Marketing your Book to Make Money
Most of the authors who write book have a commercial interest in it. You would always want your book to sell more which brings you money and fame at the same time.
Most of the authors who write book have a commercial interest in it. You would always want your book to sell more which brings you money and fame at the same time.
It is highly important how an envelope is designed and in that case you must make your envelope shine. It should be so created that the reader feels the urge to unravel the hidden content.
People still like to receive a advertising postcard then a direct mail from a company. Postcards have been popular marketing ever since the fall of the last century only the content and designing of the cards have changed.
Most of the big guns of the corporate houses like to read either some stuff related to their niche or other books of interest so if you can get an effectively designed laid out bookmark into their hands then you will certainly get noticed.
People lay a lot of thought on the content and design and forget in a hurry that the recipient has to open the letter to read through the messages sent by you. Most of the mails are opened near a trash box and once anything unwanted is spotted the letter gets its place in the basket.