The Magnificent Magnet

By: Nick Dillard  |  Posted In: Design Tips, Fun Stuff, Marketing  |  August 14, 2012


The above images show a few ideas for Custom Magnet uses, however, the reality is that there are MANY more. We posted a blog recently outlining a few ideas and explaining their attributes (Click Here), but this post will list a great deal more. Not only the product ideas, but where you can use these products effectively as well.

What To Put

  1. ER Phone Numbers
  2. Appointment Cards
  3. Dry Erase Calendar
  4. Appliance Labels
  5. Games
  6. Reminders
  7. Business Cards
  8. Sports Schedules
  9. To-Do pads
  10. Menus
  11. Coupons
  12. Circuit Breaker Charts
  13. Instructions

Where To Put It

  1. Refrigerators
  2. Vending machines
  3. Propane tanks
  4. Dumpsters
  5. Medicine Cabinets
  6. Doors
  7. Phone Booths
  8. Magazine Inserts
  9. Tool Chests
  10. Cubicle Dividers
  11. Teacher’s Desks
  12. Lockers
  13. Cash Registers
  14. ATM Machines
  15. Picture Frames
  16. Gas Station Pumps
  17. Shelves
  18. Filing Cabinets
  19. Garbage Cans
  20. Playground Equipment