Why Booklets Should Be Part of Your Marketing Mix

By: Mitali Ghosh  |  Posted In: Marketing  |  April 11, 2019

In the digital age when you can simply send across your company’s literature or promotional material over email or through different messengers, does the good old booklet still hold its ground? As a business engaged in high quality printing services we have only seen the demand for booklet printing go up over the years and this just proves that they are still as relevant as they were before the digital revolution. So why should booklets be part of your marketing mix? Here’s the answer to any doubts you still have about their relevance –

They improve brand awareness…
You get dozens of emails promoting different products and services in your mailbox. Do you care to look at them? If majority of these end up in your trash folder the same also happens to your marketing emails! The fact is digital marketing materials has a poor conversion rate. Instead if you hand over a printed booklet to your potential customers they are likely to spend time with the same helping your brand rise up the scale of awareness.

booklet printing services

They create desire…
Whether it is booklet printing services or any other type of marketing material you are using the main aim is to arouse desire in the mind of your customers. They should immediately see your products or services improve their lives. This way they will develop an emotional bond with your brand. Since booklets have that touch factor attached to them they are able to arouse desire faster than a post on Facebook.

They resonate for long…
The impact of digital marketing is short-lived. A person might forget the website he or she visited or never find the Facebook post that had aroused desire few weeks back. A printed booklet’s impact resonates for long and if the person is in need of such products and services they are likely to find the booklet and get in touch with you.

If you are looking for booklet printing services or other kinds of affordable printing services at PrintPapa we have been serving the needs of small and big clients alike. We combine state-of-the-art printing technology with professionalism to deliver high quality products in the quickest time. Visit our website at https://www.printpapa.com or give us a call at 408-567-9553.