What are the Booklet Binding Methods?
If you are a business owner you must be using some promotional materials or the other to reach out to the thousands of prospective clients waiting out there.
If you are a business owner you must be using some promotional materials or the other to reach out to the thousands of prospective clients waiting out there.
Bookbinding is one of the most important stages in a book publishing industry. Book covers play an important role in the success and failure of books. This is quite ironical considering there is a famous saying “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”
Today’s competitive business environment requires more creative booklets which can catch the eyes of the target audience. Booklets arouse interest in minds of the people to purchase a product or a service and thus it is important to make your booklet attractive and make it stand out.
NEWS UPDATE: 3/3/2010 We have finally finished with the installation and training on our new Booklet maker from Horizon. Now we can produce booklets in-house, thus