“First impression is the last impression” they say and your letterhead is the first impression for your clients. Traditionally letterheads have been monotonous with a combination of logo, contact and tagline. There is however nothing that can stop you from being creative with your letterhead designing to create a long lasting impression on the minds of your clients.
- Be consistent: A letterhead is a part of a larger package that will include newsletters, business cards, brochure, envelopes and other promotional materials. The designing for all these needs to be consistent. If a client sees your letterhead he should recall your business card.
- Positioning is key: Positioning of your tagline, logo and contact details plays a vital role in making your letterhead look impressive. Make sure the letterhead looks balanced and avoid making it look top or bottom happy. The contact information can be moved to the bottom of the letterhead which allows you to be a little more creative at the top.
- Play vertically: A vertical column with your tagline, logo or the URL of your website can make your letterhead unique and stand up among the crowd. This also ensures that the top and bottom of your letterhead looks more balanced.
- Fold It: No rule says that the letterhead needs to be a single page monotonous document. You can print certain things on the back page and fold it over. Some interesting information about organization can be behind the leaf. Such kind of letterheads can engage the clients.
- Add a watermark: Although a relatively old concept a watermark behind your letterhead adds prestige to it. Normally the logo of a company is used in the watermark but a tagline or the image of the founder can also be used the watermark of your letterhead.
- Use a foil-stamp: Although it might be a bit expensive a foil-stamped logo on your letterhead is an excellent way to stamp your authority over others. Since the foil outshines everything else on the paper, it immediately creates an impression of your organization.
- Use a die-cut: If you want to walk that extra mile with your letterhead and are bold enough than a die-cut might just be the right thing for you. It allows you to create unique letterhead which supports your brand identity.
- Print high quality: Never compromise on quality printing. Your letterhead must be printed on high-quality paper. Inferior paper and printing quality will create a bad impression in the minds of the clients. All kinds of corporate printing be it letterhead, business cards or newsletters much be printed high quality.
PrintPapa is a company that has added value to the print promotions and has the expertise in the field of high quality printing of letterheads and other corporate documents.
I love the fold over idea! Very original!
You’re totally right in what you say about print quality. There is little more off-putting than poor print quality on a letterhead