Notepads are one of the most commonly used items both at home and office. Although notepads can be purchased from the open market it is ideal to design a custom notepad which will promote your organization. However don’t confuse a notepad with a company letterhead as both of them are different and serve different purposes. Here are few simple tips that can help you in designing your custom notepad:
- Know The Size: Talk to your printer and find out the printing size before you start designing. The most common sizes are the 4.25×5.5 (qtr page), 8.5×5.5 (half page) and 8.5×11 notepads (full page). Changing the dimensions at the last moment can spoil the layout so have perfect dimensions to start with.
- Use A Tool: The best way to design a notepad is to use a DTP tool like MS Publisher, Pagemaker, Corel Draw or Photoshop. All of these will give you the opportunity to play with text and graphics while designing your notepad. But do not clutter the notepad with too many things as the main purpose of a notepad is to write so blank spaces are necessary.
- Use Your Logo: Your notepad should establish your brand and thus it is important that you use your logo in it. Place your logo on the top portion of the notepad on either side. The logo should be made prominent in the notepad. This can be done by making the logo brighter or using a shadow behind it. This will make it stand out and draw attention.
- Text Is Key: Make judicious use of text in your notepad. Too much of text will spoil the show and too little of it won’t make it look like a notepad. Make sure that you type the company name, address, phone number, fax number, website and email contact information in an appropriate, legible font. Avoid using fancy fonts as they tend to look unprofessional.
- Multiple Copy Layout: Printing on large sheets of paper reduces the printing cost in most cases. Make one notepad and then copy and place it on the adjacent side. The number of copies in one single print page will depend on the size of the paper and dimension of your notepad. This should be done in consultation with your printer.
- Margins Are Important: Always leave a few millimeters of space on each side of the notepad while sending it for the purpose of printing. This will be used by the printer while cutting adjacent copies and resizing of your notepad to the exact size.
You should complement your design with high quality printing and can hire the service of a printers like PrintPapa. They have over the years built expertise in printing of all kinds of corporate and domestic materials such as business cards, notebooks, posters, postcards, banners and many more.