual With Expertise.L1833Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated, Off-The Shelf.L1851Knee Orthosis (KO), Single Upright, Thigh And Calf, With Adjustable Flexion And Extension Joint (Unicentric how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Or Polycentric), Medial-Lateral And Rotation Control, With Or Without Varus/Valgus Adjustment, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L3960Shoulder Elbow Wrist Hand Orthosis, Abduction Positioning, Airplane Design, Prefabricated, Includes Fitting And Adjustment. As previously stated, PMDs are included on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List per statutory obligation.
For the other DMEPOS items, we considered factors such as operational limitations, item utilization, acute needs, diflucan impacts, how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor cost-benefit analysis (for example, comparing the cost of review versus the anticipated amount of improper payment identified), emerging trends (for example, billing patterns, medical review findings), vulnerabilities identified in official agency reports, or other analysis. In selecting these items, we must balance our program integrity goals with the needs of patients, particularly those in need of medical devices to assist with functional activities and ambulation within their home. In other words, we must ensure the appropriate application and oversight of how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor the face-to-face encounter requirements. In consideration of access issues, we note that the regulation 42 CFR 410.38 allows Start Printed Page 2056 for use of telehealth, as defined in 42 CFR 410.78 and 414.65, when appropriate to meet our coverage requirements for beneficiaries.
We also believe transparency and education how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor will aid in compliance with these payment requirements and continued access. As such, we will make information widely available to the public at appropriate literacy levels regarding face-to-face encounter requirements, prior authorization, and necessary documentation for items on Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and Prior Authorization Lists. We believe additional practitioner oversight of beneficiaries in need of how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor items represented by these HCPCS codes will help further our program integrity goals of reducing fraud, waste, and abuse. It will also help ensure beneficiary receipt of items specific to their medical needs.
For items on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor Order Prior to Delivery List (Tables 3 and 4), the written order/prescription must be communicated to the supplier prior to delivery. For such items, we require the treating practitioner to have a face-to-face encounter with the how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor beneficiary within the 6 months preceding the date of the written order/prescription. If the face-to-face encounter is a telehealth encounter, the requirements of 42 CFR 410.78 and 414.65 must be met for DMEPOS coverage purposes. Consistent with 変410.38(d), the face-to-face encounter must be documented in the pertinent portion of the medical record (for example, history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, summary of findings, progress notes, treatment how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor plans or other sources of information that may be appropriate).
The supporting documentation must include subjective and objective beneficiary specific information used for diagnosing, treating, or managing a clinical condition for which the DMEPOS item(s) is ordered. Upon request by CMS or its review contractors, a supplier must submit additional documentation to support and substantiate the medical necessity for how to get a diflucan prescription from your doctor the DMEPOS item or both. The Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List is available on the following CMS website. Https://www.cms.gov/âResearch-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/âMonitoring-Programs/âMedicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/âMedical-Review/âFacetoFaceEncounterRequirementforCertainDurableMedicalEquipment.
C. Items Subject to Prior Authorization Requirements The November 8, 2019 final rule (84 FR 60648) maintained the process established in the December 30, 2015 final rule (80 FR 81674) that when items are placed on the Required Prior Authorization List, we would inform the public of those DMEPOS items on the Required Prior Authorization List in the Federal Register with no less than 60 days' notice before implementation, and post notification on the CMS website. The Required Prior Authorization List specified in §ââ414.234(c)(1) is selected from the Master List (as described in §ââ414.234(b)), and those selected items require prior authorization as a condition of payment. Additionally, §â414.234 (c)(1)(ii) states that CMS may elect to limit the prior authorization requirement to a particular region of the country if claims data analysis shows that unnecessary utilization of the selected item(s) is concentrated in a particular region.
The purpose of this document is to inform the public that we are updating the Required Prior Authorization List to include six additional Power Mobility Devices (PMDs) and five additional Orthoses HCPCS codes. To assist stakeholders in preparing for implementation of the prior authorization program, we are providing 90 days' notice. The following six HCPCS codes for PMDs and five HCPCS codes for Orthoses are added to the Required Prior Authorization List. Table 5âAdditions to the Required Prior Authorization ListHCPCSDescriptionK0800Power operated vehicle, group 1 standard, patient weight capacity up to and including 300 pounds.K0801Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity, 301 To 450 Pounds.K0802Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0806Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Standard, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0807Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0808Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.L0648Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Panels, Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On The Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L0650Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal-Coronal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Frame/Panel(S), Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Lateral Strength Provided By Rigid Lateral Frame/Panel(S), Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L1832Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated Item That Has Been Trimmed, Bent, Molded, Assembled, Or Otherwise Customized To Fit A Specific Patient By An Individual With Expertise.L1833Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated, Off-The Shelf.L1851Knee Orthosis (Ko), Single Upright, Thigh And Calf, With Adjustable Flexion And Extension Joint (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Medial-Lateral And Rotation Control, With Or Without Varus/Valgus Adjustment, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.
We believe prior authorization of these six additional HCPCS codes for PMDs and five HCPCS codes for Orthoses will help further our program integrity goals of reducing fraud, waste, and abuse, while also protecting access to care. For PMDs, the OIG has previously reported that Medicare has inappropriately paid for items that did not meet certain Medicare requirements.[] Lower limb orthoses (LLO) and lumbar-sacral orthoses (LSO) have been identified by CMS' Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program as two of the top 20 DMEPOS service types with improper payments over the past several years. Since 2016, LLOs have had an improper payment rate above 60 percent, with projected improper payments ranging between $235 and $501 million. Similarly, LSOs have had an improper payment rate above 32 percent, with projected improper payments ranging between $116 and $177 million, since 2016.
Additionally, in 2019, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Start Printed Page 2057 federal indictments and law enforcement actions stemming from fraudulent claims submitted for medically unnecessary back, shoulder, wrist, and knee braces[] Administrative actions were taken against 130 DMEPOS companies that were enticing Medicare beneficiaries with offers of low or no-cost orthotic braces. The investigation found that some DME companies and licensed medical professionals allegedly participated in health care fraud schemes involving more than $1.2 billion in loss.[] These codes will be subject to the requirements of the prior authorization program for certain DMEPOS items as outlined in 変414.234. We will implement a prior authorization program for the six newly added codes for PMDs nationwide and five newly added codes for Orthoses in 3 phases. This phased-in approach will allow us to identify and resolve any unforeseen issues by using a smaller claim volume in phase one before implementing phases 2 and 3.
State selection for the three phases was completed based on utilization data for the items selected. ⢠For phase 1, which begins on the date specified in the DATES section, we selected the State in each DME MAC jurisdiction with the highest utilization. New York, Illinois, Florida, and California. ⢠For phase 2, which begins on the date specified in the DATES section of this document, we selected the next three States with the highest utilization in each DME MAC jurisdiction.
Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, and Washington. ⢠For phase 3, which begins on the date specified in the DATES section of this document, prior authorization expands to all remaining States and territories not captured in phases 1 and 2. The prior authorization program for the 51 codes currently subject to the DMEPOS prior authorization requirement will continue uninterrupted. Prior to providing an item on the Required Prior Authorization List to the beneficiary and submitting the claim for processing, a requester must submit a prior authorization request.
The request must include evidence that the item complies with all applicable Medicare coverage, coding, and payment rules. Consistent with 変414.234(d), such evidence must include the written order/prescription, relevant information from the beneficiary's medical record, and relevant supplier-produced documentation. After receipt of all applicable required Medicare documentation, CMS or one of its review contractors will conduct a medical review and communicate a decision that provisionally affirms or non-affirms the request. We will issue specific prior authorization guidance for these additional items in subregulatory communications, including final timelines customized for the DMEPOS item subject to prior authorization, for communicating a provisionally affirmed or non-affirmed decision to the requester.
In the December 30, 2015 final rule (80 FR 81674) we stated that this approach to final timelines provides flexibility to develop a process that involves fewer days, as may be appropriate, and allows us to safeguard beneficiary access to care. If at any time we become aware that the prior authorization process is creating barriers to care, we can suspend the program. For example, we will review questions and complaints from consumers and providers that come through regular sources such as 1-800-Medicare. The updated Required Prior Authorization List is available in the download section of the following CMS website.
Https://www.cms.gov/âResearch-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/âMonitoring-Programs/âMedicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/âDMEPOS/âDownloads/âDMEPOS_âPA_âRequired-Prior-Authorization-List.pdf. III. Collection of Information Requirements This document provides updates to the Master List and announces the selection of HCPCS codes to be placed on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List and Required Prior Authorization List. Additionally, this document announces the continuation of prior authorization for 51 HCPCS codes, and the addition of six HCPCS codes for PMDs and five HCPCS codes for Orthoses on the Required Prior Authorization List.
There is an information collection burden associated with this program that is currently approved under OMB control number 0938-1293, which expires March 31, 2022. This package accounts for burdens associated with the addition of items to the Required Prior Authorization Lists and assumes a burden for 2021 of approximately $10 million for providers to comply with the required information collection. We will reassess this burden soon and will seek comment on our assessment in a Federal Register notice as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. IV.
Regulatory Impact Statement We have examined the impact of this regulatory document as required by Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (September 30, 1993), Executive Order 13563 on Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review (January 18, 2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (September 19, 1980, Pub. L. 96-354), section 1102(b) of the Act, section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (March 22, 1995. Pub.
L. 104-4), Executive Order 13132 on Federalism (August 4, 1999), and the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 804(2)). Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity).
A Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with significant regulatory action/s and/or with economically significant effects ($100 million or more in any 1 year). This regulatory document is not significant and does not reach the economic threshold and thus is not considered a major regulatory document. Per our analysis, the additional items being added to the prior authorization program (excluding PMDs)â[] have an estimated net savings of $14.8 million. Gross savings is based upon a 10 percent reduction in the total amount paid for claims in Calendar Year 2019.
We deducted from the gross savings the anticipated cost for performing the prior authorization reviews in order to estimate the net savings. Our gross savings estimate of 10 percent is based on previous results from other prior authorization programs, Start Printed Page 2058 including prior authorization of other DMEPOS items. The RFA requires agencies to analyze options for regulatory relief of small entities. For purposes of the RFA, small entities include small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions.
Most hospitals and most other providers and suppliers are small entities, either by nonprofit status or by having revenues of less than $8.0 million to $41.5 million in any 1 year. Individuals and States are not included in the definition of a small entity. We are not preparing an analysis for the RFA because we have determined, and the Secretary certifies, that this regulatory document will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. In addition, section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to prepare an RIA if a rule may have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.
This analysis must conform to the provisions of section 604 of the RFA. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area for Medicare payment regulations and has fewer than 100 beds. We are not preparing an analysis for section 1102(b) of the Act because we have determined, and the Secretary certifies, that this regulatory document will not have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 also requires that agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits before issuing any rule whose mandates require spending in any 1 year of $100 million in 1995 dollars, updated annually for inflation.
In 2021, that threshold is approximately $158 million. This regulatory document will have no consequential effect on State, local, or tribal governments or on the private sector. Executive Order 13132 establishes certain requirements that an agency must meet when it promulgates a proposed rule (and subsequent final rule or other regulatory document) that imposes substantial direct requirement costs on State and local governments, preempts State law, or otherwise has Federalism implications. Since this regulatory document does not impose any costs on State or local governments, the requirements of Executive Order 13132 are not applicable.
In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this document was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget. The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare &. Medicaid Services (CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having reviewed and approved this document, authorizes Lynette Wilson, who is the Federal Register Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of publication in the Federal Register. Start Signature Dated.
January 10, 2022. Lynette Wilson, Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare &. Medicaid Services. End Signature End Supplemental Information [FR Doc.
2022-00572 Filed 1-12-22. 8:45 am]BILLING CODE P.
Start Preamble Centers for http://facummings.com/?page_id=2 Medicare lowest price diflucan &. Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and lowest price diflucan Human Services (HHS). Updates to and selection of certain codes.
This document announces the updated Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes on the Master List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subject to Face-to-Face lowest price diflucan Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirements. It also announces the initial selection of HCPCS codes on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List and the updates the HCPCS codes on the Required Prior Authorization List. The implementation is effective on April lowest price diflucan 13, 2022.
Prior authorization will be implemented in 3 incremental phases, with the final phase being national implementation. Phase 1 includes 1 state per jurisdiction lowest price diflucan and is effective April 13, 2022, Phase 2 includes 4 States per jurisdiction and is effective July 12, 2022, and Phase 3 is nationwide and is effective October 10, 2022. Start Further Info â Susan Billet, (410) 786-1062.
Start Printed Page 2052 Emily Calvert, lowest price diflucan (410) 786-4277. Stephanie Collins, (410) 786-3100. Jennifer Phillips, lowest price diflucan (410) 786-1023.
Olufemi Shodeke, (410) 786-1649. End Further Info End lowest price diflucan Preamble Start Supplemental Information I. Background Sections 1832, 1834, and 1861 of the Social Security Act (the Act) establishes benefits and the provisions of payment for Durable lowest price diflucan Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) items under Part B of the Medicare program.
Section 1834(a)(1)(E)(iv) of the Act provides conditions of coverage specific to Power Mobility Devices (PMDs). Specifically, it provides that payment may not be made for a covered item consisting lowest price diflucan of a motorized or power wheelchair unless a physician (as defined in section 1861(r)(1) of the Act), physician assistant (PA), nurse practitioner (NP), or clinical nurse specialist (CNS) (as such non-physician practitioners are defined in section 1861(aa)(5) of the Act) has conducted a face-to-face examination of the individual and written a prescription for the item. Section 1834(a)(11)(B) of the Act requires a physician, PA, NP, or CNS to have a face-to-face encounter with the beneficiary within the 6-month period prior to the written order for certain DMEPOS items (or other reasonable timeframe as determined by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (the Secretary)).
Section 1834(a)(15)(A) of the Act authorizes the Secretary to develop and periodically update a list of DMEPOS items that the Secretary determines, on the basis of prior payment experience, are frequently subject to unnecessary utilization and lowest price diflucan to develop a prior authorization process for these items. In 2006, we issued Final Rule âMedicare Program. Conditions for Payment of Power Mobility Devices, including Power Wheelchairs and Power-Operated lowest price diflucan Vehiclesâ (71 FR 17021) to implement the requirements for a face-to-face examination and written order prior to delivery for PMDs, in accordance with legislation found in section 302(a)(2) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Pub.
L. 108-173), as codified in amended section 1834(a)(1)(E)(iv) of the Act lowest price diflucan. This regulation applied to all power mobility devicesâincluding power wheelchairs and power operated vehicles (hereinafter referred to as PMDs).
The requirements for PMDs mandated a 7-element order/prescription for payment lowest price diflucan. In the November 16, 2012 Federal Register , we published final rule titled âMedicare Program. Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician lowest price diflucan Fee Schedule, DME Face-to-Face Encounters, Elimination of the Requirement for Termination of Non-Random Prepayment Complex Medical Review and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2013â (77 FR 68892) requiring face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery for specified DMEPOS items, in accordance with the authorizing legislation found section 6407 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Pub.
L. 111-148) and lowest price diflucan amended section 1834(a)(11)(B) of the Act. The regulation, as lowest price diflucan codified in 42 CFR 410.38, specified the inclusion criteria for creating a list of DMEPOS items to be subject to face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery requirements.
It also mandated a 5-element order/prescription for payment of specified DMEPOS items. In the December 30, 2015 Federal Register , we published lowest price diflucan final rule titled âMedicare Program. Prior Authorization Process for Certain Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, and Suppliesâ (80 FR 81674), in accordance with section 1834(a)(15) of the Act, we established the Master List of Items Frequently Subject to Unnecessary Utilization.
The 2015 Master List included certain DMEPOS items that the Secretary determined, on the basis of prior lowest price diflucan payment experience, are frequently subject to unnecessary utilization, and created a prior authorization process for these items. On November 8, 2019, we published a final rule titled, âMedicare Program. End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System, Payment for Renal Dialysis Services Furnished to Individuals with Acute Kidney Injury, End-Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program, Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Fee Schedule Amounts, DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program (CBP) Amendments, Standard Elements for a DMEPOS Order, and Master List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subject to a Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and/or Prior lowest price diflucan Authorization Requirementsâ (84 FR 60648).
The rule became effective January 1, 2020, harmonizing the lists of DMEPOS items created by former rules and establishing one âMaster List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subject to Face-To-Face Encounter and Written Orders Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirementsâ (the âMaster Listâ). Items are selected from the Master List for inclusion on the Face-To-Face Encounter and Written Orders Prior to Delivery List and/or Prior lowest price diflucan Authorization List through the Federal Register. II.
Provisions of the Document This document serves to publish three separate lists lowest price diflucan. First, it provides an update to the Master List of items from which we can select to include on the Required Face to Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, and/or Required Prior Authorization List. This document also serves to announce the initial selection of items to be included on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter lowest price diflucan and Written Order Prior to Delivery List.
Lastly, it lowest price diflucan updates the items included on the Required Prior Authorization List. A. Master List of DMEPOS Items Frequently Subject to Unnecessary Utilization The Master List includes items that appear on the DMEPOS Fee Schedule and meet the following criteria, lowest price diflucan as established in 84 FR 60648.
Have an average purchase fee of $500 or greater that is adjusted annually for inflation, or an average monthly rental fee schedule of $50 or greater that is adjusted annually for inflation, or items identified as accounting for at least 1.5 percent of Medicare expenditures for all DMEPOS items over a recent 12-month period, that are alsoâ ++ Identified in a Government Accountability Office (GAO) or Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) report that is national in scope and published in 2015 or later as having a high rate of fraud or unnecessary utilization. Or ++ Listed in the 2018 or subsequent year Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program's Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) Supplemental Improper Payment Data Report lowest price diflucan as having a high improper payment rate. Any items with at least 1,000 claims and $1 million in payments during a recent 12-month period that are determined to have aberrant billing patterns and lack explanatory contributing factors (for example, new technology or coverage policies that may require time for providers and suppliers to be educated on billing policies).
Items with aberrant billing patterns would be identified as those items with payments during a 12-month timeframe that exceed payments made during the preceding 12-months by the greater ofâ ++ Double the percent change of all DMEPOS claim payments for lowest price diflucan items that meet the previous claim and payment Start Printed Page 2053 criteria, from the preceding 12-month period. Or ++ Exceeding a 30 percent increase in payments for the items from the preceding 12-month period. Any items statutorily requiring a lowest price diflucan face-to-face encounter, a written order prior to delivery, or prior authorization.
In the November 2019 final rule noted previously, we described the maintenance process of the Master List as follows. The Master List will be updated annually, and more frequently as needed (for example, to address emerging lowest price diflucan billing trends), and to reflect the thresholds specified in the regulations. Items on the DMEPOS Fee Schedule that meet the payment threshold criteria set forth in 変414.234(b)(1) are added to the list when the item is also listed in a CERT, OIG, or GAO report published after 2020, and items not meeting the cost (approximately $500 purchase or $50 rental) thresholds may still be added based on findings of aberrant billing patterns.
Items are removed from the Master List 10 years after the date the item was added, unless the item was identified in an OIG report, GAO report, or having been identified in the CERT Medicare Fee for Service Supplemental Improper Payment Data report as having a high lowest price diflucan improper payment rate, within the 5-year period preceding the anticipated date of expiration. Items are removed from the list sooner than 10 years if the purchase amount drops below the payment threshold. Items already lowest price diflucan on the Master List that are identified on a subsequent OIG, GAO, or CERT report will remain on the list for 10 years from the publication date of the new report.
Items are updated on the Master List when lowest price diflucan the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes representing an item have been discontinued and cross-walked to an equivalent item. ⢠We will notify the public of any additions and deletions from the Master List by posting a notification in the Federal Register and on the CMS Prior Authorization website at https://www.cms.gov/âresearch-statistics-data-systems/âmedicare-fee-service-compliance-programs/âprior-authorization-and-pre-claim-review-initiatives. This document provides the annual update to the Master List of DMEPOS Items Potentially Subjected to lowest price diflucan a Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and/or Prior Authorization Requirements stated in the November 2019 final rule (84 FR 60648).
As noted previously, we adjust the âpayment thresholdâ each year for inflation. Certain DMEPOS fee schedule amounts are updated for 2021â[] by the percentage increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers lowest price diflucan (United States city average) CPI-U for the 12-month period ending June 30, 2020, adjusted by the change in the economy-wide productivity equal to the 10-year moving average of changes in annual economy-wide private non-farm business multi-factor productivity (MFP). The productivity adjustment is 0.4 percent and the CPI-U percentage increase is 0.6 percent.
Thus, the 0.6 percentage increase in the CPI-U is reduced by the 0.4 percentage increase lowest price diflucan in the MFP resulting in a net increase of 0.2 percent for the update factor for CY 2021. For CY 2021, the 0.2 percent update factor was applied to the CY 2020 average price threshold of $500, resulting in a CY 2021 adjusted payment threshold of $501 ($500 Ã 1.002). This results lowest price diflucan in a CY 2021 adjusted purchase price threshold of $501.
An update factor of 0.2 percent was applied to the CY 2020 average monthly rental fee of $50, resulting in an adjusted payment threshold of $50.10 ($50 Ã 1.002). Rounding this figure to the nearest whole dollar amount results in a CY 2021 adjusted monthly rental fee threshold of $50 lowest price diflucan. A total of 31 HCPCS codes (see Table 1) meeting the criteria outlined previously are added to the Master List.
Of these 31 HCPCS codes, 18 are added because these items meet the updated payment threshold and are listed in an OIG or GAO report of lowest price diflucan a national scope or a CERT DME and DMEPOS Service Specific Report(s) or both, and 13 are added for being identified as accounting for at least 1.5 percent of Medicare expenditures for all DMEPOS items over a recent 12-month period. Table 1âAdditions lowest price diflucan to the Master ListHCPCSDescriptionA4352Intermittent Urinary Catheter. Coude (Curved) Tip, With Or Without Coating (Teflon, Silicone, Silicone Elastomeric, Or Hydrophilic, Etc.), Each.A5121Skin Barrier.
Solid, 6 x 6 Or Equivalent, lowest price diflucan Each.A6203Composite Dressing, Sterile, Pad Size 16 Sq. In. Or Less, With Any Size Adhesive Border, Each Dressing.A6219Gauze, Non-Impregnated, lowest price diflucan Sterile, Pad Size 16 Sq.
In. Or Less, With Any Size Adhesive Border, Each Dressing.A6242Hydrogel Dressing, Wound Cover, Sterile, lowest price diflucan Pad Size 16 Sq. In.
Or Less, Without Adhesive Border, Each Dressing.A7030Full Face Mask Used With Positive Airway Pressure Device, Each.A7031Face Mask Interface, Replacement For Full Face Mask, Each.E0467Home Ventilator, Multi-Function Respiratory Device, Also Performs Any Or All Of The Additional Functions Of Oxygen Concentration, Drug Nebulization, Aspiration, And Cough Stimulation, Includes All Accessories, Components And Supplies For All Functions.E0565Compressor, Air Power Source For Equipment Which Is Not Self-Contained Or Cylinder Driven.E0650Pneumatic Compressor, Non-Segmental Home Model.E0651Pneumatic Compressor, Segmental Home Model Without Calibrated Gradient Pressure.E0652Pneumatic Compressor, Segmental Home Model With Calibrated Gradient Pressure.E0656Segmental Pneumatic Appliance For Use With Pneumatic Compressor, Trunk.E0657Segmental Pneumatic Appliance For Use With Pneumatic Compressor, Chest.E0670Segmental Pneumatic Appliance For Use With Pneumatic Compressor, Integrated, 2 Full Legs And Trunk.E0675Pneumatic Compression Device, High Pressure, Rapid Inflation/Deflation Cycle, For Arterial Insufficiency (Unilateral Or Bilateral System).E0740Non-Implanted Pelvic Floor Electrical Stimulator, Complete System.E0744Neuromuscular Stimulator For Scoliosis.E0745Neuromuscular Stimulator, Electronic Shock Unit.E0764Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation, Transcutaneous Stimulation Of Sequential Muscle Groups Of Ambulation With Computer Control, Used For Walking By Spinal Cord lowest price diflucan Injured, Entire System, After Completion Of Training Program.E0766Electrical Stimulation Device Used For Cancer Treatment, Includes All Accessories, Any Type.E1226Wheelchair Accessory, Manual Fully Reclining Back, (Recline Greater Than 80 Degrees), Each.E2202Manual Wheelchair Accessory, Nonstandard Seat Frame Width, 24-27 Inches.E2203Manual Wheelchair Accessory, Nonstandard Seat Frame Depth, 20 To Less Than 22 Inches.E2613Positioning Wheelchair Back Cushion, Posterior, Width Less Than 22 Inches, Any Height, Including Any Type Mounting Hardware.Start Printed Page 2054L0830Halo Procedure, Cervical Halo Incorporated Into Milwaukee Type Orthosis.L1005Tension Based Scoliosis Orthosis And Accessory Pads, Includes Fitting And Adjustment.L1906Ankle Foot Orthosis, Multiligamentous Ankle Support, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L2580Addition To Lower Extremity, Pelvic Control, Pelvic Sling.L2624Addition To Lower Extremity, Pelvic Control, Hip Joint, Adjustable Flexion, Extension, Abduction Control, Each.L7368Lithium Ion Battery Charger, Replacement Only. The following five HCPCS codes (see Table 2) are removed from the Master List because they no longer have a DMEPOS Fee Schedule price of $501 or greater, or an average monthly rental fee schedule of $50 or greater, and are identified as accounting for at least 1.5 percent of Medicare expenditures for all DMEPOS items over a recent 12-month period or both. Table 2âDeletions lowest price diflucan From the Master ListHCPCSDescriptionA4253Blood Glucose Test or Reagent Strips for Home Blood Glucose Monitor, Per 50 Strips.A4351Intermittent Urinary Catheter.
Straight Tip, With or Without Coating (Teflon, Silicone, Silicone Elastomer, Or Hydrophilic, Etc.), Each.E2369Power Wheelchair Component, Drive Wheel Gear Box, Replacement Only.E2377Power Wheelchair Accessory, Expandable Controller, Including All Related Electronics and Mounting Hardware, Upgrade Provided At Initial Issue.L3761Elbow Orthosis (Eo), With Adjustable Position Locking Joint(S), Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf. The full updated list is available in the download section of lowest price diflucan the following CMS website. Https://www.cms.gov/âResearch-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/âMonitoring-Programs/âMedicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/âDMEPOS/âPrior-Authorization-Process-for-Certain-Durable-Medical-Equipment-Prosthetic-Orthotics-Supplies-Items.
B lowest price diflucan. Items Subject to Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery Requirements In the November 2019 final rule, we stated that since the face-to-face encounter and written orders are statutorily required for PMDs, they would be included on the lowest price diflucan Master List and the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List in accordance with our statutory obligation, and would remain there. The Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, as specified in 変410.38(c)(8), is comprised of PMDs and those items selected from the Master List (as described in 変414.234(b)) to require a face-to-face encounter and a written order prior to delivery as a condition of payment.
The rule established a process of placing items on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, including that they be communicated lowest price diflucan to the public and effective no less than 60 days after a Federal Register document publication and CMS website posting. We note that following the publication of the November 2019 final rule (84 FR 60648), the serious public health threats posed by the spread of the 2019 Novel antifungals (antifungal medication) became known, and subsequently the addition of new items on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List was placed on hold. We also note that in an interim final rule lowest price diflucan with comment period titled âMedicare and Medicaid Programs.
Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the antifungal medication Public Health Emergencyâ and published on April 6, 2020 (84 FR 19230), we stated that âto the extent an NCD or LCD (including articles) would otherwise require a face-to-face or in-person encounter for evaluations, assessments, certifications or other implied face-to-face services, those requirements would not apply during the PHE for the antifungal medication diflucan.â This language does not apply to the face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery requirements stemming from 42 CFR 410.38 and section 1834 of the Act. Therefore, the ongoing direction provided in the lowest price diflucan April 2020 rule is not affected by this document. The list of DMEPOS items selected and promulgated in this document will require a face-to-face encounter (conducted either via telehealth or in-person), per 42 CFR 410.38, effective after 90 days' notice.
At this time, we believe it appropriate to add a limited list of items that pose a risk to the Medicare Trust Funds, to be subject to additional practitioner oversight via the face-to-face encounter lowest price diflucan and written order prior to delivery requirements. To assist stakeholders in preparing for implementation of the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List, we are publishing the proposed code additions and providing 90 days' notice. Per statutory requirements, Table 3 lists DMEPOS HCPCS codes lowest price diflucan for PMDs.
Section 1834(a)(1)(E)(iv) of the Act explicitly requires a face-to-face and written order for PMDs. Therefore, PMDs require a face-to-face encounter lowest price diflucan per statute. To reflect this, PMDs will both lowest price diflucan be placed and will remain on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List indefinitely.
Section 1834(a)(11)(B) of the Act authorizes the Secretary http://www.ec-jean-monnet-selestat.ac-strasbourg.fr/conjugue-au-passe-compose-3/ to select other DMEPOS HCPCS codes that will require a face-to-face encounter and written order prior to delivery as a condition of payment. In addition to PMDs, this Federal Register document announces the addition of seven other DMEPOS HCPCS codes, not required by statute, that are lowest price diflucan selected from the Master List to be placed on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List as listed in Table 4, based on our regulatory authority at 42 CFR 410.38. Start Printed Page 2055 Table 3âStatutorily Required Power Mobility DevicesHCPCSDescriptionK0800Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Standard, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0801Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity, 301 To 450 Pounds.K0802Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0806Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Standard, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0807Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0808Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0813Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Portable, Sling/Solid Seat And Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0814Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Portable, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0815Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Sling/Solid Seat And Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0816Power Wheelchair, Group 1 Standard, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0820Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Portable, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0821Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Portable, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0822Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0823Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0824Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0825Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0826Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0827Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0828Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Extra Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0829Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Extra Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0835Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0836Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0837Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0838Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0839Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0840Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Extra Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0841Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0842Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Standard, Multiple Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0843Power Wheelchair, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0848Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0849Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0850Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0851Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0852Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0853Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity, 451 To 600 Pounds.K0854Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Extra Heavy Duty, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0855Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Extra Heavy Duty, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.K0856Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0857Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0858Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0859Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Captains Chair, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0860Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Single Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0861Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Standard, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0862Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0863Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Very Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0864Power Wheelchair, Group 3 Extra Heavy Duty, Multiple Power Option, Sling/Solid Seat/Back, Patient Weight Capacity 601 Pounds Or More.
Table 4âNon-Statutorily Required DMEPOS ItemsHCPCSDescriptionE0748Osteogenesis Stimulator, Electrical, Non-Invasive, Spinal Applications.L0648Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Panels, Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On The Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L0650Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal-Coronal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Frame/Panel(S), Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Lateral Strength Provided By Rigid Lateral Frame/Panel(S), Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On lowest price diflucan Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L1832Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated Item That Has Been Trimmed, Bent, Molded, Assembled, Or Otherwise Customized To Fit A Specific Patient By An Individual With Expertise.L1833Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated, Off-The Shelf.L1851Knee Orthosis (KO), Single Upright, Thigh And Calf, With Adjustable Flexion And Extension Joint (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Medial-Lateral And Rotation Control, With Or Without Varus/Valgus Adjustment, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L3960Shoulder Elbow Wrist Hand Orthosis, Abduction Positioning, Airplane Design, Prefabricated, Includes Fitting And Adjustment. As previously stated, PMDs are included on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List per statutory obligation. For the other DMEPOS items, we considered factors such as operational limitations, item utilization, acute needs, diflucan impacts, cost-benefit analysis (for example, comparing the cost of review versus the anticipated amount of improper payment identified), emerging trends lowest price diflucan (for example, billing patterns, medical review findings), vulnerabilities identified in official agency reports, or other analysis.
In selecting these items, we must balance our program integrity goals with the needs of patients, particularly those in need of medical devices to assist with functional activities and ambulation within their home. In other lowest price diflucan words, we must ensure the appropriate application and oversight of the face-to-face encounter requirements. In consideration of access issues, we note that the regulation 42 CFR 410.38 allows Start Printed Page 2056 for use of telehealth, as defined in 42 CFR 410.78 and 414.65, when appropriate to meet our coverage requirements for beneficiaries.
We also believe transparency and education will aid lowest price diflucan in compliance with these payment requirements and continued access. As such, we will make information widely available to the public at appropriate literacy levels regarding face-to-face encounter requirements, prior authorization, and necessary documentation for items on Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery and Prior Authorization Lists. We believe additional practitioner oversight of beneficiaries in need of items represented by these HCPCS codes will help further our program integrity goals of reducing fraud, waste, and lowest price diflucan abuse.
It will also help ensure beneficiary receipt of items specific to their medical needs. For items on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to lowest price diflucan Delivery List (Tables 3 and 4), the written order/prescription must be communicated to the supplier prior to delivery. For such items, we require the treating practitioner to have a face-to-face encounter with the beneficiary within the 6 months preceding the date of the written order/prescription lowest price diflucan.
If the face-to-face encounter is a telehealth encounter, the requirements of 42 CFR 410.78 and 414.65 must be met for DMEPOS coverage purposes. Consistent with 変410.38(d), the face-to-face encounter must be documented in the pertinent portion of the medical lowest price diflucan record (for example, history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, summary of findings, progress notes, treatment plans or other sources of information that may be appropriate). The supporting documentation must include subjective and objective beneficiary specific information used for diagnosing, treating, or managing a clinical condition for which the DMEPOS item(s) is ordered.
Upon request by CMS or its review contractors, a supplier must submit additional documentation to support and substantiate the medical necessity lowest price diflucan for the DMEPOS item or both. The Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List is available on the following CMS website. Https://www.cms.gov/âResearch-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/âMonitoring-Programs/âMedicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/âMedical-Review/âFacetoFaceEncounterRequirementforCertainDurableMedicalEquipment.
C. Items Subject to Prior Authorization Requirements The November 8, 2019 final rule (84 FR 60648) maintained the process established in the December 30, 2015 final rule (80 FR 81674) that when items are placed on the Required Prior Authorization List, we would inform the public of those DMEPOS items on the Required Prior Authorization List in the Federal Register with no less than 60 days' notice before implementation, and post notification on the CMS website. The Required Prior Authorization List specified in §ââ414.234(c)(1) is selected from the Master List (as described in §ââ414.234(b)), and those selected items require prior authorization as a condition of payment.
Additionally, 変414.234 (c)(1)(ii) states that CMS may elect to limit the prior authorization requirement to a particular region of the country if claims data analysis shows that unnecessary utilization of the selected item(s) is concentrated in a particular region. The purpose of this document is to inform the public that we are updating the Required Prior Authorization List to include six additional Power Mobility Devices (PMDs) and five additional Orthoses HCPCS codes. To assist stakeholders in preparing for implementation of the prior authorization program, we are providing 90 days' notice.
The following six HCPCS codes for PMDs and five HCPCS codes for Orthoses are added to the Required Prior Authorization List. Table 5âAdditions to the Required Prior Authorization ListHCPCSDescriptionK0800Power operated vehicle, group 1 standard, patient weight capacity up to and including 300 pounds.K0801Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity, 301 To 450 Pounds.K0802Power Operated Vehicle, Group 1 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.K0806Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Standard, Patient Weight Capacity Up To And Including 300 Pounds.K0807Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 301 To 450 Pounds.K0808Power Operated Vehicle, Group 2 Very Heavy Duty, Patient Weight Capacity 451 To 600 Pounds.L0648Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Panels, Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On The Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L0650Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis, Sagittal-Coronal Control, With Rigid Anterior And Posterior Frame/Panel(S), Posterior Extends From Sacrococcygeal Junction To T-9 Vertebra, Lateral Strength Provided By Rigid Lateral Frame/Panel(S), Produces Intracavitary Pressure To Reduce Load On Intervertebral Discs, Includes Straps, Closures, May Include Padding, Shoulder Straps, Pendulous Abdomen Design, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf.L1832Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated Item That Has Been Trimmed, Bent, Molded, Assembled, Or Otherwise Customized To Fit A Specific Patient By An Individual With Expertise.L1833Knee Orthosis, Adjustable Knee Joints (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Positional Orthosis, Rigid Support, Prefabricated, Off-The Shelf.L1851Knee Orthosis (Ko), Single Upright, Thigh And Calf, With Adjustable Flexion And Extension Joint (Unicentric Or Polycentric), Medial-Lateral And Rotation Control, With Or Without Varus/Valgus Adjustment, Prefabricated, Off-The-Shelf. We believe prior authorization of these six additional HCPCS codes for PMDs and five HCPCS codes for Orthoses will help further our program integrity goals of reducing fraud, waste, and abuse, while also protecting access to care.
For PMDs, the OIG has previously reported that Medicare has inappropriately paid for items that did not meet certain Medicare requirements.[] Lower limb orthoses (LLO) and lumbar-sacral orthoses (LSO) have been identified by CMS' Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program as two of the top 20 DMEPOS service types with improper payments over the past several years. Since 2016, LLOs have had an improper payment rate above 60 percent, with projected improper payments ranging between $235 and $501 million. Similarly, LSOs have had an improper payment rate above 32 percent, with projected improper payments ranging between $116 and $177 million, since 2016.
Additionally, in 2019, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Start Printed Page 2057 federal indictments and law enforcement actions stemming from fraudulent claims submitted for medically unnecessary back, shoulder, wrist, and knee braces[] Administrative actions were taken against 130 DMEPOS companies that were enticing Medicare beneficiaries with offers of low or no-cost orthotic braces. The investigation found that some DME companies and licensed medical professionals allegedly participated in health care fraud schemes involving more than $1.2 billion in loss.[] These codes will be subject to the requirements of the prior authorization program for certain DMEPOS items as outlined in 変414.234. We will implement a prior authorization program for the six newly added codes for PMDs nationwide and five newly added codes for Orthoses in 3 phases.
This phased-in approach will allow us to identify and resolve any unforeseen issues by using a smaller claim volume in phase one before implementing phases 2 and 3. State selection for the three phases was completed based on utilization data for the items selected. ⢠For phase 1, which begins on the date specified in the DATES section, we selected the State in each DME MAC jurisdiction with the highest utilization.
New York, Illinois, Florida, and California. ⢠For phase 2, which begins on the date specified in the DATES section of this document, we selected the next three States with the highest utilization in each DME MAC jurisdiction. Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Texas, North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, and Washington.
⢠For phase 3, which begins on the date specified in the DATES section of this document, prior authorization expands to all remaining States and territories not captured in phases 1 and 2. The prior authorization program for the 51 codes currently subject to the DMEPOS prior authorization requirement will continue uninterrupted. Prior to providing an item on the Required Prior Authorization List to the beneficiary and submitting the claim for processing, a requester must submit a prior authorization request.
The request must include evidence that the item complies with all applicable Medicare coverage, coding, and payment rules. Consistent with 変414.234(d), such evidence must include the written order/prescription, relevant information from the beneficiary's medical record, and relevant supplier-produced documentation. After receipt of all applicable required Medicare documentation, CMS or one of its review contractors will conduct a medical review and communicate a decision that provisionally affirms or non-affirms the request.
We will issue specific prior authorization guidance for these additional items in subregulatory communications, including final timelines customized for the DMEPOS item subject to prior authorization, for communicating a provisionally affirmed or non-affirmed decision to the requester. In the December 30, 2015 final rule (80 FR 81674) we stated that this approach to final timelines provides flexibility to develop a process that involves fewer days, as may be appropriate, and allows us to safeguard beneficiary access to care. If at any time we become aware that the prior authorization process is creating barriers to care, we can suspend the program.
For example, we will review questions and complaints from consumers and providers that come through regular sources such as 1-800-Medicare. The updated Required Prior Authorization List is available in the download section of the following CMS website. Https://www.cms.gov/âResearch-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/âMonitoring-Programs/âMedicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/âDMEPOS/âDownloads/âDMEPOS_âPA_âRequired-Prior-Authorization-List.pdf.
III. Collection of Information Requirements This document provides updates to the Master List and announces the selection of HCPCS codes to be placed on the Required Face-to-Face Encounter and Written Order Prior to Delivery List and Required Prior Authorization List. Additionally, this document announces the continuation of prior authorization for 51 HCPCS codes, and the addition of six HCPCS codes for PMDs and five HCPCS codes for Orthoses on the Required Prior Authorization List.
There is an information collection burden associated with this program that is currently approved under OMB control number 0938-1293, which expires March 31, 2022. This package accounts for burdens associated with the addition of items to the Required Prior Authorization Lists and assumes a burden for 2021 of approximately $10 million for providers to comply with the required information collection. We will reassess this burden soon and will seek comment on our assessment in a Federal Register notice as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
IV. Regulatory Impact Statement We have examined the impact of this regulatory document as required by Executive Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (September 30, 1993), Executive Order 13563 on Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review (January 18, 2011), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (September 19, 1980, Pub. L.
96-354), section 1102(b) of the Act, section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (March 22, 1995. Pub. L.
104-4), Executive Order 13132 on Federalism (August 4, 1999), and the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 804(2)). Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity).
A Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with significant regulatory action/s and/or with economically significant effects ($100 million or more in any 1 year). This regulatory document is not significant and does not reach the economic threshold and thus is not considered a major regulatory document. Per our analysis, the additional items being added to the prior authorization program (excluding PMDs)â[] have an estimated net savings of $14.8 million.
Gross savings is based upon a 10 percent reduction in the total amount paid for claims in Calendar Year 2019. We deducted from the gross savings the anticipated cost for performing the prior authorization reviews in order to estimate the net savings. Our gross savings estimate of 10 percent is based on previous results from other prior authorization programs, Start Printed Page 2058 including prior authorization of other DMEPOS items.
The RFA requires agencies to analyze options for regulatory relief of small entities. For purposes of the RFA, small entities include small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions. Most hospitals and most other providers and suppliers are small entities, either by nonprofit status or by having revenues of less than $8.0 million to $41.5 million in any 1 year.
Individuals and States are not included in the definition of a small entity. We are not preparing an analysis for the RFA because we have determined, and the Secretary certifies, that this regulatory document will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. In addition, section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to prepare an RIA if a rule may have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.
This analysis must conform to the provisions of section 604 of the RFA. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area for Medicare payment regulations and has fewer than 100 beds. We are not preparing an analysis for section 1102(b) of the Act because we have determined, and the Secretary certifies, that this regulatory document will not have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 also requires that agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits before issuing any rule whose mandates require spending in any 1 year of $100 million in 1995 dollars, updated annually for inflation. In 2021, that threshold is approximately $158 million. This regulatory document will have no consequential effect on State, local, or tribal governments or on the private sector.
Executive Order 13132 establishes certain requirements that an agency must meet when it promulgates a proposed rule (and subsequent final rule or other regulatory document) that imposes substantial direct requirement costs on State and local governments, preempts State law, or otherwise has Federalism implications. Since this regulatory document does not impose any costs on State or local governments, the requirements of Executive Order 13132 are not applicable. In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this document was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare &. Medicaid Services (CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having reviewed and approved this document, authorizes Lynette Wilson, who is the Federal Register Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of publication in the Federal Register. Start Signature Dated.
January 10, 2022. Lynette Wilson, Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare &. Medicaid Services.
End Signature End Supplemental Information [FR Doc. 2022-00572 Filed 1-12-22. 8:45 am]BILLING CODE P.
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Optimising therapeutic hypothermiaUsing the National Neonatal Research Database, Lara Shipley and colleagues studied infantsâ¥36 weeks gestation who were how long does diflucan stay in your system admitted http://quietlions.co.uk/cialis-for-sale/ to UK neonatal units with moderate or severe hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). Between 2011 and 2016 there were 5059 infants. Birth in a centre which provided servo controlled therapeutic hypothermia (a how long does diflucan stay in your system cooling centre) vs a non-cooling centre was associated with increased survival to discharge without seizures (35.1% vs 31.8%.
OR 1.15, 95%âCI 1.02 to 1.31. P=0.02). Fewer infants born in cooling centres were diagnosed with seizures (60.7% vs 64.6%).
Survival was similar. There were 2364 infants who were born in a non-cooling centre. Non-cooling centres would initiate passive cooling pending transfer of the infant to a cooling centre.
Amongst the 2027 of these infants with a recorded admission temperature at the time of arrival at the cooling centre, 259 (12.7%) had a temperature in the recommended therapeutic range before 6âhours of age. There were a further 48.3% who arrived at the cooling centre between 6 and 12 hours of age with a temperature in the recommended range. The authors conclude that almost half of all infants with a diagnosis of moderate or severe HIE are born in non-cooling centres and the disparity of access to immediate therapeutic hypothermia could impact on outcomes.
They encourage further equipping, training and support of non-cooling centres to minimise delays in optimal treatment. In an accompanying editorial, Topun Austin and Ela Chakkarapani review the evidence that, within the therapeutic window, earlier treatment is likely to be more effective. They encourage wider implementation and support of active cooling prior to transport.
They point out that although there were fewer seizures in the infants born in cooling centres, this may be in part explained by greater access to aEEG monitoring in cooling centres, so this cannot be considered a reliable proxy for adverse neurological outcome.In a separate editorial, Seetha Shankaran and colleagues discuss the evidence that late hypothermia treatment may still be of some benefit depending on the interpretation of the results of the NICHD NRN late hypothermia trial. They also discuss the article by Mohamed Ali Tagin and Alastair Gunn that appeared in the September issue of the journal.1 Tagin and Gunn had encouraged clinicians who are uncertain about whether an infant meets cooling criteria to choose cooling because they consider the potential benefits to outweigh the potential harms. Shankaran and colleague discuss potential downsides to this therapeutic creep (cooling for the wrong diagnosis, overtreatment, iatrogenic problems from a therapy not needed) and they stress the importance of completing ongoing studies of treatment in infants with mild encephalopathy and of treatment of preterm infants.
See pages F6, F2 and F4Life threatening BPDRebecca Naples and colleagues report a prospective national study conducted through the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit of Infants with life threatening BPD. This was defined as a requirement for positive pressure respiratory support or pulmonary vasodilators at 38 weeks corrected gestational age after birth before 32 weeks gestation. From June 2017 to July 2018 153 infants were reported from the UK and Ireland, giving a minimum incidence of 13.9 per 1000 infants born before 32 weeks.
From this statistic, level three neonatal units in the UK and Ireland will see around one such infant per year. The statistic does not include the infants with severe BPD who have already died by 38 weeks so it will underestimate the mortality from severe BPD. It is easy to be tempted into pessimism about the outcomes of infants with such severe BPD, but the results of this study give grounds for a more positive outlook.
By 1âyear of age 16% of the infants had died, so survival was the usual outcome. Discharge home was achieved by 81%, mostly on low flow oxygen â 9% required long term ventilation. Median age at discharge was 143 days.
Post-discharge, two infants required new invasive ventilation, one required CPAP and eight required high flow during readmissions in the first year of life. Major concern about neurodevelopmental impairment was present at 1âyear in around 1 out of 5 surviving infants. See page F13Automated control of FiO2Numerous systems have now been reported for delivering automated control of FiO2 to newborn infants on ventilation and non-invasive respiratory support.
All have shown that automated control results in more time intended target range. It remains to be shown that their use improves clinical outcomes. This will require large trials and for these to be interpretable we will need to know whether the different devices result in similar or different achieved oxygen saturation profiles for a given target, as it may be inappropriate to consider the devices to be interchangeable.
Hylke Salverda and colleagues performed a cross-over study comparing two different devices that are in current use and showed potentially important differences in performance, with one device achieving more time in target range than the other. Onc device resulted in more time with lower than intended SpO2 and the other in more time with higher than intended SpO2. See page F20Spontaneous breathing during delayed cord clampingHere are some more data on the haemodynamics of transition with the cord intact.
Emma Brouwer and colleagues performed continuous uasound recordings of blood flow during transition in 15 term born infants with delayed cord clamping. They found that during inspiration the inferior vena cava collapsed and blood flow into the foetus from the placenta increased, suggesting that inspiration may be an important driver of net placental transfusion. See page F65HFNC versus CPAP for primary support in preterm infantsShaam Bruet and colleagues performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing nasal CPAP with high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) as primary treatment for preterm infants.
They included 10 studies that enrolled 1830 patients. Treatment failure, as defined by the authors of the individual studies, was more common with HFNC than with CPAP (RR=1.34, 95%âCI 1.01 to 1.68, I2=16.2%), but there was not a significant difference in the number of patients who required intubation. Nasal trauma was less common with HFNC (RR=0.48, 95%âCI 0.31 to 0.65, I²=0.0%).
Protocols of six studies allowed cross over to CPAP in infants on HFNC meeting failure criteria, meaning that infants crossed over to CPAP and were not intubated. Individual morbidities were not significantly different. The authors of the review prefer initial treatment with HFNC to avoid nasal trauma, with cross over to CPAP if required.
The data are not strong enough to give rise to a clear recommendation for all. See page F56Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot applicable.Ethics approvalThis study does not involve human participants.It is now over 25 years since publication of the first experimental study demonstrating that mild hypothermia after transient hypoxia-ischaemia ameliorates delayed energy failure in a newborn piglet model.1 Since then, and following several large randomised controlled trials, therapeutic hypothermia (TH) has become, and currently remains the only, treatment shown to reduce death and disability in infants born following perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia. In the early experimental studies, cooling was initiated immediately after the insult.
Subsequent studies have shown that delayed initiation of cooling results in a significant reduction in the therapeutic effect of cooling.2 The Total Body Hypothermia (TOBY) trial showed a trend to improved outcome in infants cooled within 4âhours of delivery and it has been shown that motor outcomes improved in infants who were cooled within 3âhours of delivery compared with those cooled after 3âhours of delivery.3 Conversely, there is limited evidence regarding the efficacy of cooling started beyond 12 hours of age. Therefore, current evidence would suggest that the sooner cooling is commenced, the more likely it is to be beneficial.Translating experimental science into clinical practice is immensely challenging. In designing the first clinical trials of TH, investigators had to take a pragmatic view on when to start cooling infants, allowing enough time for eligible infants to be identified and enrolled into the studies.
It is to the investigatorsâ credit that the three largest trials (CooCap, NICHD and TOBY trials) all used similar entry criteria (mild-to-moderate hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)), depth of cooling (33.5°C), time of commencement of cooling â¦.
Optimising therapeutic hypothermiaUsing the National Neonatal Research Database, Lara Shipley and colleagues lowest price diflucan studied infantsâ¥36 weeks gestation who were admitted to UK neonatal units with moderate or severe hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). Between 2011 and 2016 there were 5059 infants. Birth in a centre which provided servo controlled lowest price diflucan therapeutic hypothermia (a cooling centre) vs a non-cooling centre was associated with increased survival to discharge without seizures (35.1% vs 31.8%. OR 1.15, 95%âCI 1.02 to 1.31. P=0.02).
Fewer infants born in cooling centres were diagnosed with seizures (60.7% vs 64.6%). Survival was similar. There were 2364 infants who were born in a non-cooling centre. Non-cooling centres would initiate passive cooling pending transfer of the infant to a cooling centre. Amongst the 2027 of these infants with a recorded admission temperature at the time of arrival at the cooling centre, 259 (12.7%) had a temperature in the recommended therapeutic range before 6âhours of age.
There were a further 48.3% who arrived at the cooling centre between 6 and 12 hours of age with a temperature in the recommended range. The authors conclude that almost half of all infants with a diagnosis of moderate or severe HIE are born in non-cooling centres and the disparity of access to immediate therapeutic hypothermia could impact on outcomes. They encourage further equipping, training and support of non-cooling centres to minimise delays in optimal treatment. In an accompanying editorial, Topun Austin and Ela Chakkarapani review the evidence that, within the therapeutic window, earlier treatment is likely to be more effective. They encourage wider implementation and support of active cooling prior to transport.
They point out that although there were fewer seizures in the infants born in cooling centres, this may be in part explained by greater access to aEEG monitoring in cooling centres, so this cannot be considered a reliable proxy for adverse neurological outcome.In a separate editorial, Seetha Shankaran and colleagues discuss the evidence that late hypothermia treatment may still be of some benefit depending on the interpretation of the results of the NICHD NRN late hypothermia trial. They also discuss the article by Mohamed Ali Tagin and Alastair Gunn that appeared in the September issue of the journal.1 Tagin and Gunn had encouraged clinicians who are uncertain about whether an infant meets cooling criteria to choose cooling because they consider the potential benefits to outweigh the potential harms. Shankaran and colleague discuss potential downsides to this therapeutic creep (cooling for the wrong diagnosis, overtreatment, iatrogenic problems from a therapy not needed) and they stress the importance of completing ongoing studies of treatment in infants with mild encephalopathy and of treatment of preterm infants. See pages F6, F2 and F4Life threatening BPDRebecca Naples and colleagues report a prospective national study conducted through the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit of Infants with life threatening BPD. This was defined as a requirement for positive pressure respiratory support or pulmonary vasodilators at 38 weeks corrected gestational age after birth before 32 weeks gestation.
From June 2017 to July 2018 153 infants were reported from the UK and Ireland, giving a minimum incidence of 13.9 per 1000 infants born before 32 weeks. From this statistic, level three neonatal units in the UK and Ireland will see around one such infant per year. The statistic does not include the infants with severe BPD who have already died by 38 weeks so it will underestimate the mortality from severe BPD. It is easy to be tempted into pessimism about the outcomes of infants with such severe BPD, but the results of this study give grounds for a more positive outlook. By 1âyear of age 16% of the infants had died, so survival was the usual outcome.
Discharge home was achieved by 81%, mostly on low flow oxygen â 9% required long term ventilation. Median age at discharge was 143 days. Post-discharge, two infants required new invasive ventilation, one required CPAP and eight required high flow during readmissions in the first year of life. Major concern about neurodevelopmental impairment was present at 1âyear in around 1 out of 5 surviving infants. See page F13Automated control of FiO2Numerous systems have now been reported for delivering automated control of FiO2 to newborn infants on ventilation and non-invasive respiratory support.
All have shown that automated control results in more time intended target range. It remains to be shown that their use improves clinical outcomes. This will require large trials and for these to be interpretable we will need to know whether the different devices result in similar or different achieved oxygen saturation profiles for a given target, as it may be inappropriate to consider the devices to be interchangeable. Hylke Salverda and colleagues performed a cross-over study comparing two different devices that are in current use and showed potentially important differences in performance, with one device achieving more time in target range than the other. Onc device resulted in more time with lower than intended SpO2 and the other in more time with higher than intended SpO2.
See page F20Spontaneous breathing during delayed cord clampingHere are some more data on the haemodynamics of transition with the cord intact. Emma Brouwer and colleagues performed continuous uasound recordings of blood flow during transition in 15 term born infants with delayed cord clamping. They found that during inspiration the inferior vena cava collapsed and blood flow into the foetus from the placenta increased, suggesting that inspiration may be an important driver of net placental transfusion. See page F65HFNC versus CPAP for primary support in preterm infantsShaam Bruet and colleagues performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing nasal CPAP with high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) as primary treatment for preterm infants. They included 10 studies that enrolled 1830 patients.
Treatment failure, as defined by the authors of the individual studies, was more common with HFNC than with CPAP (RR=1.34, 95%âCI 1.01 to 1.68, I2=16.2%), but there was not a significant difference in the number of patients who required intubation. Nasal trauma was less common with HFNC (RR=0.48, 95%âCI 0.31 to 0.65, I²=0.0%). Protocols of six studies allowed cross over to CPAP in infants on HFNC meeting failure criteria, meaning that infants crossed over to CPAP and were not intubated. Individual morbidities were not significantly different. The authors of the review prefer initial treatment with HFNC to avoid nasal trauma, with cross over to CPAP if required.
The data are not strong enough to give rise to a clear recommendation for all. See page F56Ethics statementsPatient consent for publicationNot applicable.Ethics approvalThis study does not involve human participants.It is now over 25 years since publication of the first experimental study demonstrating that mild hypothermia after transient hypoxia-ischaemia ameliorates delayed energy failure in a newborn piglet model.1 Since then, and following several large randomised controlled trials, therapeutic hypothermia (TH) has become, and currently remains the only, treatment shown to reduce death and disability in infants born following perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia. In the early experimental studies, cooling was initiated immediately after the insult. Subsequent studies have shown that delayed initiation of cooling results in a significant reduction in the therapeutic effect of cooling.2 The Total Body Hypothermia (TOBY) trial showed a trend to improved outcome in infants cooled within 4âhours of delivery and it has been shown that motor outcomes improved in infants who were cooled within 3âhours of delivery compared with those cooled after 3âhours of delivery.3 Conversely, there is limited evidence regarding the efficacy of cooling started beyond 12 hours of age. Therefore, current evidence would suggest that the sooner cooling is commenced, the more likely it is to be beneficial.Translating experimental science into clinical practice is immensely challenging.
In designing the first clinical trials of TH, investigators had to take a pragmatic view on when to start cooling infants, allowing enough time for eligible infants to be identified and enrolled into the studies. It is to the investigatorsâ credit that the three largest trials (CooCap, NICHD and TOBY trials) all used similar entry criteria (mild-to-moderate hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)), depth of cooling (33.5°C), time of commencement of cooling â¦.
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"On the contrary, globally, the conditions are ideal for more variants to emerge."But he insisted that "we can end antifungal medication as a global health emergency, and we can do it this year," by reaching goals like WHO's target to vaccinate 70% of the population of each country by the middle of this year, with a focus on people who are at the highest risk of antifungal medication, and improving testing and sequencing rates to track the diflucan and its emerging variants more closely.Omicron is less likely to cause severe illness than buy diflucan for yeast the previous delta variant, according to studies. Omicron spreads even more buy diflucan for yeast easily than other antifungals strains, and has already become dominant in many countries. It also more easily infects those who have been vaccinated or had previously been infected by prior versions of the diflucan.Not a Modern Healthcare subscriber?.
Sign up today."It's true that we will be living with antifungal medication for the foreseeable future and that we will need to learn to manage it through a sustained and integrated system for buy diflucan for yeast acute respiratory diseases" to help prepare for future diflucans, Tedros said. "But learning to live with antifungal medication cannot mean that we give this diflucan a free ride. It cannot mean that we accept almost 50,000 deaths a week from a preventable and treatable disease."In stark buy diflucan for yeast terms, Tedros also appealed for strengthening WHO and increasing funding for it to help stave off health crises."Let me put it plainly.
If the buy diflucan for yeast current funding model continues, WHO is being set up to fail," he said. "The paradigm shift in world health that is needed now must be matched by a paradigm shift in funding the world's health organization."The head of WHO's European region, Dr. Hans Kluge, said separately in a statement that omicron "offers plausible hope for buy diflucan for yeast stabilization and normalization," but cautioned.
"Our work is not done." He was alluding to signs that the new variant has shown to bring with it less severe disease, even if it's more transmissible.He lamented "huge disparities" in access to treatments, and echoed concerns from other WHO officials that areas where people are less immunized could allow the diflucan to adapt â and possibly lead to new variants.Kluge offered a more hopeful note, even if he said "it is almost a given that new antifungal medication variants will emerge and return."He said that practices like strong surveillance of new variants, high vaccination uptake, regular ventilation of indoor areas, affordable equitable access to antiviral drugs, targeted testing, mask-wearing and physical distancing, "if and when a new variant appears, I believe that a new wave could no longer require the return to diflucan-era population-wide lockdowns or similar measures," he said..
The World Health Organization's director-general on Monday warned that conditions remain ideal for more antifungals variants to emerge and it's dangerous to assume omicron is the last one or that "we are in the endgame."But Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the acute phase of the diflucan could still end this year if some key targets are met.Tedros laid out an array of achievements and concerns lowest price diflucan in global health over issues like reducing tobacco use, fighting resistance to anti-microbial treatments, and risks of climate change on human health. But he said "ending the acute phase lowest price diflucan of the diflucan must remain our collective priority.""There are different scenarios for how the diflucan could play out and how the acute phase could end. But it's dangerous to assume that omicron will be the last variant or that we are in the endgame," Tedros told the start of a WHO executive board meeting this week. "On the contrary, globally, the conditions are ideal for more variants to emerge."But he insisted that "we can end antifungal medication as a global health emergency, lowest price diflucan and we can do it this year," by reaching goals like WHO's target to vaccinate 70% of the population of each country by the middle of this year, with a focus on people who are at the highest risk of antifungal medication, and improving testing and sequencing rates to track the diflucan and its emerging variants more closely.Omicron is less likely to cause severe illness than the previous delta variant, according to studies.
Omicron spreads even more easily than other antifungals strains, and has already become lowest price diflucan dominant in many countries. It also more easily infects those who have been vaccinated or had previously been infected by prior versions of the diflucan.Not a Modern Healthcare subscriber?. Sign up today."It's true that we will be living with antifungal medication for the foreseeable future and that we lowest price diflucan will need to learn to manage it through a sustained and integrated system for acute respiratory diseases" to help prepare for future diflucans, Tedros said. "But learning to live with antifungal medication cannot mean that we give this diflucan a free ride.
It cannot mean that we accept almost 50,000 deaths a week from a preventable and treatable disease."In stark terms, lowest price diflucan Tedros also appealed for strengthening WHO and increasing funding for it to help stave off health crises."Let me put it plainly. If the current funding model continues, WHO is being set up to fail," he lowest price diflucan said. "The paradigm shift in world health that is needed now must be matched by a paradigm shift in funding the world's health organization."The head of WHO's European region, Dr. Hans Kluge, said separately lowest price diflucan in a statement that omicron "offers plausible hope for stabilization and normalization," but cautioned.
"Our work is not done." He was alluding to signs that the new variant has shown to bring with it less severe disease, even if it's more transmissible.He lamented "huge disparities" in access to treatments, and echoed concerns from other WHO officials that areas where people are less immunized could allow the diflucan to adapt â and possibly lead to new variants.Kluge offered a more hopeful note, even if he said "it is almost a given that new antifungal medication variants will emerge and return."He said that practices like strong surveillance of new variants, high vaccination uptake, regular ventilation of indoor areas, affordable equitable access to antiviral drugs, targeted testing, mask-wearing and physical distancing, "if and when a new variant appears, I believe that a new wave could no longer require the return to diflucan-era population-wide lockdowns or similar measures," he said..