Are you sure that your client is carrying your business card in his pocket and has not left back at home? Merely making regular business cards might lead to the latter. But designing business cards with care will certainly lead to the former. And an effective way of designing your business cards is by using a good font.
Business cards printing service at PrintPapa gives you a large variety of font styles for you to choose from. However, do not for one that looks beautiful and attractive to you. Think about your business and who your customers are. Then go for the font which you think will attract attention better than others.
To make things simpler for you, here are 4 of the most popular types of fonts:
- Helvetica: A classic font, Helvetica is the most popular typeface in the world. Being simple without being boring makes it one among the few of its kind. It created quite a stir since its creation in 1957 and still sits atop the throne of business fonts. This font has the ability to go with any business genre.Online business cards printing at PrintPapa allows you to design your cards in a wholesome manner at affordable prices. Opt for a contrasting look that upholds the font better.
- Riesling: Timeless, elegant and smooth, the Riesling font gives testimony to the wine it is named after. With lines going from thick to thin, the structure is very clean and compact, yet has a lively feel. This font can be used by event planners and hotels and restaurants.PrintPapa’s Custom business card printing allows you to give shapes to your cards. This can be an added advantage along with your decorative font.
- KG Sorry Not Sorry: This font was designed keeping in mind a conversational flair yet having a professional quality. Its not-straight-yet-straight structure gives it a casual feel and its all-caps characteristic makes it a great choice for names.
- Garden Gnome: Rounded, bouncy, whimsical, the garden gnome font has the perfect childish touch to it. A happy font, it makes for a great choice in business cards of children’s book authors, teachers, and other such professions and businesses.
Business cards printing is a great way to introduce your business to potential clients. Make sure that you have a good-looking card along with a suited font to have a better influence on them. Opt for high-quality business cards from PrintPapa with fast turnarounds. To know more, visit or call us at 408-567-9553.