Marketing from the ground up…literally.

By: Nick Dillard  |  Posted In: Marketing, New @PrintPapa  |  October 2, 2012

Floor Graphics

The floor is the new billboard! No really, it is. All this time, right beneath our feet has been prime marketing space. Outdoors or indoors, you can make a very bold statement. “How do I make this life altering marketing statement”, you say? Floor Graphics! Textured for durability, full color and ready to stick on almost any floor surface.

Applications include:

  • Retail
  • Stadiums
  • Safety Signs
  • Parking
  • Public Transportation
  • Directional Signage
  • Event/Promotional Graphics
  • Home decor
  • & more!

Remember, applications are only limited by your imagination. The right Floor Graphic can completely change the look and feel of your retail space or completely bring together a theme for an outdoor event. It’s artwork that is meant to be walked on.