Uncoated…the new Classy

By: Nick Dillard  |  Posted In: Design Tips, Marketing  |  July 6, 2012

Business Cards. Considered to be the single most important first impression you can give to a potential client or customer. Naturally, you’d always like to put your best foot forward, but how to do that. Well, let’ consider a few things.

Design: A very Important aspect of the Business Card, perhaps the most overall. An excellent design makes all of the difference.

Shape: Another aspect of design that is often overlooked. An awkward card shape can be an inconvenience to the recipients of your card.

Texture: An added bonus to an already well designed and terrifically shaped card. A glossy or UV Coated card can sometimes be seen as gaudy or over the top. An un-coated finish can give your BC a very refined look even for companies that have a more whimsical persona.

Something to note.

  • No need for UV coating. Unlike regular 14pt. without UV, the Un-Coated stock used at PrintPapa.com allows the ink to soak in completely and eliminates the chance of smudging or scratching from excessive handling.