
Why Choose Banner Marketing for Your Business

Banner ads have been a part of the marketing strategy for both the corporate magnates as well as the small-scale start-up firms that require aggressive advertising to survive. Banner ads, whether physical or online, have always managed to attract attention and therefore do what is desirable form ads – generate leads by greater volumes! And that is just one of the reasons of choosing banner advertisements or banner marketing as a primary technique in embellishing your brand image or improving your lead generation statistics!


Banner advertisements have become a widely accepted genre in the marketing campaigns, especially for those that use physical marketing collateral to propagate their image to the niche consumer base. So what are the other allied reasons that has made banner marketing a potent tool for increasing your presence in the industry?


Listed below are only a handful of the same:

  • Banner Ads Are Eye-catchy – So why has banner ads remained in vogue while all other arts of physical advertising seem to be dying off with the advent of audio-visual advertising? The answer is simple – it manages to deliver on the promise of ads – get target consumers interested in the company or the product. And does it much better than other advertising techniques around. A banner ad, whether on the highway, the subway or in a trade fair, is bound to catch attention – sheerly because of its size and placement. So, once you get your placement and the design (complete with the punchline) right, a banner ad can get you more leads than a costly audio-visual advertisement can garner.


  • Are a Cheaper Mode of Public Advertisement –  Even though today online advertisements and audio-visual media ads are gaining ground on print advertisements, banner ads remain a cheaper and yet a much more prominent brand promotion solution, especially because of its large size and placement.
  • Target Uncharted Consumer Territories – Using banner ads in areas where you may not have decided to start campaigning yet, is a great way to initiate the target consumer base to the product or the company. Unlike audio-visual advertisements, which are temporary and cannot produce the desired impact if not of the optimum quality, banner ads, being stationary, can barrage the idea or USP of the product or the company into the target consumers’ minds.


Therefore, banner marketing is a viable option for those who are seeking a cheap but efficient print alternative to audio-visual marketing ideas. This is more so applicable in the recession, where firms have started to focus more on marketing strategies that produce results without asking for a fortune as an investment.


But one key point to be kept in mind before launching a banner marketing campaign is the importance of hiring a professional printing agency to print your banner ad. Otherwise the desired effect and the consequential business leads and sales will only stay away, in askance of a more professional and honed approach.

At PrintPapa we offer 2 kinds of banners:

  1. Economy Banners: Long Indoor Use or Short term outdoor use. These are printed on polypropylene and has a high level of brightness. These are around 7 mil thick and can be printed in full color.
  2. Premium Banners: Mainly meant for long term Outdoor use. These are printed on thick 13 mil vinyl material and has a very nice surface to print on. The finish is kind of matte finish.
Post Tags :
banner ads, banner advertisements, banner marketing, Marketing, printing agency
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One Response

  1. Hey There, read this article and found it really good… i just wanted to add that I found something related to banner marketing and thought it would be a great addition.

    Basically it lets you manage all your banners. All you do is use your custome link for all your banners, and you can update, rotate swap out even change the URL they point to… Imagine only having to post your banner once on a site…

    Joe D’Ailleboust

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