Postcard designing is not something very easy. People are bad at postcard designing because they emphasize on conversion, which is not the purpose of a postcard. The salespeople will do that. The postcard is about arousing interest. If a potential customer doesn’t know how your product can do good for them, they won’t buy it. Postcard design should whet the appetite of the customers. It should be designed in such a way so the customers act on your call to action and contact you to get your product. So instead of thinking from the perspective of selling the product, think about how the product can help the customers.
Creating catchy postcard designs
As it comes to creating good postcard designs, think about how you can take the prospects to the next step, and let them talk to you. It shouldn’t be about closing a deal. Let’s have a look at some tips on creating a catchy postcard design.

Google image can help – This is a great tool to search for the topic. If you search with solar, for example, you would be rather flooded with images of the solar panel. But things shouldn’t be like this. There must be something that would be interesting and meant for the welfare of the customers. Instead of solar, search with terms like environment and you’ll find images of trees and that is good enough. Choose a royalty-free nice image for the postcard.
Choose a short yet powerful headline – This would be the cornerstone of your postcard. The headline should be inspiring. You may get help from Pinterest. Search with the terms related to your product. Get out of your ideas and think like you’re experiencing the product for the first time. Use a great image along with a good headline. Adding a pun in the headline would be a fresh idea. Talk something that inspires the customers. Like, if you talk about solar power, it may sound interesting. But when you say that solar power can save the world, it’ll be aspirations. In a nutshell, your headline should be the tagline. Remember the tagline shouldn’t be about your product but the ideals of the customers.

Simple, short, and informative supportive text is a must – The subtext of the postcard must be short and should be displayed prominently on the card behind an attention-grabbing headline and the photo. The text has to be the most informative out of these three design components. It must be a punchy yet short text stating the facts so the customers act on your call to action. You won’t have much time to evoke customers’ interest. Make use of this time to grab customers’ attention and let them understand how they can benefit from your product. Remember, nobody cares about your company. People are interested in the reasons to use your product. Like, they drink coke just because it is yummy. They are not concerned whether it’s coke or anything else.
Reiterate the benefits on the back of the postcard – This is required. But don’t say too much. Highlight the benefits to make them interested in your products. Benefits are all they are concerned about, not your brand.
At the end of the day, a great catchy postcard design is about the best for your customers. Concentrate on what the customers want because they don’t know about you. Design the card from the perspective of the end-users. Evaluate the same from their point of view. The right conversation will naturally come from this mindset.