Why You Can’t Dump Brochures from Your Marketing Campaign As Yet

By: Mitali Ghosh  |  Posted In: Marketing  |  April 4, 2019

The world of marketing is going through a transitionary phase where businesses are getting more inclined towards digital marketing. This brings us to an important question – should you completely do away with brochures? Is it worth spending money on brochures printing in today’s world? At PrintPapa we have been at the forefront of online brochure printing for many years and can say with much authority that you’d be naïve to dump brochures completely from your marketing campaign. Here are few good reasons why brochures are still a powerful marketing tool –

online brochure printing

  • Cost Effective – As much as you think digital marketing is zero cost, it isn’t. While you may not spend on printing and distribution you’ll surely have to pay an agency to run your campaign. Compared to this brochures printing is much more cost effective which makes it an ideal marketing tool for small businesses with tight marketing budgets.
  • Targeted – You can send thousands of emails or reach thousands through a Facebook post. But their conversion rates tend to be abysmal. With brochures printing you will be able to run a highly targeted campaign and distribute them among people who are likely to become your customer.
  • Informational – Most digital campaigns tend to act like teasers where they fail to provide complete information about the products. Brochures on the other hand are highly informational and hence they are able to arouse the right kind of desire in your customer’s mind. They lead your customers towards action faster than other marketing materials.
  • Complement Digital Marketing – Brochures marketing need not be at odds with your digital marketing campaign. They have assumed a complementary role in the recent time. Your digital marketing campaign will establish your brand or an idea in front of your audience while your brochures shall reinforce that idea and turn it into a fruitful campaign.

You can clearly see reasons why you can’t dump brochures printing as yet. If you are looking for cost effective and steadfast online printing in California we have been in this business for more than a decade and shall impress you with our quality and professionalism. Visit our website at https://www.printpapa.com or give us a call at 408-567-9553.