Top 10 Ways to Get Traffic to My Website without Worries

By: shawn  |  Posted In: Tips & Tricks  |  May 25, 2009

A website gets its recognition through increased traffic. It is like fetching customers to your business. There are several search engine optimization companies that help you get traffic on your websites directly through search engines. You can also get increased traffic on websites via various mediums.

Top 10 Ways to Get Traffic to My Website Easily

Are you asking yourself about the ‘top 10 ways to get traffic to my website?’ Here are some easy tips:

Let Design Stay Simple – Avoid cluttering the site with graphics, different fonts and other elements. Keep it simple and elegant.

Appealing Domain Name – Create a short domain name that reflects your brand name and your business. Remember, shifting to another domain name in future is quite a complex process and therefore, not advisable.

Gain Recognition via Search Engines – Search engines are the most valuable tools to drive major traffic (more than 75%) to websites. Put some excellent links of relevant websites’ on your site as it will enable the search engine to find your website soon.

Hire Prime Locations – Put your online advertisements on top news sites and search engines as both cater to driving major traffic. Of course, you will have to pay for these ads but soon the visibility you will gain will bring more clients and more business to your doorstep.

Swap Ads with Other Sites – Exchange banners and links with other sites. It will increase your visibility and bring faster traffic. It is better than waiting for the traffic to get directed by search engines.

Create your Blog – Quality content is a driving factor that can bring loads of traffic to your site. Take the example of HuffPo, which is the world’s most famous blog. The number of viewers is roughly 12 million a month! So, blogs are a great way to boost traffic as search engines locate them more frequently. Several other sites will also recommend you through back links. Once again, it will boost your business visibility tremendously.

Be Proactive in Web Communities – Take a proactive stand in other blogs and forums.

Submit Comments and Articles – Leave comments to new posts and add your site’s links which can be hyperlinked to your name. Do the same by submitting quality articles.

A final point to keep in mind is keep your site updated with relevant and useful content. Once readers recognize the quality of content on your site, they will visit again. When you update content, your website will pop up in search engine results more frequently. So, try out these tips right away.